Christian Reconstruction and Pete Hegseth’s Confirmation as Secretary of Defense

Herschel Smith · 26 Jan 2025 · 7 Comments

I had earlier point out that the progressives weren't giving up without a fight. Their hard-fought victory over the military establishment and the consequent loss of it, even if partial, cuts deeply. They have so weakened the edifice that it is crumbling. The department cannot meet recruitment goals, needs warfighters for the national defense and cannot find them, wastes increasingly precious dollars on failed programs, and celebrates transgenders and LGBTQ. This crumbling of the edifice meets…… [read more]

David Kopel Before The Supreme Court

BY Herschel Smith
3 years ago


Today I filed an amicus brief in support of a cert. petition challenging Maryland’s ban on various semiautomatic rifles. The case is Bianchi v. Frosh, and was brought by the Firearms Policy Coalition, the Second Amendment Foundation, and individual plaintiffs. Petitioners are represented by the D.C. powerhouse litigation boutique Cooper & Kirk. (Docket page herePetition here.)

[ … ]

  1. Many lower courts have narrowed Heller from below.

  2. Failure to grant review would tempt Congress to enact a national ban, over-riding the policy choices of 43 states.

  3. The Fourth Circuit’s novel rule that governments can ban all firearms that are supposedly “like” military arms is based on an egregious misreading of one phrase from Heller. The Fourth Circuit rule would uphold a ban on many common firearms, such as the ubiquitous Colt 1911 .45 caliber pistol, and every semiautomatic pistol that is essentially similar to the Colt, which is to say all of them.

  4. The Maryland ban harms public safety because the rifles that it singles out for prohibition are easier to fire accurately, easier to store safely, and often superior for lawful self-defense. To say that improved firearms can be banned because criminals might take advantage of the improvements would be to say that firearms can never be improved.

He gets into “common usage” as well, and we can all agree that any weapon can be and has been a military weapon and that the common usage doctrine was an abominable and inconsistent idea.  As one reader pointed out recently, if something isn’t in common usage, it cannot be introduced into circulation and therefore will never become commonly used.

But Kopel is one of the good guys, and he knows what he’s doing.  He has to play within the rules he’s been given.

Forest Service guns down 47 head cattle in New Mexico

BY Herschel Smith
3 years ago


US Forest Service sharp shooters killed 47 head of stray cattle on Thursday, Feb. 10 and were in the air again on Friday as part of the USFS aerial gunning in the Gila National Forest and Wilderness in New Mexico. Numbers were provided to New Mexico Cattle Growers Association from APHIS Wildlife Services Thursday evening and reported no cattle were observed with ear tags or brands prior to engagement.

According to Caren Cowan, publisher of New Mexico Stockman and a consultant for New Mexico Federal Lands Council, the cattle located in the rough, mountain terrain are strays left behind by forest service permittees that grazed prior to the removal of corrals, fences, and other infrastructure. This action is a direct result of a lawsuit against the US Forest Service by the Center for Biological Diversity (CBD) which the Forest Service settled, according to Loren Patterson, president of the New Mexico Cattle Growers Association. In 2021, The Center for Biological Diversity and Maricopa Audubon Society sued the U.S. Forest Service claiming that stray cattle have destroyed critical habitat for the endangered New Mexico meadow jumping mouse.

Well, I sure am glad that my federal taxes go to training US Forest Service “sharp shooters.”  I can’t think of anything America needs more than that.

And I sure am glad that the New Mexico jumping mouse can live in peace now.

It’s good to hear that the U.S. government is focused on the right things.  I can sleep comfortably tonight.

Speech by Canadian Army Major Stephen Chledowski

BY Herschel Smith
3 years ago

Warning up front.  I have absolutely no way to independently verify he is who he says he is.

If he is, he has just sacrificed his career to say these things.  He’ll be gone from the military very soon.

Watch it before YT takes it down, which I suspect would be very soon.

UPDATE: Via WiscoDave.

Yep, as I suspected and said.

A Canadian Army officer in New Brunswick is under investigation after calling for other military members and police to rise up over vaccination and pandemic restrictions.

Maj. Stephen Chledowski spoke in uniform in a seven-minute video Thursday, describing government actions during the pandemic as tyranny. He goes on to describe vaccination for COVID-19 as “genocide.”

Daniel Le Bouthillier, the head of media relations for the Canadian Forces, confirmed in an email that Chledowski is an active member of the military based at 5th Canadian Division Support Base Gagetown.

“We are investigating the incident and will be taking appropriate action,” Le Bouthillier said in the statement without specifying what that action may be.

He’ll lose his career.  He’s a brave guy.  My respect to him for truth-telling.

That’s A Lot Of AR-15s

BY Herschel Smith
3 years ago

25 million.  I think that number is probably about right, although it might be somewhat low.  I think it might press towards 30 million because it likely doesn’t account for personal builds.

