Christian Reconstruction and Pete Hegseth’s Confirmation as Secretary of Defense

Herschel Smith · 26 Jan 2025 · 7 Comments

I had earlier point out that the progressives weren't giving up without a fight. Their hard-fought victory over the military establishment and the consequent loss of it, even if partial, cuts deeply. They have so weakened the edifice that it is crumbling. The department cannot meet recruitment goals, needs warfighters for the national defense and cannot find them, wastes increasingly precious dollars on failed programs, and celebrates transgenders and LGBTQ. This crumbling of the edifice meets…… [read more]

Gospel Witness – Three Ways to Approach Lost Sinners

2 years, 7 months ago

Note: Tagged Gospel Witness with the other posts in this series.

“Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest.” – Matthew 9:38

There are three primary approaches to contacting lost sinners. Witnesses for Jesus Christ don’t win souls by accident; they do it on purpose. These tools will help you grow in confidence and effectiveness while sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Find the way that works for you.

Your knowledge, personality, background, education, and salvation testimony build upon each other to make you the Christian God wants you to become. By adding tools and ideas to your existing knowledge, you significantly increase your effectiveness while being a witness for Jesus Christ. One of the overall objectives of this training should be to incorporate tools into who you already are in Christ Jesus.

By being yourself while talking with lost sinners, you may find the exact type of people who respond to you so that they hear the Gospel and get saved by Jesus.

Holy Father God saves who He will by the workings of the Holy Spirit. Soul Winners simply tell the truth of the Gospel.

“A man’s heart deviseth his way: but the Lord directeth his steps.” – Proverbs 16:9

Your faithfulness in being consistent is a tool that the Lord can use mightily for His glory. Holy God sets divine appointments between a Soul Winner and lost sinners. Being consistent and reliable puts you where God can use you best.

If you are faithful by making yourself available, Father God will appoint lost sinners to hear the Gospel from you; while sharing His message of love and salvation through the cross. One thing you will have to do is be purposeful. Set specific times each week to seek the lost. Make a plan, and stick to it. Be sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s guidance after you go.

Believers in Jesus are called to be separate and sanctified. We are to go to the lost, telling them the Gospel, not living among them and being like them. How was Jesus a friend to sinners? By telling them the absolute truth regardless of how it made them feel. Purposefully going and telling people what great things Christ has done for them glorifies God. Try different ways of approaching people to see what works for you; God will bless the efforts.

We suppose there are three main ways we can approach lost sinners.

In our first way, let the lost get to know you over a couple of get-togethers and soon share the Gospel. Invite the lost sinner to coffee or dinner and get to know each other a little. We are not hiding that we are Christian while doing this. Prayer thanking Holy God for a meal is a great way to show the lost sinner that you are a public and caring Christian. And also, during this prayer, we can share the simple Gospel by thanking Father God out loud for Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection so that your guest may hear this necessary and straightforward truth.

Then, on the 2nd or 3rd meeting, get out your Bible and open it up to them, introducing the Gospel by sharing verses that show the truths of why they must have Jesus. This is one way to approach co-workers, neighbors, schoolmates, and other acquaintances.

We are NOT friend-winning. You must get down to business and be direct by having a specific plan to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We must tell them the truth about their sin condition even if it hurts their feelings. We must convey to them the eternal consequences of their sin, even if it means they no longer consider us a friend. You’ve been the greatest friend they’ve ever had by telling them the Gospel. If the lost sinner won’t accept Jesus, that’s between them and God. Soul-winning is not friend-winning.

Another way to approach folks is a short five or 10-minute conversation and then bring up the things of God. Introduce yourself, let them get to know you by being friendly and polite, and then talk to them about the Scriptures. What we are doing here is looking for an entry point to bring up the word of God to get our Bible open. Every aspect of life is present in the Holy Bible, so being aware of the Holy Spirit while listening to your new acquaintance is an excellent way to find an opportunity to bring up the things of God. This approach may work well for you.

Again, the purpose is to get down to business, opening our Bible and sharing the Gospel. We’re not doing a Social Gospel Christianity.

