The Sighted and The Blind

2 years, 9 months ago

John Chapter 9.

By way of instruction, let’s look at a few people in John Chapter 9. Character studies are a means to derive a clearer view of who and what Jesus Christ is, adjusting our worship and service of Him accordingly. First, the Pharisees, these purveyors of the traditions of men and law by letter and not by spirit, chose power, prestige, and capital R religion above the Christ of God. Also, the blind man’s parents decided to favor the temple (a Church) with the familiar social comfort of the status quo instead of truth by Christ Jesus. Then the man blind from his birth seemed strangely satisfied having received his sight but perhaps, did not want to know Him that had opened his eyes.

The Pharisees ran off the blind man. This is happening all across America in the Churches; they cast him out. They cast out the evidence of the workings of God.

“They answered and said unto him, Thou wast altogether born in sins, and dost thou teach us? And they cast him out.” – John 9:34

There was the man blind from his birth, sighted, telling them a miracle of God had occurred, and the Pharisees cast out the evidence of Christ by arrogantly choosing to live in the lie of their religion.

Churches are turning to the New Religion of feel-good get along-ism. The Pharisees then, as the Pharisees today running the American Churches, reject the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Those fully regenerated, serious men who know what work must be done are being run out of the Churches. The wolves and workers of inequity can’t have them there lest the truth of Christ’s kingdom by the Great Commission begins to spread. And they can’t have themselves, false converts all, exposed as the frauds they are. They called this man a sinner merely for noting what he perceived to be the source of Christ’s power (John 9:33)! Some of the worst resistance to being a committed Christian comes from the purportedly religious crowd. Don’t let them talk you off the ledge; go all in for Christ.

Are you the blind? Are your eyes opened, but you remain a fruitless edge dweller consuming Christianity as though it were mere entertainment instead of being a doer of the word (James 1:22)?

Examine your faith with all seriousness. The Pharisees knew more about the Bible than anybody and were perhaps the most religious people ever to have lived. Yet, they were lost, dead in their sins, blinded to Christ by their lofty self-estimation, residing in error. It cost them their whole civilization. Are you in error? Can you hear the truth? Examine yourselves with fear and trembling (Philippians 2:12). Is your doctrine wrong?

“Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come.” – John 16:13

In John 9:25-33, we read the man’s testimony to the Pharisees about how he received sight. In Verse 34, again, they tossed him out of the synagogue. Well and good, the most High dwelleth not in temples made with hands (Acts 7:48). Service toward God, centered around a building is the exact religion Christ ended in the first century.

The blind man’s parents (Verses 20 through 23) chose social conformity, religious leaders of dubious character, and poor doctrine of a Christless temple system over the truth of salvation in Jesus Christ. Making an application for today, they didn’t want to be tossed out of “Church” for being real Christians. They chose the wickedness of the ruling class with the trappings of comfort and ease in familiar religion over the truth and even over honest exploration of who Jesus is.

The Churches in America have shown they will comply with any civil edict, whether antichrist or illegal; For they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind… (Hosea 8:7). When they come to your neighborhood for the guns, it’ll be “Christians” out on the street pointing at your house.

Don’t scoff and don’t laugh, but the day is already arriving in American Churches where those confessing Christ are, maybe not so directly just yet, but they’re being told to leave. Saying that you believe in God may be fine. Saying that you believe in Jesus may even be accepted for now. But start preaching hell hot, Christ crucified for the shedding of blood, and the Kingdom of God by His commands preeminent to this world and see what happens.

His parents risked leading him astray, which is essential for parents, grandparents, other family members, teachers, and Church leaders to understand. Raising good little cultural Christians may make them well-adjusted compliant citizens of Rome, but that is not salvation in Christ, nor is it what God’s people are called and chosen to accomplish. You must make Christian soldiers of the children in your family and your congregation.

You’re flat-out wrong if you think peer pressure doesn’t exist in the American Church today. It’s all about fitting in.

“My son, if sinners entice thee, consent thou not.” – Proverbs 1:10

Real Christians are supposed to be radically different from those that remain in darkness. Being regenerated in Christ Jesus changes, or it should change, everything about a man.

For all we know, the blind man’s parents died in their sin, to be cast into eternal torment. If we don’t receive this instruction, the blind man’s parents died in vain, for nothing. Suppose we choose religion over Jesus or Church over God’s works. If we seek faithless ceremony and activities with friends over the hard work of building the Kingdom of God in anticipation of His return, then we’ve missed a central point of this passage. If we don’t heed it, Jesus did this miracle for nothing; the Holy Spirit brought it to the mind of John to pen down for nothing. Shame on us if we learn nothing from their death.

As to the blind man, we’ve heard all kinds of preaching around verse 25. Most of it was making application toward salvation which is fine. But, if you examine the text, the blind man, while talking to the Pharisees, still doesn’t know salvation in Christ Jesus.

