My Everyday Carry Gear and Why It’s “Wrong”
BY Herschel Smith2 years, 7 months ago
Chris takes a wise approach to most things. I’ll make a few comments regarding the things he said as it relates to me.
First, concerning listening to “experts” criticize you for what you carry, that’s silly beyond belief, and I concur with Chris. I literally couldn’t care any less than I do at this moment what a trainer or “expert” says about me or anything I do or don’t do.
Second, like Chris, I have a very low tolerance level for anything on my body. I don’t wear necklaces, rings, watches, or anything else like that. If I’m sitting, my phone comes out of my pocket.
I do find that one unobtrusive way to carry is in an ankle holster (a revolver, of course). Beyond that, I find that if I have to carry IWB, a commander size 1911 frame is narrow enough that it doesn’t cause too much hassle, at least, for a while.
Finally, this is one reason I would rather openly carry, regardless of what other people think about it.
On June 27, 2022 at 8:22 am, Retired_Maj said:
Great article, and I couldn’t agree more. Remember, most “experts” are just idiots that think they know more than you do. Besides, an “Ex-pert” is just a former DRIP. pun intended. There is no such thing as “one size fits all.