The Violence Policy Center Searches For A Boogieman In The Dark
BY Herschel Smith
The Violence Policy Center (VPC) today released a new slide show of firearms industry ads and catalog images exposing the common themes that gunmakers use in their marketing of militarized weapons such as the Bushmaster XM-15 assault rifle used in the mass shooting this past weekend at a Tops supermarket in Buffalo, New York.
In the introduction to the three-part slide show, the VPC explains, “Militarization dominates the public face of today’s gun industry, whether in magazine ads, manufacturer catalogs and websites, or the content of firearm magazines that cater to gun owners. In these outlets, three themes are consistently found”—
- Language and images that equate military-bred weaponry as the virtual embodiment of freedom. In this context, gun owners are often portrayed as brave men (and it is almost always men) standing alone, a front-line force against oppression, often from the government. Some companies harken back to the era of the Founding Fathers, encouraging these gun buyers to view themselves as modern-day patriots.
- The use of terms and images drawn from military or law enforcement extolling the virtues of the potential gun buyer, including hero. These descriptions are supplemented by words such as “bravery,” “honor,” and similar terms to describe an undefined “mission.” The accompanying images most often feature users outfitted in military-style gear.
- Language and images touting that the guns being sold are identical, or virtually identical, to the weapons carried and used by law enforcement or the military. Many manufacturers highlight the military and/or law enforcement pedigree of their firearms. Often, the only difference is that the weapons sold to civilians are semiautomatic, firing one bullet per trigger pull, as opposed to being able to fire in burst or fully automatic mode.
This is almost amusing due to its ignorance.
First of all, I reject out of hand the notion that something that’s military is somehow bad. I do so for very good reasons that the VPC refuses to acknowledge.
Second, having watched hundreds of people – many of whom are new gun owners – purchase firearms over the last several years, I will observer that they tend to purchase the less expensive firearms, not the more expensive (which would be the corollary to highly marketed “military” firearms).
Third, women tend to seek out the simpler firearms, which tend to be wheel guns, or in other cases, subcompacts (for hiding in purses). A full size pistol or rifle wouldn’t have impressed them.
Fourth, true gun guys aren’t impressed by sales pitches. For example, videos like this one or this one don’t in the least make me want drop a wad of cash on the new Sig squad rifle. I have no desire to own that weapon, nor to shoot ceramic cartridges. Let it prove itself in a half century of war. I’d rather have a lever action Marlin 30-30.
Fifth, the AR style platform is still so highly regarded and sought after because Eugene Stoner engineered it so well, not because of marketing. If firearms manufacturers are spending a ton of money on marketing, they’d do better to improve their QA. Parts failures and lack of 1 MOA shooting make it to the forums and cause users to pan the weapon. Advertising gimmicks don’t matter.
They’re looking for a boogieman in the dark, and finding one every time they bump into a lamp.
On May 16, 2022 at 11:37 pm, Anon said:
Agree across the board.
And my observations as someone that was in the business..
“Second, having watched hundreds of people – many of whom are new gun owners – purchase firearms over the last several years, I will observer that they tend to purchase the less expensive firearms, not the more expensive (which would be the corollary to highly marketed “military” firearms).”
“Third, women tend to seek out the simpler firearms, which tend to be wheel guns, or in other cases, subcompacts (for hiding in purses). A full size pistol or rifle wouldn’t have impressed them.”
i just finished up 7yrs as The Stores Only Cert’D Armorer (by 5 different manufacturers in at least 35 different firearms and that doesn’t count Cert’s by ….what was once a House Hold Name Contractor in afew other platforms)
I got stuck in Sales when I wasn’t Fixing and ordering parts.
And quite honestly This “Pandemic” and the Madness I had to deal with at the Shop for a Solid 8 months, Broke Me. It was INSANiTY 8-10hrs aday.
Now it has seriously slowed. Between Pricing and lack of money for folks imo.
Good for the Boss but just ended it as a career for me.
Besides Family & Friends, I am done workin on weapons.
I just got burnt out from it.
On May 18, 2022 at 8:16 pm, Fred said:
Looks like TCJ is back up. Yay!
On May 18, 2022 at 9:07 pm, George said:
Glad you are back.
On May 18, 2022 at 9:58 pm, Bradley A Graham said:
………. ” Militarization dominates the public face of today’s gun industry ” ……
What concerns me is the militarization of today’s law enforcement.
Adequate self-defense requires no permission or debate because those that will disarm you will never disarm themselves.
On May 19, 2022 at 4:32 am, Joe Blow said:
Bradley makes a very good point, plus one Sir. Tho that right there IS the reason for the 2nd, isn’t it?
I have noticed something about these types of posts in our pro-gun slice of the internet (not commenting about TCJ specifically): we all miss the point.
The authors point of the original article is to smear or malign assault style rifles, military grade branded gear, and stoke the fear being manufactured around them (e.g. not a bolt action deer rifle or bird gun).
They don’t want to construct a logical argument (which is always carefully deconstructed here), they don’t want to enter into, let alone win a debate…. they want to plant a seed of fear. They want to scare their audience to coerce them into a specific action, which is exactly what they did. None of their audience will read our articles refuting any false claims. People will read the headline, skim the first 3 paragraps, and nod sagely in agreement, their pre-held notions about “evil black rifles rednecks like” are reinforced, and they have yet another published article they can point to that ‘proves’ their beliefs.
Its another narrative control device, set the battlespace, define the terms and language. How can you win when you start out on defense? 4th GW Blitzkrieg doesn’t involve tanks and dive bombers, its tweets and articles in The Times. The battle space has been defined, we are on defense, 3rd and long, congrats.
On May 19, 2022 at 5:56 am, Fred said:
Joe Blow, you will never have an advantageous position from which to fight the coming war. Get over it.
On May 19, 2022 at 7:45 am, The Wretched Dog said:
This fearmongering VPC article demonstrates the elites’ continued suppression that the 2nd Amendment specifically protects the individual right of every American (not actually incarcerated) to possess and bear military grade firearms. Not hunting rifles or shotguns, but military grade weapons.
While I don’t particularly think a full-auto battle rifle is ideal for militia service, due to ammunition cost and wastage, it is certainly constitutionally protected.
And fun. One shouldn’t have to pay a tax to have fun with respect to a God-ordained, constitutionally protected activity.
What the elites are really afraid of, once their anti-human, contrived pandemic and manufactured supply-chain food shortages splay out, is that the American people will go all Sri Lanka on them. As they so richly deserve. An armed populace is just icing on the cake, as it were.
P.S. Absolutely agree that the police forces are too militarized, and ought not to be.
On May 19, 2022 at 8:02 am, Bill Buppert said:
Every ruling class in every era of human history East and West publicly or privately loathes ALL private ownership of weapons. The atomistic possession of rifles and pistols poses an existential threat to all statists in power, planet-wide.
The [Gavrilo] Princip/le in 1914 proved that two rounds fired at the wrong place at the right time with the right determination can snuff out even the worst serial killers in the political sphere.
Coproaches and private actors are the retail players in the serial killer game, the politicians practice at the wholesale level of serial killer behavior.
On May 19, 2022 at 10:11 am, Furminator said:
Progressives can’t act without orders and leaders. It only makes sense that they see the manufacturers driving the market rather than fulfilling the demand of the people.
On May 19, 2022 at 10:25 am, Frank Clarke said:
:-) :-) :-)
“The [Gavrilo] Princip/le in 1914…”