“For I determined not to know any thing among you, save Jesus Christ, and him crucified.” – 1 Corinthians 2:2

And thirdly, we can take a much more direct approach, going straight to Scripture. You can walk right up to strangers in public places, Bible in hand, and demand (politely with a smile on your face) to know the condition of their soul as to its eternal station. If they will listen for a minute or the Holy Spirit completely captures them (this does happen, it’s mighty to behold), you can quote Scripture to them about salvation while also offering to show them what the Bible means by that (those) verse(s). Many use this approach when door-knocking in neighborhoods as well.

In this manner, we introduce them almost immediately to the word of God without even stating our name or shaking hands which might sound cold, but it works well with strangers in public spaces such as parks and other gathering areas. Keep in mind that Holy God sets appointments between the witness and the lost sinner.

One term for this approach is called street witnessing. In this way of sharing the Gospel, we are not being aggressive, unfriendly, or abusive in any way. Don’t do damage to the name of Christ. We are kindly and directly showing the truth to total strangers. We never compromise anything about the truth of God. It’s essential to be polite and friendly but firm and never back down from who Jesus Christ is and what comes of a man who rejects Him.

You can walk up to people and ask them about their eternal station. You can ask: Are you going to Heaven? Or, Who is Jesus to you? Or, Do you know where you will spend eternity? Etc.

The lost may seek to get rid of you by simply stating that they are saved. We don’t accept that answer; follow up by asking what it means to be saved or asking them to explain how that happened, politely but firmly; their eternal soul is on the line.

When approaching the lost in this manner, having a verse or two of relevant Scripture committed to memory is helpful.

It is the job of the Christian to warn everybody that they face the wrath of God and that they have to believe in Jesus Christ to be saved. Pray while asking Holy God to order your steps in service of Him as a Soul Winner; prayer can undoubtedly be considered a tool of the Soul Winner.

“When I say unto the wicked, O wicked man, thou shalt surely die; if thou dost not speak to warn the wicked from his way, that wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at thine hand.” – Ezekiel 33:8

“Yet if thou warn the wicked, and he turn not from his wickedness, nor from his wicked way, he shall die in his iniquity; but thou hast delivered thy soul.” – Ezekiel 3:19


2 years, 7 months ago













Humor Tags:

The Entire Cadre Of Statists – Including In The SpecOps Community – Is A Danger To Life And Liberty

BY Herschel Smith
2 years, 8 months ago

Reader Ned linked this piece where the following video is embedded.  He is discussing door breaching.  This comes to you via GBRS Group.

This is remarkable.

“Worst case is some dude’s barricaded internal doors, has got like, [ … ] steel hollow core shit going on …  this weird … in his house because he’s a weirdo and a prepper and a threeper that hates cops and he’s trying to suck you in and kill you, right?”

First of all, he needs to learn to speak English.  He is an uneducated buffoon.  He needs to engage his brain before he engages his big mouth.

Second, he appears to comport well with the stated mission of the company.


We have no business having “special operators” in constabulary positions in America.  I know a highly combat-experienced former Marine who agrees.  We need constitutional Sheriffs and peace officers.

Third, note what they call these policing “special operators.”  End users.  Nothing more, nothing less.  It’s just a craft to them, there is no morality in how it’s applied or carried out.  For enough money, they’d train any cops in America to perpetrate this craft on Americans.  GBRS Group is nothing but mercenaries for pay.

Fourth, note the interviewer.  He doesn’t stop the idiot from talking and respond, “Um … what did you say?  Did you say that the worst case you will face is an American prepper who has hardened doors?  Did you really mean that, and why would you do such a thing?

He just lets him keep on prattling about nothing after telling how he loathes ordinary Americans.

Fifth, and perhaps most important, a prepper doesn’t want to lure anyone into anything.  He wants to be left alone.  That’s what the statists don’t understand about you.  You just want to be left alone.

But this guy is willing to train people to bust down the doors of men and women who want to be left alone and raid their homes, potentially killing completely innocent and peaceable people, including dogs and children.  This is warfare perpetrated on Americans by Americans.

