The Fed Has Several Options, None Good For You
Note: This post is categorized under Survival.
I don’t know much. Maybe they have something up their sleeve? We were here at the dot com crash in 2001 and the housing bubble crash ’08-09, but we had average inflation both times.
Option #1, Leave interest rates mostly untouched from here; let the inflation run. This would be very bad, but perhaps it’s the best option? Demand will ease, and prices or alternate forms of payment or both will gradually correct the problem. Compounding inflation will cause years of trials, and it could go hyper; it’s a risk. Although this is the best option, it’s the worst option for TPTB. It means doing nothing and losing legitimacy. (We know, we know.)
Option #2, raise interest rates; currently, it’s just under 1%. This will crash the stock market and the economy with it. They have already done this some and signaled the potential for more. If they choose this option, they should raise it to a 4-5ish percent range over the next 18 months and be done with it. Two to four years of hard times, probably less. Real Americans just don’t care; they roll up their sleeves, get to work, and solve problems. Of course, TPTB hates this idea because it means that they’re not running around claiming to solve everything. This might even be a better option than #1 if the Government were honest upfront about the road we had to take and let us solve our own problems locally.
Option #3, make war. Not whack-a-mole with goat herders, millions dead war. Not that those wars weren’t real to the folks involved, they weren’t of the type where all resources are focused on one national task. This is the worst option for you and me. We get rationing worse than a crashed economy, with no attempt to address the underlying root of the problem. The problem is a currency with no real value because inflation is used to pay the debt. They borrow at today’s dollar and pay it back with inflated (lower value) dollars five years later, but they never stop borrowing either. They’ll choose war; it’s how the money changers and war profiteers settle international accounts; no, not grudges, ledgers of debt to each other.
Well, they do have at least one other.
Option #4, which until recently, nobody would have recognized, but they could starve us all. That solves almost all of their problems and satisfies the money changer’s greatest desire, a provocation to jealousy of you, which is the hatred of Jesus Christ for being right (Romans 11:11). What was Jesus right about, you say? Every. Single. Word!
On May 12, 2022 at 9:39 pm, Stuart said:
The stock market is not the economy. Screw the stock market.
The only way to reduce inflation is to reduce the money supply. This is typically done through interest rates. To be successful, interest rates need to be 10% right now and Congress needs to stop spending. Ain’t gonna happen.
Use that information as you will.
On May 12, 2022 at 10:39 pm, Georgiaboy61 said:
Re: “The Fed Has Several Options, None Good For You”
That’s because the “Creature from Jekyll Island,” created circa 1913, doesn’t work for you or me; the Fed works for the plutocrats and billionaires, the richest people in the world.
So-called “boom and bust” cycles in the economy are not preordinated; they happen because the Fed engineers them to enable the big boys to rake in the dough playing the markets against these swings. And they have made a very tidy sum for themselves over the last hundred years or so.
The late great economist Dr. Walter Williams once wrote that “Inflation is theft,” and he wasn’t wrong. The Fed and the banksters, each time they inflate the money supply, reach into your wallet or purse, and steal purchasing power. How? By printing money (digital or paper, it doesn’t matter) and enlarging the money supply, they assure that fewer goods are chased by more money. The result is inflation, which is enormously destructive of economic prosperity.
Inflating the money supply enriches the banksters, too, because all of that created-out-of-thin-air currency can be lent out at delicious rates of return, profits that flow only to them and not the people themselves.
This con is an oldie-but-a-goodie, but it keeps getting used because it works. Which is why the Rothschilds, the Warburgs, the Rockefellers, and the Morgans are amongst the wealthiest people on earth.
Control the supply of money and the financial system, and you rule the country – and it doesn’t matter who the “elected leaders” are…. they are mere puppets dancing on a string.
On May 12, 2022 at 10:57 pm, Jonah said:
Take the medicine we should have taken in 2014ish. Raise rates and be done with it.
Printing money and making that money easy to get by either giving it away or 0% interest was foolish and anyone with a gender studies degree should know this…Well, maybe something a litter more advanced.
I told everyone that would listen that printing all of that money during GW Bush/Obama would lead to high inflation. I had no idea they would give the farm away during Covid which exasperated it even more!!!
It all works until it doesn’t. We are headed faster and faster towards doesn’t.
A 1% hike is a joke and will do little to nothing. We need to be at around 5-6% (maybe higher) to make a dent in the inflation.
On May 13, 2022 at 6:24 am, Arthur Sido said:
#4 has been the plan all along, minus the religious motivations.
On May 13, 2022 at 10:51 am, Furminator said:
Long before interest rates even begin to approach a level comparable in effect to what Volker used to quash inflation forty years ago the cost of servicing our federal debt will exceed total revenues. We have hit the iceberg and started to sink and TPTB are discussing how everyone is going to get into way too few lifeboats.
What I don’t get is how the elites think they are going to survive and keep their jets and yachts and mansions and penthouses and ranches going when there’s no food or fuel or parts moving anywhere. At least we dirt people are resourceful and self-reliant, they are at least as dependent on a stable system as the welfare class.
On May 13, 2022 at 11:51 am, Bradley A Graham said:
Things aren’t getting worse, they are just becoming more obvious.
It’s a big club and you ain’t in it.
On May 13, 2022 at 12:49 pm, MTHead said:
As Arthur said. #4. Note how China just whipped up a Covid scare and stopped feeding Shanghai? Thats how the commies save food. You just don’t feed people.
In America that approach would get up shot.
So, we need an economic crisis to hide it under. That and a war to distract you.
And if ever in doubt as to the type were dealing with? Note the zeal to murder the unborn. And starve them once they are.
On May 13, 2022 at 1:10 pm, Done. said:
We’ll make our own economy, unless they ban personal food production as they’re trying to do in Victoria, Australia right now.
On May 13, 2022 at 6:21 pm, Steady Steve said:
The only good stock pick these days is to go long torches, pitchforks, and hemp rope. And any IPO’s for startup guillotine manufacturers.
On May 13, 2022 at 7:52 pm, JB said:
Option 5. Revolution
On May 13, 2022 at 11:49 pm, Dan said:
They don’t have to choose just ONE of those on the list…..In fact odds are good we’ll see variations on ALL of them.
On May 14, 2022 at 4:13 pm, luke2236 said:
numbers 3 and 4 are obviously what (((they))) are doing.
Ammo up folks.
On May 20, 2022 at 11:08 am, TRX said:
> Option #4, which until recently, nobody would have recognized, but they could starve us all.
I observe the self-proclaimed “elites” and all their minions and fellow-travelers are made out of meat.