Senate Outline of Gun Control 2022
BY Herschel Smith
Red-flag laws do not appear to produce measurable results. They can be very effective at undercutting fundamental Constitutional rights. The wording used in this reporting, does not bode well:
will allow law enforcement to temporarily take dangerous weapons away from people
Once taken, it can be complicated to regain possession of firearms from “law enforcement.” All weapons are “dangerous.” All people are potentially dangerous.
Temporarily often becomes indefinite, which often becomes permanent.
What is a “boyfriend loophole”? It is not a legal term but rather Orwellian propaganda meant to deceive. There is no “boyfriend loophole” in federal law.
The term is meant as a way to expand the prohibited status of people who commit domestic violence to people who are in casual relationships. It is a way of expanding the list of people prohibited from exercising their Second Amendment rights.
Misdemeanors are inherently less serious than felonies. The details here are important and unspecified so far.
Prohibition against a person buying guns for others.
There is already a prohibition against people purchasing guns for others in federal law. Watch for this to be expanded so than no one is allowed to buy a firearm for anyone else. This may be a way to push for a ban on private sales.
Enhanced background checks for those under 21. Almost certainly unconstitutional, this appears to be a waiting period measure. Watch for this to be used as justification to ban private sales.
Clarification of who is a gun dealer. This is a double edged sword. A clear definition of what constitutes “doing business” has been sought for decades. It seems unlikely a good definition can come from this administration. Watch for a definition where it is hard to obtain a Federal Firearms License, but easy to be prosecuted for not having one.
As usual, I think Dean is right. And as usual, the republican senators and congressmen are too stupid to see through the smoke, or too collectivist to care.
Wait for the details to come out. No, I’m not saying wait for the details like some pols are saying wait for the details to decide whether to support this (like the fools at NRO). I’m saying wait for the details and you will see just how bad this is and just how much trouble this causes to the gun community.
And then never forget the men and women who did this.
On June 15, 2022 at 10:53 am, Longbow said:
“…this appears to be a waiting period measure.”
It is indeed. A right delayed is a right denied. The term “Republican” doesn’t mean anything any more.
I hadn’t voted in a National election since 1992, but I took a chance on Trump in ’16 and ’20. In ’17 I realized Trump was being handled like Woodrow Wilson. In ’20 I was just holding my breath.
God help us!
On June 15, 2022 at 10:57 am, Bradley A Graham said:
“The paradigm that government should have a monopoly of small arms implies the surreal normative postulate that citizens – or, rather, subjects should be treated as the Jews were in Nazi Germany. ”
Stephen P Halbrook
Gun Control in the Third Reich 2013