What a horrible bunch of men.  Just terrible.  Loathsome and repulsive.

COVID UPDATE: What is the truth?

2 years, 8 months ago

Via WRSA, a well researched and thorough article with linked references. Some of this is review but it’s good to have it in one place, with proof research supplied. Some details appear to be new. It’s a recommended weekend read.

The designers of this pandemic anticipated a pushback by the public and that major embarrassing questions would be asked. To prevent this, the controllers fed the media a number of tactics, one of the most commonly used was and is the “fact check” scam. With each confrontation with carefully documented evidence, the media “fact checkers” countered with the charge of “misinformation”, and an unfounded “conspiracy theory” charge that was, in their lexicon, “debunked”.

In the case of all other drugs and previous conventional vaccines under review by the FDA, the otherwise unexplained deaths of 50 or less individuals would result in a halt in further distribution of the product, as happened on 1976 with the swine flu vaccine. With over 18,000 deaths being reported by the VAERS system for the period December 14, 2020 and December 31st, 2021 as well as 139,126 serious injuries (including deaths) for the same period there is still no interest in stopping this deadly vaccine program.

A new study has now surfaced, the results of which are terrifying.[25] A researcher at Kingston University in London, has completed an extensive analysis of the VAERs data (a subdepartment of the CDC which collects voluntary vaccine complication data), in which he grouped reported deaths following the vaccines according to the manufacturer’s lot numbers of the vaccines. Vaccines are manufactured in large batches called lots. What he discovered was that the vaccines are divided into over 20,000 lots and that one out of every 200 of these batches (lots) is demonstrably deadly to anyone who receives a vaccine from that lot, which includes thousands of vaccine doses.

Money, or the love of money, is behind much of the “pandemic.” It’s important to note that it was not a pandemic. It never attained the threshold numbers of a real pandemic, not even close. The boundary of the minimum number of deaths required was changed, along with most other knowledge and facts about how to handle flu(like) infection. Power and control are also primary drivers of those self-appointed rulers that have the blood of millions on their heads.

The Sighted and The Blind

2 years, 8 months ago

John Chapter 9.

By way of instruction, let’s look at a few people in John Chapter 9. Character studies are a means to derive a clearer view of who and what Jesus Christ is, adjusting our worship and service of Him accordingly. First, the Pharisees, these purveyors of the traditions of men and law by letter and not by spirit, chose power, prestige, and capital R religion above the Christ of God. Also, the blind man’s parents decided to favor the temple (a Church) with the familiar social comfort of the status quo instead of truth by Christ Jesus. Then the man blind from his birth seemed strangely satisfied having received his sight but perhaps, did not want to know Him that had opened his eyes.

The Pharisees ran off the blind man. This is happening all across America in the Churches; they cast him out. They cast out the evidence of the workings of God.

“They answered and said unto him, Thou wast altogether born in sins, and dost thou teach us? And they cast him out.” – John 9:34

There was the man blind from his birth, sighted, telling them a miracle of God had occurred, and the Pharisees cast out the evidence of Christ by arrogantly choosing to live in the lie of their religion.

Churches are turning to the New Religion of feel-good get along-ism. The Pharisees then, as the Pharisees today running the American Churches, reject the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Those fully regenerated, serious men who know what work must be done are being run out of the Churches. The wolves and workers of inequity can’t have them there lest the truth of Christ’s kingdom by the Great Commission begins to spread. And they can’t have themselves, false converts all, exposed as the frauds they are. They called this man a sinner merely for noting what he perceived to be the source of Christ’s power (John 9:33)! Some of the worst resistance to being a committed Christian comes from the purportedly religious crowd. Don’t let them talk you off the ledge; go all in for Christ.

Are you the blind? Are your eyes opened, but you remain a fruitless edge dweller consuming Christianity as though it were mere entertainment instead of being a doer of the word (James 1:22)?

Examine your faith with all seriousness. The Pharisees knew more about the Bible than anybody and were perhaps the most religious people ever to have lived. Yet, they were lost, dead in their sins, blinded to Christ by their lofty self-estimation, residing in error. It cost them their whole civilization. Are you in error? Can you hear the truth? Examine yourselves with fear and trembling (Philippians 2:12). Is your doctrine wrong?

“Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come.” – John 16:13

In John 9:25-33, we read the man’s testimony to the Pharisees about how he received sight. In Verse 34, again, they tossed him out of the synagogue. Well and good, the most High dwelleth not in temples made with hands (Acts 7:48). Service toward God, centered around a building is the exact religion Christ ended in the first century.

The blind man’s parents (Verses 20 through 23) chose social conformity, religious leaders of dubious character, and poor doctrine of a Christless temple system over the truth of salvation in Jesus Christ. Making an application for today, they didn’t want to be tossed out of “Church” for being real Christians. They chose the wickedness of the ruling class with the trappings of comfort and ease in familiar religion over the truth and even over honest exploration of who Jesus is.

The Churches in America have shown they will comply with any civil edict, whether antichrist or illegal; For they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind… (Hosea 8:7). When they come to your neighborhood for the guns, it’ll be “Christians” out on the street pointing at your house.

Don’t scoff and don’t laugh, but the day is already arriving in American Churches where those confessing Christ are, maybe not so directly just yet, but they’re being told to leave. Saying that you believe in God may be fine. Saying that you believe in Jesus may even be accepted for now. But start preaching hell hot, Christ crucified for the shedding of blood, and the Kingdom of God by His commands preeminent to this world and see what happens.

His parents risked leading him astray, which is essential for parents, grandparents, other family members, teachers, and Church leaders to understand. Raising good little cultural Christians may make them well-adjusted compliant citizens of Rome, but that is not salvation in Christ, nor is it what God’s people are called and chosen to accomplish. You must make Christian soldiers of the children in your family and your congregation.

You’re flat-out wrong if you think peer pressure doesn’t exist in the American Church today. It’s all about fitting in.

“My son, if sinners entice thee, consent thou not.” – Proverbs 1:10

Real Christians are supposed to be radically different from those that remain in darkness. Being regenerated in Christ Jesus changes, or it should change, everything about a man.

For all we know, the blind man’s parents died in their sin, to be cast into eternal torment. If we don’t receive this instruction, the blind man’s parents died in vain, for nothing. Suppose we choose religion over Jesus or Church over God’s works. If we seek faithless ceremony and activities with friends over the hard work of building the Kingdom of God in anticipation of His return, then we’ve missed a central point of this passage. If we don’t heed it, Jesus did this miracle for nothing; the Holy Spirit brought it to the mind of John to pen down for nothing. Shame on us if we learn nothing from their death.

As to the blind man, we’ve heard all kinds of preaching around verse 25. Most of it was making application toward salvation which is fine. But, if you examine the text, the blind man, while talking to the Pharisees, still doesn’t know salvation in Christ Jesus.

“He answered and said, Whether he be a sinner or no, I know not: one thing I know, that, whereas I was blind, now I see.” – John 9:25

He partly understood. He seemed weirdly satisfied. Why did he not inquire as to how Jesus had done this and who Jesus indeed was? By this time, Jesus’ disciples knew that He was the Christ. The blind man knows a miracle had been done and that it was wrought by God. But strangely, after washing his eyes, he didn’t immediately seek to find Jesus so that he might inquire of God.

“They say unto the blind man again, What sayest thou of him, that he hath opened thine eyes? He said, He is a prophet.” – John 9:17

Many today, as the man did with the Pharisees, confess that Jesus came from God, perhaps a prophet or a “good man.” Jesus is who and what He says, or He’s a liar; He can’t be both. But, why didn’t the man ask at the first, who art thou (for example, John 8:25)? We’re forced to wonder how many around us, having been made sighted, abide not entirely in the belief of Jesus Christ. Except that the Father draws a man to Christ, they remain with a simple, perhaps, intellectual understanding of Christ but lack faith unto life everlasting. He’s drawing you to choose even now.

