Did the assault weapons ban of 1994 bring down mass shootings? Here’s what the data tells us
BY Herschel Smith2 years, 7 months ago
In response, David Codrea links Thomas Massie.
What’s the easiest way to disprove the lie that the 1994-2004 “assault weapons ban” worked? Point out that after a couple of cosmetic changes, sales actually went up during the ban. Clearly those who have been duped were never in a gun store in the late 1990’s/early 2000’s. pic.twitter.com/AQxy7P9ErE
— Thomas Massie (@RepThomasMassie) June 2, 2022
A friend over an email thread says this. “The practical effect of the “AW ban” was that AK manufacturers had to remove the bayonet lug, and Ar manufacturers had to do that and remove the flash suppressor. In either event, they kept on making the same gun. How could that affect mass killings?”
Rational question to be sure. From my perspective, I do calculations all day every day. I see nothing even approaching a good statistical analysis of the data, and in my judgment the data is statistically insignificant. Nothing whatsoever can be proven with it.
Anyway, I don’t care. No one gets to tell me that because someone else misuses a product or tool, that means my perfectly legitimate use of it will be banned.
On June 8, 2022 at 10:47 pm, Bradley A Graham said:
They will never be able to legislate morality because the strong will always rule over the weak.
On June 9, 2022 at 10:18 am, GM Steffen said:
“They will never be able to legislate morality…”
All law legislates morality since all laws pronounce one behavior is good and another bad, e.g., murder, theft and assault. Of course the question is, whose morality is being legislated?
On June 9, 2022 at 1:47 pm, scott s. said:
The problem is how to make the strong accept the limits imposed by morality. It only works when all acknowledge that God is sovereign over all. That’s why I reject the hyper-rationalism of Ayn Rand, and the omnipotent government favored by the progs.
On June 11, 2022 at 1:19 pm, MTHead said:
Let’s face it, were dealing with communists here.
This is only about WHO gets to shoot WHOM. Everything else is bullshit.
On June 11, 2022 at 3:53 pm, Fred said:
On June 12, 2022 at 7:11 am, Don Curton said:
Don’t forget the AW ban of 1994 also raised prices of semi-automatic rifles. I purchased a Springfield M1A at the time for roughly $1000, it had been $800 the month before. I was opposed to the AR platform back then cause of my bias against the poodle shooter caliber (I was young and dumb). Wasn’t too happy with the rifle and needed some cash, so I sold it a year later for $1200. Thanks, Bill and Hillary!
Even then it was understood as primarily a cosmetic ban and PR stunt only. I think the NRA made a ton of money pretending to fight for our rights back then. I even donated above and beyond my basic membership dues cause I thought they were helping (again, I was young and dumb).
On June 18, 2022 at 7:29 am, Todd said:
I’m ashamed to admit that I didn’t know that this was the “ban.” I guess I’m too stupid to understand what exactly this would accomplish. Prior to this violation of the 2A, were there a lot of bayonets being used for nefarious purposes? And flash suppressors? What, did they think this somehow hid the muzzle flash? Like a suppressor silencing a shot as in the movies?
While a test to posses a firearm is clearly unconstitutional, requiring stringent testing for holding public office comports well with the constitution,as in there is no prohibition. Perhaps we should push for qualification beyond being a whore/useful idiot in running for public office?