After the Guns Were Removed, the Killing Fields Began

BY Herschel Smith
2 years, 8 months ago

The Daily Signal.

“All political power comes from the barrel of a gun. The Communist Party must command all the guns; that way, no guns can ever be used to command the party.”

The quote was from Mao Zedong, founder of Communist China. Mao’s first act after gaining complete control of China in 1949 was to take away all guns from the population. It was a policy he began in 1935 as he took over each rural province. Anyone found with a gun post-confiscation was executed.

An estimated 65 million Chinese died as a result of Mao’s repeated, merciless attempts to create a new “socialist” China. Anyone who got in his way was done away with—by execution, imprisonment, or forced famine.

Mao killed more people than either Stalin or Hitler during World War II. And it all began after he took away the guns.

Dictators throughout much of history have disarmed their populations before they began their mass killings. Examples abound beyond Mao: Hitler took guns from the Jews in November of 1938, and Kristallnacht and the Holocaust followed; and then there was Fidel Castro in Cuba and Hugo Chavez in Venezuela, to name but a few.

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Everybody ought to have a gun, Castro maintained—until he took over Cuba in 1959. At a rally in Havana before he assumed power, he explained: “This is how democracy works: It gives rifles to farmers, to students, to women, to Negroes, to the poor, and to every citizen who is ready to defend a just cause.”

Weapons ranging from Czech submachine guns to Belgian FN automatic rifles were handed out to 50,000 soldiers, 400,000 militiamen, 100,000 members of the factory-guarding popular defense force, and to many men, women, and children in Cuba’s 1 million-strong “neighborhood vigilance committees.”

Immediately after assuming power in 1959, Castro changed his position, following Mao’s rule that guns should not be in the hands of the people.

For three weeks after the Castro government was formed, Radio Havana warned, “All citizens must turn in their combat weapons. Civilians must take arms to police stations, soldiers to military headquarters.”

“All political power comes from the barrel of a gun. The Communist Party must command all the guns; that way, no guns can ever be used to command the party.”

The quote was from Mao Zedong, founder of Communist China. Mao’s first act after gaining complete control of China in 1949 was to take away all guns from the population. It was a policy he began in 1935 as he took over each rural province. Anyone found with a gun post-confiscation was executed.

An estimated 65 million Chinese died as a result of Mao’s repeated, merciless attempts to create a new “socialist” China. Anyone who got in his way was done away with—by execution, imprisonment, or forced famine.

Mao killed more people than either Stalin or Hitler during World War II. And it all began after he took away the guns.

Dictators throughout much of history have disarmed their populations before they began their mass killings. Examples abound beyond Mao: Hitler took guns from the Jews in November of 1938, and Kristallnacht and the Holocaust followed; and then there was Fidel Castro in Cuba and Hugo Chavez in Venezuela, to name but a few.

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Everybody ought to have a gun, Castro maintained—until he took over Cuba in 1959. At a rally in Havana before he assumed power, he explained: “This is how democracy works: It gives rifles to farmers, to students, to women, to Negroes, to the poor, and to every citizen who is ready to defend a just cause.”

Weapons ranging from Czech submachine guns to Belgian FN automatic rifles were handed out to 50,000 soldiers, 400,000 militiamen, 100,000 members of the factory-guarding popular defense force, and to many men, women, and children in Cuba’s 1 million-strong “neighborhood vigilance committees.”

Immediately after assuming power in 1959, Castro changed his position, following Mao’s rule that guns should not be in the hands of the people.

For three weeks after the Castro government was formed, Radio Havana warned, “All citizens must turn in their combat weapons. Civilians must take arms to police stations, soldiers to military headquarters.”

Radio Havana’s explanation was somewhat contradictory: The guns were in bad shape anyway and the “struggle against our enemies requires a rigorous control of all combat weapons.”

There was an urgency about the new policy that suggested serious concern. Failure to turn in military weapons by Sept. 1, 1959, warned Radio Havana, would be punished not by criminal courts but by the dreaded Revolutionary Tribunals—those kangaroo courts that sentenced thousands of Cubans to death after Castro took over.

[ … ]

Venezuela is now paying the price for allowing Chavez to implement the Mao rule when he came to power in 2012.

The shocking nature of an economic collapse that led Venezuela from being one of the richest countries in Latin America to one of the poorest has been well documented.

One aspect of the Venezuelan crisis that does not receive much coverage is the country’s gun control regime. All guns were outlawed when Chavez came to power, and harsh penalties were imposed on violators. The Venezuelan Armed Forces have exclusive power to control, register, and potentially confiscate firearms.

Many citizens now regret the repressive gun control legislation the Venezuelan government implemented in 2012. Naturally, this regret is warranted. The Venezuelan government is among the most tyrannical in the world, with a proven track record of violating basic civil liberties such as free speech, debasing its national currency, confiscating private property, and creating economic controls that destroy the country’s productivity.

Elections have proven to be useless … [editorial comment, as they always are unless backed by the potential for force].

