Another Review Of The New Ruger Marlin .45-70
BY Herschel Smith
First, Ruger moved Marlin manufacturing to Mayodan, North Carolina. Then they changed the blue Marlin Man logo to Ruger red. And finally, after about a year, they announced that the 1895 SBL in .45/70 would be the first of the third iteration of American-made Marlins.
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Remington purchased Marlin in 2007. They didn’t run Marlin very well, but in 2009 they did introduce the model 1895 SBL in .45/70. It was a better thought-out version of Marlin’s popular Guide Gun. It didn’t have the silly integral muzzle brake, but it did have a full-length XS Sights’ Lever Rail and a large loop lever. I purchased the first 1895 SBLs I found and have used them to take everything from bear in Alberta to buffalo in Africa.
[Editorial Note: Remington didn’t run anything very well, being owned by financial engineers bent on squeezing every last drop out of the company]
I was reluctant to report how well this rifle shot for fear of being thought a charlatan. I tested four loads from a sandbag rest at 100 yards using Leupold’s intermediate eye relief (IER) VX-2, 1.5-4×28 riflescope. The average for 12 3-shot groups—three, 3-shot groups with each load—was a stunningly small 1.125 inches. And two of the loads averaged less than an inch. Just let that sink in; this is a sub-MOA, big bore, lever-action rifle.
I’m sure it’s a fine shooter. And I’m sure Ruger will do a great job with this line of rifles.
What I’m not sure about is availability. I recently saw at a local gun store this very rifle going for nearly $2000. Furthermore, availability is virtually non-existent (which is a corollary – when availability is limited on a high demand item, the price will be high).
Ruger is going to have to do better than what I’ve seen in order for the price point to be reasonable.
On March 17, 2022 at 11:14 pm, xtphreak said:
Just like the CEOs of BOTH ammunition holding companies realized, controlling the production of a desirable product allows them to price it higher.
Is it a free market when there’s little to no competition?
Or does it approach a point where anti-trust laws should kick in?
On March 17, 2022 at 11:15 pm, Herschel Smith said:
I know. There must be a peak of the curve for price and availability that they’re shooting for.
Good for them. Not so good for us who would like to own one.
On March 19, 2022 at 7:55 am, anonymous coward said:
I’ve been waiting for six years for an opportunity to buy a marlin dark series in 45/70.
On March 19, 2022 at 10:24 am, Fred said:
Rugar is probably shipping the bulk of these to CA and other states that have outlawd scary features on guns. That’s where the lever guns are selling like hotcakes right now.
On March 19, 2022 at 2:59 pm, Paul B said:
Would buy one. Wanted this model when I got my first marlin in 45/70. Sold it. But would like to replace it with Rugers version.
Just have to be patient I guess.