The number is also just a bit dated, and many have seen sold since then.

The FedGov is scared of the rifle.  They hate it.  When they want to ban and regulate something so badly, you know they hate it.

Smart Dogs

BY Herschel Smith
3 years ago

Dogs are awesome.

Bartsh found a small cut on Milo’s paw, and rushed to get supplies from the vet. Mabel didn’t seem too worried about her baby brother’s injury — until she noticed it was getting him extra attention from Mom.

“When I called Milo over to change the bandage and Mabel saw all of the supplies, she immediately came over and plopped herself down right in front of me, lying on her side, ready to be fixed up,” Bartsh said. “I finally got her to move over, and once I got Milo all fixed up and he went on his way, she came right back over and laid down for her turn.”

Jealous Dog Fakes An Injury After Her Brother Hurts His Paw

Could just be that she was so concerned about her buddy that she felt sympathetic pain.

Naw.  Love me, love me, show me attention please.

My dad once called dogs stupid, and I replied, “We give them a place to live, free medical care, food and attention, and all we ask for in return is love.  Who are you calling stupid?”

I’ve seen horses do something similar before.  When catching and trying to saddle horses for a trail ride, we tried to figure out why one horse was limping so badly, figuring that it had gone on so long that he must be lame and need rest from a hoof bruise.  We let him go, and he galloped off to the other side of the field, not to be caught by us that day again.

Trucker Blockades And Convoys

BY Herschel Smith
3 years ago

Updates everywhere.

Are liberal MPs really turning on “Big Hair?”  We’ll see.

What Ambassador Bridge looks like today.

Ottawa police threaten immediate arrest.  Good globalists, they are.

Governor Gremlin [uh … I mean Gretchen] Whitmer is worried, and demands that the blockade be stopped.

The Canadian Trucker protest has spread outside of Ottawa and has now traveled to the largest border crossing in North America, which carries a tad bit more than a quarter of all trade between the two countries. For the past three or four days, the Ambassador Bridge which connects Detroit, Michigan, and Windsor, Ontario, has experienced bottlenecks and even closed due to the trucker protests. The protests have also slowed traffic at Port Huron. Michigan, and Sarnia, Windsor, crossing at the Blue Water Bridge, a bit up the road (about 70 miles) on I-94 East.

She’s worried about shutdowns of auto manufacturing.  She should be.  That problem won’t go away, no matter how much she screeches.

Finally, it seems that the U.S. trucker revolt will be a rallyA rally?

The following day, March 6, the truckers will launch their enormous convoy to Washington, DC, bringing our movement from DC to CA and back again—with a stop in Indianapolis along the convoy’s journey east. It’s gonna be epic. I hope you can join us in SoCal that weekend.

Um … what?  A rally?  You may as well invite laughter without the imposition of embargoes.  I guess this will be up to the Canadians then.

When a .380 Isn’t Enough – Namely, Bull Moose

BY Herschel Smith
3 years ago

Pretty much any time in the bush.

A bull moose spent nearly an hour stomping and attacking a rookie racer and her team of sled dogs amid a training run for the Iditarod in the frigid wilderness of Alaska.

Bridgette Watkins said the massive animal paid her little mind when she first spotted it on her 52-mile trek along Salcha River trail system, near Fairbanks. She told Outdoor Life she paused for the moose several more times, trying to keep plenty of space between them, and then suddenly it was charging at her.

A bull moose spent nearly an hour stomping and attacking a rookie racer and her team of sled dogs during a training run for the Iditarod in the frigid wilderness of Alaska.

The rookie racer aimed her .380 firearm at the animal, which had recently shed its antler, and then fired off half of its six rounds before it jammed. But the moose didn’t stop, so she dashed for cover beneath her sled, cleared the jam and then checked on her team. The moose was milling about her dogs, so she quickly cut free six of them, who were attached to snowmobile being driven by her friend and dog handler, Jen Nelson.

The moose again charged in their direction, prompting Watkins to fire another few rounds.

“We’re standing there and I said, ‘I’m out of bullets, I’m out of bullets, I have no more bullets’ … and I’m like, ‘this is it,’” she recalled. “I can count the whiskers on his nose. He’s two feet from me.”

Instead of attacking the women, the moose turned his attention to the remaining four dogs.

“Any time a dog would move or bark, the moose would go into attack mode. Over and over and over,” Watkins told the magazine.

“And we would yell and hit things and scream and try to distract him. And when he would stop, we would talk to the dogs. Because they’re standing there looking at me, terrified, and I’d try to keep them calm.”

Sled dog team attacked by moose.

She also said this.

