No Man Is Coming To Save You
BY Herschel Smith2 years, 10 months ago
Of Exodus 31:4, John Calvin says this.
It was a disgraceful thing to prostrate themselves before a calf, in which there was no connection or affinity with the glory of God; and with this the Prophet expressly reproaches them, that “they changed their glory ( i. e. , God, in whom alone they should have gloried) into the similitude of an ox that eateth grass.” (Psalms 106:20.) For, if it be insulting to God to force Him into the likeness of men …
But men prostrate themselves before other men all the time, even today, looking for a savior in the form of man (or in this case, an animal). God is jealous. There is no more connection or affinity with God among world leaders as with the Ox. It’s as disgraceful today as it was then. Truly, this seeking after men as savior is as old as history.
The remedy is found in the Scriptures: “The name of the Lord is a strong tower; The righteous runs into it and is safe.” [Proverbs 18:10]
On March 21, 2022 at 4:03 am, Joe Blow said:
Thank you for the posts you have been making in this vein. I’ve been (slowly) going back to the “essential Christian” ones. They are useful for those outside a flock.