American Rifleman From 1953
BY Herschel Smith
This post started with a reddit/Firearms thread, but I went to the source to find this.
“Legitimate Sportsmen” get beat up by bad guns laws, and the NRA comes to the rescue with “good guns laws.” If you read the article there is this notion that the NFA is a good thing.
And by the way, see the following posts at NRA in Danger: here.
It might be tempting to say, “My, my how the NRA has fallen.” The truth is that it has always been what it is today. The most influential, well funded, well connected and successful gun control organization on earth.
Are you still giving money to them? So that Wayne can bed down with his girl while his wife ignores it, all paid for by NRA dues?
On March 27, 2022 at 10:37 pm, snuffy said:
Not only do I not give them money, and haven’t for years, anything I get with a postage paid return envelope, I fill it up with scrap paper and send it back and it costs extra for them because of the weight. F Wayne, and anyone who supports him.
On March 28, 2022 at 10:14 am, J said:
Snuffy, it’s very easy to tape about 50 cents in pennys to a card a mail it back.
On March 28, 2022 at 1:42 pm, dave in pa. said:
you guys know that the NRA help write the gun law back 1934 right ?
and helped with every one after that as well, 1968 comes to mind.
they always talk a good game, but they fold faster than a cheap suit when push comes to shove. some things they have done are okay, but when it comes down to our rights.
do not expect them to do anything but smile for the photo ops.
before that, you could buy a machine gun if you had the money for it.
or anything else it banned. so, no the NRA was never really on our side.
so, no I don’t give them a dime.