Wert to God That I Were Hot or Cold
BY PGF2 years, 8 months ago
“15 I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. 16 So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.” – Revelation 3:15-16
It’s not so much being lukewarm; it’s more just being flat, blah, nothing. It’s not apathy, which is what perhaps Christ is speaking of. In searching the Scriptures with all mindfulness and prayer to hear from God, there are times when God’s word returns only the perfunctory rudiments of text; nothing leaps off the page and comes to life. The past few days have been one of searching Christ in prayer and word, and there He is, just text without context or application.
It’s not as though nothing is happening, but the writing is slow, even not very productive. On the other hand, we were blessed with the opportunity of the essential duty and high honor from Christ to speak with two separate men Sunday about their eternal station. Both conversations were very productive. One, the younger man in his late teens or early twenties, has one foot in Christianity and one foot out, which we all know means, in reality, both feet out. We spoke for ten or so minutes discussing several sections of scripture. He faces a choice, in or out? Every man must choose, God having called at length to him, and he, playing Church at times, has to decide; will he answer Christ or suffer outer darkness and eternal torment to follow. He’s a bit of a mess, but God specializes in messes at times.
The other fellow, early 30’s, skeptical Catholic, dabbled in Easternism of late, has now taken up reading Matthew. He sounds very much like a man who is being made aware of God, having had his interest stirred deeply to know the truth of the Almighty. We had an excellent 25-minute or so talk. We discussed zero things of religion (as commonly called) and zero things of denomination, and zero insulting things were said about his journey so far to find God. We, instead, focused on faith in Christ unto salvation from sin and hell by His substitutionary death on the cross and life everlasting in His resurrection as 1 Corinthians 2:2 advises. We discussed fewer scripture passages and more concepts with single verses as an exclamation point or proof text. He confesses that he has much to think about. That’s a big win; Father God has his attention. We pray conviction of his need for Christ is on the way very soon. Having seen this before, it’s safe to say the man is hearing from God.
Lots of seeds planted, lots of work done, the name of Christ is proclaimed, and the Father gets praise and glory, for, without Him, it is impossible. What an honor that the Father would use me, of all the wicked men and deeply flawed to boot, sending souls seeking in earnest the truth of our great High Priest; well, that particular miracle never gets old. There’s no special training or background here; it’s God that equips the willing. It could be no other that would make a sinner His witness to teach of salvation by grace, preaching Jesus Christ.
The writing here on TCJ has been going a little slower these last few days. Nonetheless, here’s a post, maybe a lesson or a takeaway. Two men were found seeking and knocking after God only to find, so am I.
P.s. Use wert in a sentence just for fun, to see people’s reactions. Please don’t ask me what it means, though.
On May 24, 2022 at 8:12 am, Gary said:
I could not resist; your writing wert good.
What does thou wert mean?
thou wert. 1. an old expression meaning ‘you were’
WERT (verb) definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary
past tense: wert
archaic second person singular past of be.
BTW I enjoy the encouraging articles of faith you write. We all have down days, but I find when I stick to reading scripture I am uplifted in spirit. God bless you and yours.
On May 24, 2022 at 9:55 am, Rick said:
RE: Talk of salvation prior to establishment of faith
Recently I read somewhere that it is pointless to engage in conversation about salvation until after the person had faith. I am not finished in my cognition of that essay. However, it has been a sense of unease, that I must certainly disagree yet lacking in the ability to say why I disagree.
This present essay (that posted here) is more agreeable to me, yet too it lends clarity to the aforementioned. The point is, as did Christ Jesus, we come to where people are to be found. We do not wait until they have arrived to our expectations. In Matthew 28, Jesus said, “Go ye therefore, and teach….” He did not add, but, if they’re not ready, if they have not yet received, if not, but this, but that.
Matthew 10; Luke 9, aside.
On May 24, 2022 at 11:32 am, PGF said:
@Gary, thanks but I’m still not sure what it means, heh.
@Rick, if the person who wrote that is an experienced witness or soul-winner, I don’t think they said what you think they did. On the other hand, opposition to sharing the Gospel among those claiming to be saved is sadly very prevalent. He may have meant that it is not wise to harvest before ripening. Some denominations’ Churches are full of folks that said a little prayer or took a warm bath in a baptismal but are lost as a goose in a snowstorm. It’s best to plant seeds as Father God brings faith by hearing His word. A lost sinner must know what they are being saved from, which is the wrath of God for their sin, bringing death and hell in a state of eternal damnation.
Now I will say, Jesus, saves sinners. Through the Book of John, the Pharisee’s self-righteousness in claiming the Law and Moses prevented them from seeing their sin. If someone denies being a sinner, we might share Romans 3:10 and 23, but the conversation is over. Those (still) blind to sin are blind to Christ, for they have no NEED of a Saviour. Pray God will open their eyes.
God’s word does not return to Him void; it accomplishes that which the Almighty pleases (Isaiah 55:11). And see Romans 10:17. The point behind Romans 10:17 is not unique to salvation; the believer also, in all stages of maturing and growth in Christ, has his faith built by the serious pursuit of the Scriptures.
Telling a lost sinner that Jesus loves them and wants to save them from the wrath of hell is not a waste of time. How does one man know where another is or is not along a continuum (for lack of a better word) of coming to faith? Some plant, others water, still others harvest.
Everybody’s salvation testimony is unique because we are individuals. However, all salvation has some common characteristics. Misunderstanding this can also be a significant obstacle to successful witnessing. Spurgeon had many disparaging things to say about Calvinists who wouldn’t witness. In Holy God’s economy, the Father gives the soul to the Son, the Holy Spirit then brings conviction for sin to that soul, and the (or series of) witness(es) is soon commissioned to show them God’s plan of salvation from sin, death, and hell, into eternal life by the grace of God through faith in Christ’s finished work on the cross. Telling somebody about Heaven before they have faith is a seed planted well. God may use that seed as another messenger then discusses hell or Christ crucified. We rejoice together in planting, watering, and harvesting, as Holy God gets the glory. I use the term witness loosely. It may be a preacher in the church, a door knocker, a street witness, a u-tuber, they may pick up a tract, or all of those over time, as Holy Father God brings together the lost sinner’s unique salvation testimony as they come to faith.