Food Scarcity By Design
BY Herschel Smith
How many US Presidents in modern history have announced ‘food shortages’ before they occurred? The answer is only President Biden.
Yes, our nation experienced massive shortages during the Great Depression; however, they were not predicted nor announced BEFORE the problem. It was only after the stock market crashed that they followed.
Here, we have a different scenario. A sitting US President has information considered so reliable that the population deserves to be ‘warned’ of dwindling food supplies. Wouldn’t that be the information one would keep classified, as we wouldn’t want the public to panic or begin hoarding? Journalist Mike Gonzales wrote about purported ‘food shortages’ being used as a weapon by the Left to promote the expansion of the Welfare State.
My recent post discussed a patient’s observation that the government was encouraging farmers and ranchers not to produce and destroy their crops and cattle. While I could not confirm this, we now have other disturbing information that suggests it may be true. There may be a plan by our government afoot to create a food shortage.
First, a Maricopa County, Arizona, food bank recently and mysteriously caught fire which destroyed some 50,000 pounds of food. The timing was also suspicious for arson as it occurred just 15 minutes after the Maricopa Food Pantry closed on a Monday morning.
Dr. Benjamin Braddock reported on Twitter a number of these unusual food-related fires. There was a massive fire at a Salinas food processing plant. The facility produces for Taylor Farms.
Dr. Ben Braddock reports on at least a dozen more suspicious fires targeting similar facilities – Smithfield Foods, Deli Star Meat, Hot Pockets, Tyson Poultry, Bonanza Meat, Mair-Rite Steak, JBS Beef, McCrum Potato, Kellogg’s, and Cargill-Nutrena.
Braddock reports on an explosion that destroyed a large North Carolina fertilizer plant February 1, 2022.
PJM also has a rundown of the food processing plant fires lately.
Michael Yon weighs in with a prediction.
This has been an obvious train wreck for a very long time. Famines generally come in slow motion. (Sometimes not, but usually, they are slow motion. Hongerwinter 1944-45 was fast motion). This is very slow motion but colossal. The most incredible PanFaWar in human history is unfolding.
My estimate: this will not be a two-year famine. Most famines go for roughly two years. The Great PanFaWar is shaping up to be a long hauler. Sometime in 2022, the famines will become obvious. By end of 2023, colossal. These will create enormous HOP: Human Osmotic Pressure to migrate. OGUS — the Occupying Government of United States — is expanding the Darien Pipeline through Darien Gap which can and likely will facilitate millions of Asians, Africans, and South Americans into United States. Europe did similar and suffers for it greatly now. Wrecking entire areas of Europe and causing Europeans to change their way of life. Watching their women get raped. Mass terror attacks. Priest decapitated in church. That sort of thing. Just reality. My currency is reality.
While our economy and food supply collapses, OGUS has opened the floodgates to anyone. Many of these people come from highly predatory cultures. I’ve lived around the world. Spent more than half my life in more than 80 other countries. Some cultures are HIGHLY PREDATORY. I see many representatives of these cultures flooding into our country. They will be hungry on our streets. Many will rape our women and boys. These are just facts. I see it all the time downrange.
You cannot run far enough away from this. We will fight, or we will lose. Those are our choices.
Choose to prepare now, not later.
Remember, droughts are natural. Famines are always man-made.
On April 27, 2022 at 10:09 pm, PGF said:
Meanwhile, China is on a massive buying spree of arable land in the lower 48 contiguous states. There is likely a backdoor deal to hand our food production to the Chicoms, who will export most of it back home. You will become the seller’s second or third choice of a buyer, even while you will be the labor to grow and process the food. The Chinese, like all people, will take care of their own first.
You grow the food for export on what was once your land while you are rationed allotments. But take cheer; that won’t last long; you’re being extirpated. The people replacing you won’t fight this system; it’s what they are used to having.
America hates God, and for this, you will learn too late that all famines begin as spiritual famines.
On April 28, 2022 at 7:50 am, Chris Mallory said:
As of Dec 2021, foreign owners of US Farmland held 3% of the 897 million acres of US Farm and timber land.. The Chinese owned roughly 190,000 acres or .05% of the 35 million foreign owned acres. 140,000 of those acres were owned by Smithfield Pork, which is owned by the Chinese.
