Animals Are Awesome
BY Herschel Smith2 years, 8 months ago
All my buddies have to get fed too.
In the post, which has so far had 57.7k likes and generated almost 1700 comments, “Bennett the Hound” can be seen carrying his stuffed animal toys to his feeding and drinking bowls, and a caption that says: “Anybody else’s dog make sure their toys are fed and watered or is it just mine…?”
Guard Donkey. And guard donkeys were sent to protect a Northern Colorado herd from wolves. I predict the wolves won’t be a problem as long as the donkeys are around.
Sometimes animals are violent.
Yellowstone National Park tourists witnessed a heart-breaking scene Sunday involving a subadult male grizzly bear that was savagely attacked by an adult male bear that was courting his mother.
Moments beforehand, the mother bear also attacked the subadult, perhaps in an attempt to scare him away from the boar.
During the subsequent attack by the male grizzly, estimated to weigh more than 500 pounds, the 148-pound, 3-year-old subadult sustained severe injuries and was later euthanized by park staff.
The incident has been discussed widely via social media. Park aficionados have expressed sorrow and struggled to grasp why this occurred. Some blamed tourists for crowding the roadside bears, perhaps altering their behavior.
Anger also stemmed from an incident the previous week, during which tourists illegally tossed food to the subadult bear.
But the presence of tourists does not appear to have been a factor in causing the attack. Adult male grizzly bears hoping to mate with female bears will attack and sometimes kill nearby cubs or young bears, even in the deepest wilderness.
“The subadult is confirmed to be a male, which is not going to be tolerated by another male in the territory,” Trent Sizemore, a veteran wildlife photographer from West Yellowstone, Montana, told FTW Outdoors. “No humans pushed any of these bears to cause this specific incident.”
What sort of dummy has to be told this? What sort of dummy thinks this is somehow not representative of how wild animals behave?
This lady has Sandhill Cranes knocking at her door all day every day. Hey, if there’s food there, they’ll come.
Raccoon visits. WiscoDave, you out there?
This dog went for a very long swim.
This goat walks again.
This dog can perform tricks.
Lifelong cowboy gets his final wish of being with a horse again. I miss riding myself.
On May 26, 2022 at 7:59 am, Paul said:
Our sheep ranchers have taken quite a beating this past year here in Colorado. I know for sure that 36 guard dogs were killed by the wolves last season. They must come up with another means of protecting the herds. People think that these wolves are nice friendly animals, far from it, they are huge. The four I’ve seen are well over 150 to 175 pounds. They make coyotes look like a chihuahua. I’m betting the ‘through hikers’ this year have some not so good encounters in the wilderness.
On May 26, 2022 at 8:19 am, Furminator said:
Every year around now a new army of PBS viewers whose closest encounter with a wild animal happened at the duck pond starts showing up at Yellowstone. Every year a handful of them inevitably learn respect for wild animals the hard way.
On May 27, 2022 at 11:52 am, dad29 said:
My wife thought sandhills were just wonderful birds.
Then she saw one tear up a few baby rabbits for lunch.
Yah, it’s ‘nature,’ but that doesn’t make it palatable.
On May 30, 2022 at 10:48 am, snuffy said:
I don’t know if it’s just me, but as soon as I start watching any video with that annoying female robotic voiceover, it’s unwatchable. I immediately close it. I don’t care what the content is, even if it was Nancy Pelosi getting beaten with a baseball bat, that voice ends it.