Interesting Animal Stories
BY Herschel Smith
This Doberman loves her master as much as my Heidi-girl loved me.
I love it when a blind dog can get happiness!
This fox wants to meet people.
This fox just wants to come to hear good banjo playing.
This is a fisher cat. I don’t think I’ve ever seen one even on video. Do we have any readers from Maine? Have you ever seen one?
This Kestrel escaped with his life, just barely. I don’t think the owls liked the visit.
On March 15, 2022 at 9:29 am, Bill Sullivan said:
We have a camp in northern Vermont, and we had a trail camera about 75 yards from the cabin. One slightly blurry photo was a fisher, running across the snow. And if you ever wondered just where a bear does his business, it was right in front of the camera.
On March 15, 2022 at 10:26 am, Dave Hubley said:
Been living in Maine since 73. Have a camp near Moosehead lake. Had a fisher living around camp for a couple of years(with the resulting depop of squirrels and some other small game). We saw it once down along the shore of our pond. Also, two years ago I was coming out of Baxter State Park with two friends, and we saw two(yes two)on the trip out up near Medway. Both were alongside the Maine Turnpike no less!! Amazing! We couldn’t believe it.
On March 15, 2022 at 11:03 am, Fred said:
Speaking of foxes, I had to locked ’em up last night as one was in the road. I thought it was a cat, but not with that nose, then a dog, but not with that tail. As I got closer it was the orangest red fox I’ve ever seen, I mean it was orange and quite small.
On March 15, 2022 at 4:59 pm, Dov said:
I live in northern Maine. I have often seen their tracks in the winter snow deep in the woods where we ride our draft horses. My neighbor had one get in her living room somehow; quite spectacular. They seem to be sensibly shy.
On March 15, 2022 at 8:17 pm, James said:
Yep,tis a fisher.I have seen em in trees in Mass(porbably same one at different times). and came across one in a friends barn (no livestock ect.)who bolted in a hurry,tis were I live now in N.H.
I once saw one dead on road,a half mile decided to turn around and take for pelt,crushed at that point by a vehicle pretty hard,so,toed the mess off road so other critters could eat in peace,road got it’s share.I keep a heavy garbage bag and gloves for just this reason in vehicles,since doing that all pretty much mangled beyond anything but other critters meal found so far.