Gospel Witness, Why Learn To Be A Good Witness
Free to have and use tools for telling people about Christ: Background on how to Share the Gospel of Jesus Christ and a Gospel Primer with specific step-by-step instructions. These posts are tagged Gospel Witness, so you can find them all as they are posted over time.
“For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.” – Ephesians 2:10
If you are saved by the grace of God through faith in Jesus Christ, having received the Lord as your Saviour, then you have a duty to share that faith with lost souls by being a witness for Jesus Christ. Holy God ordained these works for you before you were saved. Jesus did not save you for no reason. He saved you for good works in the Kingdom of God to bring glory to His holy name.
“Come, see a man, which told me all things that ever I did: is not this the Christ? Then they went out of the city, and came unto him.” – John 4:29-30
After hearing the good news, the very first thing the Samaritan woman at the well did was to go tell the whole town and bring them to Christ.
When Jesus was just twelve years old, He told Joseph and His mother that serving the Father was the most important thing.
“And he said unto them, How is it that ye sought me? wist ye not that I must be about my Father’s business?” – Luke 2:49
Soul winners are disciples that continue the mission of Jesus Christ, seeking that which was lost. Christ offers the lost sinner salvation through forgiveness from sin so that they might be saved from death and wrath and hell. As was Jesus, we must be about our Father’s business.
Some of the worst opposition to your service of the Lord may come from family, friends, and other Christians. They are either not truly born again or are hearers of the word only, deceiving themselves (James 1:22). Pray they would repent and also serve. The job is to conquer the world in the name of Jesus Christ, bringing salvation to all nations by wielding the sword of God, which is His word. Go through them, over them, or around them. Lead, follow, or get out of the way!
“I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.” – John 15:5
If you abide in Christ, you will see the power of the Holy Spirit firsthand to beholding mighty blessings when you share the Gospel leading souls to Christ. Pray, asking God to use you, give you boldness to proclaim the truth of salvation in Christ, and go before you convicting the lost of their need for salvation.
There is no checklist, process, specific method, system, or program that saves a lost soul. And no rite or ritual, or particular words or prayer that saves a lost sinner. Jesus Christ saves lost sinners by grace through faith in His finished work on the cross, plus and minus nothing. Your job is to go and tell them.
On April 14, 2022 at 8:38 am, MSG Grumpy said:
At one time in my life I was enraged at telemarketing calls. I would get mad, yell and scream at the people who dared to call my private number to sell or even worse to try to scam me…
But I also claim to be a Christian, and was under conviction…
Not only because of the anger and hate that a simple phone call produced, but even more than that, I realized that where most people have trouble finding an opportunity to witness their faith, the Good Lord was providing my opportunities custom delivered to me in person!
First and foremost is the conviction that the sin involved in telemarketing was NOT the person who called me, but instead my hatred of my fellow man.
In order to witness truly you MUST care about the other person and NOT witness as a response to a perceived or imagined slight.
Your witness should be straightforward with concern about the well-being of another person’s eternal survival.
It also helps if you have some knowledge of the background of the person you are witnessing with. Most of the call centers are from India, and Pakistan and the overall predominance is either Muslim or Hindo/Buddhist backgrounds. Since most witness conversations will elicit confrontations and insults at the beginning you must be prepared to give honest answers and not respond to attacks. (I usually admit to being guilty of sin and assure them I am no better or worse than they are.
Secondly, it is your job to plant the seed, Not claim victory. I have had a few successful encounters, and I count success as those who say they will look into the questions I helped them ask about salvation, and then ask them to find a Christian church in their area and ask them for a Bible and help finding answers.
My favorite memory was from such an encounter I had from a lady who claimed to be from Microsoft error resolution center…After I had witnessed to her and she said she would seek out a church, I hung up and didn’t think much about it…
Until the next day when I again got a call from the “Microsoft Error Resolution Center”, this time a gentleman was speaking and after I began witnessing to him he suddenly yelled a string of obscenities and proclaimed:
“You are the M#%@U*^#er that caused 3 of my employees to quit yesterday”
I count that as a win for the Kingdom, not a win for me, though it has been a couple of years and the “Microsoft Error Resolution Center” has failed to deliver any more witnessing opportunities…Oh Well, those at the “Vehicle Warranty Dept” have continued to bless me…
MSG Grumpy
On April 14, 2022 at 10:46 am, PGF said:
I love this testimony so much. You’ve brought a smile and encouragement when I needed it.
There was a young man who I met in a downtown square. After a moment of discussion I opened my bible and shared several verses, mostly from Romans, with him. He didn’t make a decision on the spot, but I ran into him again in the same place a few months later. When I saw him the second time he said “that was the question!” The question I usually ask is something approximating how do you know you’ll be in Heaven. Having shared scripture with him, which God uses to bring faith (Romans 10:17), two weeks later he couldn’t shake the question and finally confessed to God he didn’t know. His testimony was excellent, he certainly was still under the direction of the Holy Spirit, because he told me that he couldn’t get the idea out of his head to tell the folks at his work about his conversion. The point; you just never know how well God will use those precious seeds you plant in His vineyard. The Father always gets His glory.
Many have also professed on the spot to needing salvation in Christ.