A coyote attacked a 2-year-old girl in Orange County, California
BY Herschel Smith
A coyote attacked a 2-year-old girl in Orange County, California, according to police.
The coyote attacked the toddler on Tuesday in Mile Square Park in Fountain Valley, according to a news release from the Fountain Valley Police Department. The girl is recovering from her injuries, police said in another news release.Wildlife officers on Thursday trapped and euthanized the coyote in the park, Patrick Foy, a captain at the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, told CNN. DNA from the child’s clothing was matched to the coyote’s DNA, Foy said.
Gosh. It’s almost as if people should buy guns and carry them for purposes of defense of their family. I know I heard that somewhere.
On June 27, 2022 at 10:14 pm, Frank Clarke said:
You’ll soon be able to do that in California if you’re of good moral character…
On June 28, 2022 at 2:41 pm, J said:
I thought that all coyotes in Orange county Kommiefornica were just transporting illegals. When did they start biting 2 yr olds? Glad to know that you can rid them from parks if you have DNA evidence! In Ok and Tx we just shoot them, cause DNA stands for “do not ask.”