“He answered and said, Whether he be a sinner or no, I know not: one thing I know, that, whereas I was blind, now I see.” – John 9:25

He partly understood. He seemed weirdly satisfied. Why did he not inquire as to how Jesus had done this and who Jesus indeed was? By this time, Jesus’ disciples knew that He was the Christ. The blind man knows a miracle had been done and that it was wrought by God. But strangely, after washing his eyes, he didn’t immediately seek to find Jesus so that he might inquire of God.

“They say unto the blind man again, What sayest thou of him, that he hath opened thine eyes? He said, He is a prophet.” – John 9:17

Many today, as the man did with the Pharisees, confess that Jesus came from God, perhaps a prophet or a “good man.” Jesus is who and what He says, or He’s a liar; He can’t be both. But, why didn’t the man ask at the first, who art thou (for example, John 8:25)? We’re forced to wonder how many around us, having been made sighted, abide not entirely in the belief of Jesus Christ. Except that the Father draws a man to Christ, they remain with a simple, perhaps, intellectual understanding of Christ but lack faith unto life everlasting. He’s drawing you to choose even now.

The man knows a miracle had been done and that it was wrought by God. Perhaps your eyes are open, or you’ve seen some of the workings of God but have not drawn nigh to Christ and made your covenant with Him that you might be made wholly a son of God? Not to be simply aware of God, but hear from God through His word, having the gentle calling, drawing, and pressure to fulfill the works that He has foreordained that you should walk in them. Christianity isn’t a feeling; although you will experience the full range of emotions if you enter into a relationship with the Holy One, being a son of God is about following Jesus.

Later, Jesus comes and finds the man (Veres 35-37), and in verse 38, he believes. We don’t want to make of it something that isn’t there. But we find it interesting that, having told the Pharisees the truth as best as he could reckon – that Jesus was of God (Verse 33), then once the man left the comfort of that Christless religious system, Jesus found him. If you know that your religion is wrong, get serious about Christ.

But giving the blind man recognition, he stood up for Jesus to the religious crowd. Then (Verse 35), Christ comes and asks him, Dost thou believe on the Son of God? When Christ asks, say yes! It’ll be the best thing you ever do.

Read verses 35-41, don’t make Jesus come looking for you. Praise His holy name that He does come to us, but get settled on the Rock, the sure foundation of the Christ of God, that you may enter into His kingdom to do the works that the Father has set before you. Having your eyes opened, now be fully converted to a doer of the word, made a joint heir of eternal life with Christ.

If you’ve never told somebody that you’re a Christian, pray and tell somebody today. For example, say to a stranger, “I believe in Jesus; He has saved my soul.” Verbalize your faith; share your salvation testimony with somebody, do it this week! This is a critical first step that God will use to grow you into a mature fruit-bearing believer.

In supposition, ask yourself, Am I wrong or in error? Do I only see part of the picture? What of my doctrine? Who am I trusting, God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, the Holy Bible? Or are you trusting in men, traditions, and religion?

The Sanhedrin had only two eschatological views, and still, they missed Christ. Today there are several, and within some of those are dozens of bizarre or boutique theories that the Bible never shows.

Don’t get trapped by a building, don’t get trapped as a fruitless wanderer with eyes half opened, yet having a dead faith (James 2:17), and don’t choose the comfort of a Church over Christ’s kingdom and the labor set in order by God for your service of Him. But choose true religion; worship in spirit and in truth, seeking Christ in all things, magnifying His kingdom, proclaiming His holy name, and glorifying the Father, even unto the end.

“39 And Jesus said, For judgment I am come into this world, that they which see not might see; and that they which see might be made blind. 40 And some of the Pharisees which were with him heard these words, and said unto him, Are we blind also? 41 Jesus said unto them, If ye were blind, ye should have no sin: but now ye say, We see; therefore your sin remaineth.” – John 9:39-41

Say not to yourself, I see. But seek truth by Jesus Christ.


  1. On June 19, 2022 at 12:06 pm, Ogami Itto said:

    “Character studies are a means to derive a clearer view of who and what Jesus Christ is, adjusting our worship and service of Him accordingly.”
    Herschel, I mean no disrespect, but you’re making a critical error that most “modern christians” make today, that of Jesus worship.
    Jesus states many times that He is the Son of God, and not to be venerated. Mark 10:18 is a good example.
    Jesus is the Way to Salvation, but He is not God, and only God is to be worshiped.
    As Jesus said according to Mark 10:18, why call Him good, there is no good but God.
    Thanks for your time.

  2. On June 20, 2022 at 9:15 am, Herschel Smith said:

    This isn’t my post, it belongs to PGF.

    However, having said that, Jesus, who is The Christ, is very God of God, very man of man, the second person of the trinity, the one who created all things that are ex nihilo, the one who upholds all things by the Word of His Power, the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords, God incarnate, the one to whom every knee shall bow and every tongue confess, and the one to whom the crowns of all of the saints shall be cast at His feet.

    And if you do not believe those things, you ARE NOT a Christian.

    Maybe that’s clear enough for you.

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