Of those 35 million acres, Canadian investors hold the largest share of this land, at 29 percent, with the Netherlands, Italy, Germany, and the United Kingdom collectively owning another 33 percent. The remaining 38 percent is held by entities from almost a hundred other countries.
This China scare is just the same as the hysteria over Gates owning “the most farmland”. Gates does own more than China, but in total his ownership of US land barely cracks the top 50 private US land owners and doesn’t make it into the top 40. Ted Turner is the 2nd largest private US land owner.
In the original article, I have a real problem with this statement: “Wouldn’t that be the information one would keep classified…”. The servant should not have secrets he keeps from the master. We the People are the masters, government employees are our servants.
On April 28, 2022 at 9:45 am, PGF said:
The raw numbers are low, but China and Gates have the power (money) to effect (yes, I know what that word means) law and policy. That’s the problem. Do you think Cargill, Archer Daniels Midland, and Monsanto care who gets the food as long as they get their money? No, the agricultural industry has been centralized through a few mega-players that hold sway over Washington. With the stroke of a pen Washington (whoever that is) tells farmers they must destroy crops, and livestock, grow another crop, leave fields fallow, on and on. FDR nationalized the agriculture of America, and the purposeful misinterpretation of the Commerce Clause, Wickard v. Filburn, sealed the (new) deal.
They’ll starve you if they want to.
My problem with the “classified” thing is that those statements are made by someone who has not yet fully broken free from the delusion of US nationhood. The New Order runs the world. You are soon to be their slave; the only secrets that need to be kept are from you. When they tell you something, it’s either a lie or pre-conditioning you.
On April 28, 2022 at 10:01 am, Furminator said:
Reliably moving food around a desperately hungry and well-armed country will become a big challenge. I imagine reliably moving it across oceans would be impossible.
On April 28, 2022 at 1:20 pm, Okanogan Offgrid said:
For several years now, I’ve been trying to convince people to get ready for what anyone with a brain can see what is coming. I’ve gotten lots of negative responses for my effort.
Earlier today I was on Messenger with an Iraq Vet who lives up the road from me. I’m a Vet from the infamous “Era” who came home to an openly hostile society, so I try to help other Vets any time I can. I sent that neighbor a link to this post hoping that he would understand what is coming.
The only thing that my Iraq Vet neighbor got from reading it is that it is “nice” that the (p)Resident is warning people about a possible “food shortage.” Absolutely nothing else stuck when he read it, if he even read the whole thing.
Sorry to say, this guy has a wife and two young daughters. He supports his family with his PTSD disability payment and spends his days smoking weed, playing video games and surfing left wing websites.
I’ve spent most of my years after getting out of the Army around others who served when I did and am baffled how any Veteran could be so blind and trusting that the dot gov would never lie to us.
I’m done. No more trying to help people who don’t want to believe anything but the illusion that they live in.
On April 28, 2022 at 5:01 pm, Sisu said:
Nationalize (based on “eminent domain”) all foreign (and “foreign agent provocateurs” (in order to capture the like of “gates”)) agricultural land holdings based on whether the land has been or could have been crop producing or useful for grazing or hunting in the last 200 years; all small farms that are or were once deemed an agricultural radius of 100 miles from each (think Venn Diagrams). Value the land at the average assessed value for the last 25 years. Make the offer, if litigated don’t settle for more than the nominal amount.
By the time the cases work their way through the courts the nominal value will have eroded due to inflation and the smaller relative economy the US will likely have.
Same for all food production facilities. … And, let’s not forget those uranium mines.
Or once a “benevolent” rino or military dictator assumes the “presidency” just invoke one of the many pre-existing Presidential Executive Orders. Or create a new EO.
We are a “nation of ‘laws'”. Like history the “victor” gets to be the author.
On April 28, 2022 at 9:19 pm, luke2236 said:
Sorry PGF… not ALL people will take care of their own first; just witness America and Europe. Grossly misplaced White altruism and the near total (((control))) of our assets assure that ‘we’ take care of others – mostly those who hate us – first. Its Government policy….
Scripture however states that We SHOULD take care of our own. But then Scripture has basically been taken from us in the West.
On April 29, 2022 at 8:55 am, PGF said:
I completely agree. What “they” have proved is that they don’t consider you and I to be part of them. Communist for example, are serious, muslims are serious, Christians are not.