He did a fairly good job, but of course left out the Armenian genocide, Pol Pot’s reign of terror, Idi Amin’s reign of terror over the Christians in Uganda, Stalin’s starvation of Ukraine, and on and on we could go.

The lessons are universal and repeated throughout history.  Never turn in your firearms.  In 21st century America, you need more care and concern than that.

Home school your children, get off of social media, and be leaders of your family.  Keep your families in tip top working order, and always have plans to set in motion.


  1. On June 21, 2022 at 11:00 pm, dave in pa. said:

    ammo is always going to be your weak link. make plans so that does not happen
    there is no way in hell they will be able to collect all of the guns in this country
    and there are many guns that can be made with simple hand tools , let alone anyone with
    a machine shop or even basic machine tools
    it is the only thing keeping them from loading everyone they don’t like into boxcars.
    god know they beating the drum loud and long enough to make white people the devil.
    you know what their end game is.

  2. On June 22, 2022 at 6:17 am, Wes said:

    Sir, just FYI it seems as if you have a dupe section of the reference article pasted in there.

  3. On June 23, 2022 at 8:04 am, luke2236 said:

    Excellent article, save for the apparently requisite inclusion of the greatest hoax of the 20/21st century, the million times disproven ‘holocaust’. Oh there were ‘holocausts’ alright, like the murder of some verifiable 40 million White, at least nominally Christian Russians by the (((bolsheviks))), the mentioned some 65 million chinese murdered by the red chinese [they ADMIT that many, so who knows the actual number…] as well as numerous others, all sponsored by and brought on by the same groups of communists, who, are in turn, led by the same group of ‘people’, that admit communism is all (((theirs))).
    People that know little to nothing always want to point the finger at the ‘gun control act’ of 1938 under the NSDAP government; what they fail to note is that this legislation greatly increased the availability of firearms to the average German citizen and lessened many of the onerous restrictions imposed by the previous, (((weimar))) regime…

    Ammo up my folk.

  4. On June 23, 2022 at 1:19 pm, Drake said:

    I have to admit that I now understand the allure of Pol Pot’s plan. The idea of marching every resident of NYC out to Pennsylvania to do manual farming has some appeal. Not saying I’d do it if I led a successful revolution, but can see how it would be tempting.

  5. On June 23, 2022 at 7:47 pm, blake said:

    “Death by Gun Control” is a great read. It is available through: http://www.jfpo.porg

  6. On June 25, 2022 at 12:33 am, Georgiaboy61 said:


    Re: “Excellent article, save for the apparently requisite inclusion of the greatest hoax of the 20/21st century, the million times disproven ‘holocaust’.”

    Holocaust denial, really?? Is that the best you can do? That same tired old claim?

    So, I’d really like to know how much you are paid to post that crap – I mean, by the Anti-Defamation League or the Southern Poverty Law Center.

    It isn’t hard to figure out. It’s so simple even a child could see it. If your opposition won’t post bigoted or hateful content and discredit himself or his website, you do it for him. False-flag op all the way.

    But as I said, is that really the best you can do?

    And if it isn’t the SPLC or ADL paying you, it is precisely the kind of vile stuff the Turks, Pakistanis or Arabs would write. So please tell us – for whom do you work?

  7. On June 25, 2022 at 4:14 pm, luke2236 said:

    I work for no one, but I tell the TRUTH there [alleged] georgia boy. Its easy to verify if you want to and have an IQ above your belt size.

    And btw… the adl, $plc etc ad nauseam constantly claim the holohoax is real and use it as a battering ram against anyone that points out their nefarious doings and parasitical existence; logical dyslexia much there clown?

    BTW… hows the weather in tel aviv today?

  8. On June 25, 2022 at 5:59 pm, Georgiaboy61 said:

    @ luke2236

    Re: “I work for no one, but I tell the TRUTH there [alleged] georgia boy. Its easy to verify if you want to and have an IQ above your belt size.”

    How nice, an ad-hominem attack! Always the last resort of someone who can’t argue based upon reason, evidence and logic. Have a nice day, and enjoy that issue of “Der Sturmer” you are holding…

  9. On June 26, 2022 at 1:35 am, Georgiaboy61 said:

    @ luke2236

    Let me spell something else out for you, in case you missed it while you were foaming at the mouth: Individuals commit crimes. Yes, including Jews…. members of each and every ethnic/racial group on earth have committed crimes and so have they, amongst many others.

    But the key point is the individual. Blaming an entire people or for that matter an entire nation for a crime is not only ludicrous, it is intellectually lazy and morally bankrupt.

    When the victorious allies held the Nuremberg Tribunals after the Second World War, they charged and tried specific individuals – political and military leaders from the Third Reich. Apart from the practical impossibility of trying the entire German people, the legal authorities at the trial also understood that crimes are committed by people, individual people, and it was on those survivors that they concentrated their efforts.

    So, if you have proof – legally-actionable evidence that a crime has been committed (even by a person who happens to be Jewish!) – by all means share it with the readers of this fine blog, or better yet, the authorities.

    But otherwise, do everyone a favor and just calm down. If you want to rant and rave, go outside and scream at a thunderstorm or something. Maybe it will make you feel better.

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