What H&K Thinks Of Gun Owners
BY Herschel Smith2 years, 6 months ago
Pick one…
annnnd then, complain in the comments about not having it♀️
PC: @HKshooting pic.twitter.com/8rbs0tUre9
— Heckler & Koch (@HecklerAndKoch) June 27, 2022
H&K can go pound sand. I don’t want any of their products.
On June 29, 2022 at 4:21 am, Chris said:
Yup, thats H&K.
It Keeps them relevant, in there minds.
I tell people buy PTR’s if they want a Hk type weapon.
All the gun without supporting the Typical LE Attitude.
On June 29, 2022 at 8:59 am, Fred said:
Wow, that’s terrible. What a thing for a company to do. Forget that it’s guns and police. It’s just mean spirited, it shows an evil heart toward men.
On June 29, 2022 at 12:57 pm, MTHead said:
There always has been American made alternatives to H&K’s, whatever they build. The government buys their stuff because of that attitude. And the fact that they give a lot of “incentives” to procurement dept. heads.
I always laughed in amusement that they had to start making AR’s in order to keep up. And that most of their crap was big, clunky, European/Hollywood style not very accurate junk.
If not for government they wouldn’t have survived.
The upside being that as long as their around supplying government. You will be able to outgun them one way or another.
And that’s why they hate you.
On June 29, 2022 at 6:46 pm, nomen nescio said:
I will admit to feeling the occasional twinge of lust for a USP9. Otherwise HK’s best products aren’t even in production any more–the HK91 and HK93. I will admit I might forgive them if they’d bring us a semiauto HK33–basically an HK93 built around AR15 mags instead of the weird, proprietary, scarce, and extremely expensive mags the HK93 got.
Otherwise, well, their business model has always been sales to governments, not to uppity civilians. Always. It’s nothing new for them.
On June 29, 2022 at 8:21 pm, JFP said:
Perhaps they’re smarting from that new 3d printed mp5 design floating around on the net. Bummer for them.
On June 29, 2022 at 9:28 pm, Glenn said:
I’m sorry I’m confused I do not understand their post
On June 30, 2022 at 7:45 pm, Bradley A Graham said:
I’ve had a USP for close to 25 years now. I would never get rid of it but i would never buy another HK product again.
Too many other viable options that won’t cost your left arm and for me it all boils down to
Unfortunately HK will always be about ego and nothing to do with economics.
On July 2, 2022 at 4:27 pm, Daniel K Day said:
Glenn, I didn’t get it at first either but my guess is that both models are full-auto or selective fire, and H&K is mocking Americans who are neither military nor police for resenting that we’re barred (aside from a wealthy few) from obtaining full-auto and selective fire guns legally.
I used to have a HK91. It was dependable but beat the hell out of the brass as it threw it 25 feet from the gun. Not missed.