“Everybody wants to tell me what kind of gun I should have or shouldn’t have, or how I should have or shouldn’t have shot,” Watkins says of the social media backlash. “I’m prepared now, and I was prepared then. I’m a lifelong Alaskan—I have every gun I need to kill even an elephant. It’s not that I don’t have the weapon, I’m just not going to a gunfight” when I’m running trails in February.

I’ll be the next somebody to tell you what to do.  When I went to the Weminuche Wilderness I was warned about Moose.  Bears … eh … not so much a problem up there, but “a Moose will stomp you to death and there are plenty of them.”

I carried a big bore handgun.  You should too.  Get yourself a .44 Magnum so this doesn’t happen again.

Another Canadian Blockade at Milk River

BY Herschel Smith
3 years ago

Via NC Renegades.

It’s also my understanding that arrests have been made, and that Alberta provincial head Jason Kenney only feigned a positive response to the truckers.

Holding a press conference to make his announcement [Full Video Here], premier Kenney said, “We cannot remain at a heightened state of emergency forever. We have to begin to heal, and so Alberta will move on. But we’ll do so carefully, we’ll do so prudently, we will do so only if it does not threaten the capacity of our healthcare system.” Kenney then outlined some softening to the covid restrictions.

Provincial rules that require students to wear masks in Alberta schools will end on Monday, and children under 12 won’t have to wear masks anywhere starting then.

Kenney stated a provincial work-from-home order will expire on March 1, along with the provincial mask mandate.  At the same time, the limits on social gatherings and students being permitted to be in non-socially distanced proximity with other students in schools will be removed.

However, while Premier Kenny said the vaccine passports called ‘Restriction Exemption Program’ (REP) would be eliminated at midnight tonight, the QR codes check-in gates would continue; vaccine requirements will remain; vaccine discrimination can continue by private businesses with government support; govt healthcare workers must still be vaccinated or get fired; entertainment venues would be allowed to sell food & drinks again (but customers must be seated); and rules on closing times, alcohol service times, table capacity in restaurants, and social distancing would remain in place.

So the Coutts truckers pulled back into place and resumed the blockade.  Good.  Kenney has been told that the truckers are stupid.  This is good too.  There’s no more serious weakness that underestimating the resolve and smarts of your opponents.

In this following video, one trucker says that his “son has disowned him.”  Well, I believe we all have a volition and that we’re responsible for our own actions, and that no one can really control another man’s thoughts.

But this kid has been trained in the public schools his whole life (I would imagine) and then perhaps in state-run colleges.  His thinking is wrongheaded.  Unless his father did something truly sinful like abuse his mother, and that hasn’t been charged, he is in no position to disown anyone.  He’s got it exactly backwards.  Maybe he will grow up one day.

In the mean time, this is video from Milk River.  The movement grows.

Ottawa Police Ordered to Return Fuel – Returns Fuel Contaminated – Freedom Convoy 2022

BY Herschel Smith
3 years ago

Left in the comments to this post by a reader.

So this is good.  It’s good because it once again demonstrates that the police are on the side of the globalists and will always and forever serve their globalist masters, and it will serve to convince the people that the police are not on their side.

This is actually extremely bad for the police.  Assuming, that is, the judge doesn’t hold them in contempt, in which case it goes from bad to worse.

The Party In Ottawa

BY Herschel Smith
3 years ago

Little boy “big hair” would have you believe this is just a few malcontents pulling this off.  But a few malcontents couldn’t pull of something like this.  It’s grass roots, required little planning, and includes virtually all walks of life (except for the police, who will do the bidding of the globalists).

This is called swarm behavior.  I hear retired generals, aspiring Lt. Colonels and pretend-scholars discuss swarm behavior all the time.  They have no idea what swarm behavior means.

It’s taken from the behavior of things like bees, where subtle signals between insects inform them of circumstances, share intelligence, and illicit innate behaviors as if a symphonic masterpiece was being performed without direction.  It could be chemical or pheromone signals to attack or move the hive, it could be a single bee performing a “waggle dance” to tell other bees where food is or where a potential new hive could be, or many other things. Swarm behavior has nothing to do with lots of people or insects crowding around. Generals and Lt. Colonels are mostly idiots, as are most “scholars” of warfare.

In this case, the swarm occurred because signals were seen and heard, people watched, and people responded the way their heart told them to. That tells you something about their heart, what they’ve endured the last couple of years, and just how much they’re willing to tolerate. There is no leader to speak of. This is the workers deciding when they’ve had enough.

Food is everywhere, horns are still honking (in spite of the court order to stop it), and the court order to return fuel to the truckers has added to their stores to extend the stay.

So far, life is good.  Big hair is scared.  He cannot turn this off. There is no spigot to close or switch to flip. The parliament is scared.  The globalists are scared.  They’ve lost control.  Control is everything to them.


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