Status Of Florida Open Carry
BY Herschel Smith
Floridians could openly carry firearms in public and wouldn’t need a permit to carry them concealed under legislation that now has the endorsement of Governor Ron DeSantis.
There’s one problem though… The bill hasn’t received a single hearing in either legislative chamber.
While the sponsor of the constitutional carry bill thinks it will be enough to pull the bill directly on the House floor for a vote, opponents don’t seem all that worried.
The controllers aren’t worried because the fix is in. The fix is always in.
Governor Ron DeSantis was asked if he would support constitutional carry at a press conference Thursday morning.
His direct response: “Put it on my desk I’ll sign it”.
[ … ]
But the legislation on this bill is on life support.
It hasn’t gotten a single hearing in either chamber and the Governor’s endorsement came with only nine days remaining in the legislative session.
It’s easy to say you’ll sign it when it has no chance of passing the chambers of the legislature.
I guess you don’t really think this is important enough to push it, DeSantis.
On March 9, 2022 at 11:32 pm, George 1 said:
Same old trick the Republicans always play. Spike the ball and claim they tried.
On March 12, 2022 at 5:32 pm, Robert Lyshon said:
I come from a state that had open carry and the crime on people went down with ccw robbers are not sure and you may not have time to defend yourself if need be, But with open carry and you do carry there is no question and robbers or what ever will and do think twice, Of course the same rules and laws should apply as with any fire arm sale or where you can and can not wear it or carry it and these laws in carrying should only apply to persons allowed to own fire arms the state i’m from is Maine thank you.
On March 13, 2022 at 8:02 am, Fred said:
I think you have a comma out of place!!! LOL. This comment is so funny. Thanks.
On March 13, 2022 at 8:37 pm, Dennis F Connolly said:
This is ridicules. this is 3rd year in row that a couple of RINOs have stopped this. It’s about time DeSanto’s did more than talk big.
On March 16, 2022 at 12:17 pm, Lawrence said:
Governor can only do so much. The real problem is voters who elected these Traitors. Putting blame on governor shows how foolish people are. These elected are anti freedom,probably are racist,and are on take from liberal democratic terrorist of America
On July 4, 2022 at 9:35 pm, Wayne said:
I am a strong proponent of Second amendment rights, but my only concern are people carrying guns who are untrained and have no knowledge of gun safety. I think that some kind of training should be required.
I would strongly support licensing like we have now with the option for conceal carry or open carry, meaning the only difference would be that you could open carry in some instances and conceal carry in other situations.