The man knows a miracle had been done and that it was wrought by God. Perhaps your eyes are open, or you’ve seen some of the workings of God but have not drawn nigh to Christ and made your covenant with Him that you might be made wholly a son of God? Not to be simply aware of God, but hear from God through His word, having the gentle calling, drawing, and pressure to fulfill the works that He has foreordained that you should walk in them. Christianity isn’t a feeling; although you will experience the full range of emotions if you enter into a relationship with the Holy One, being a son of God is about following Jesus.

Later, Jesus comes and finds the man (Veres 35-37), and in verse 38, he believes. We don’t want to make of it something that isn’t there. But we find it interesting that, having told the Pharisees the truth as best as he could reckon – that Jesus was of God (Verse 33), then once the man left the comfort of that Christless religious system, Jesus found him. If you know that your religion is wrong, get serious about Christ.

But giving the blind man recognition, he stood up for Jesus to the religious crowd. Then (Verse 35), Christ comes and asks him, Dost thou believe on the Son of God? When Christ asks, say yes! It’ll be the best thing you ever do.

Read verses 35-41, don’t make Jesus come looking for you. Praise His holy name that He does come to us, but get settled on the Rock, the sure foundation of the Christ of God, that you may enter into His kingdom to do the works that the Father has set before you. Having your eyes opened, now be fully converted to a doer of the word, made a joint heir of eternal life with Christ.

If you’ve never told somebody that you’re a Christian, pray and tell somebody today. For example, say to a stranger, “I believe in Jesus; He has saved my soul.” Verbalize your faith; share your salvation testimony with somebody, do it this week! This is a critical first step that God will use to grow you into a mature fruit-bearing believer.

In supposition, ask yourself, Am I wrong or in error? Do I only see part of the picture? What of my doctrine? Who am I trusting, God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit, the Holy Bible? Or are you trusting in men, traditions, and religion?

The Sanhedrin had only two eschatological views, and still, they missed Christ. Today there are several, and within some of those are dozens of bizarre or boutique theories that the Bible never shows.

Don’t get trapped by a building, don’t get trapped as a fruitless wanderer with eyes half opened, yet having a dead faith (James 2:17), and don’t choose the comfort of a Church over Christ’s kingdom and the labor set in order by God for your service of Him. But choose true religion; worship in spirit and in truth, seeking Christ in all things, magnifying His kingdom, proclaiming His holy name, and glorifying the Father, even unto the end.

“39 And Jesus said, For judgment I am come into this world, that they which see not might see; and that they which see might be made blind. 40 And some of the Pharisees which were with him heard these words, and said unto him, Are we blind also? 41 Jesus said unto them, If ye were blind, ye should have no sin: but now ye say, We see; therefore your sin remaineth.” – John 9:39-41

Say not to yourself, I see. But seek truth by Jesus Christ.

Comparing The AR-15 5.56X45 With The Sig Spear 6.8X51

BY Herschel Smith
2 years, 8 months ago

Tim makes the comparison and contrast.  I really like Tim and have exchanged email with him, with Tim being helpful with advice in a purchase I wanted to make.

But I think they are wrong in their conclusions on almost every account.  First, don’t shoot practice ammunition when you can shoot the real thing.  No, .38 Spl versus .357 magnum isn’t a good comparison.  If you intend to carry .357 magnum, you’d better be shooting .357 magnum at the range.

Next, I think the high pressures this cartridge generates is going to be problematic, including scorching the chamber and throat.  Also, until you see this gun running its high pressures in hot environments for years, you have yet to see what sorts of problems will develop.  Next, I think the weight is going to be problematic, both for the gun and the ammunition.  Next, I think no one is ever going to shoot this in full auto – it will be completely uncontrollable.  I could go on, but I think you get my main points.

What to do then?  The Stoner platform is great, and so is the 5.56X45 for distances short of about 400 yards.  For those who need to shoot further than that, they should have considered the 6mm ARC.  No, they shouldn’t have considered it, they should have purchased upper receivers chambered for this cartridge as fast as they could.

The upper receiver will fit an AR-15 lower.  The cartridge fits within the AR platform.  Weight stays the same.  Operation stays the same.  A new upper receiver and new magazines is all that is required.  For that, you get a 6mm bullet that weighs almost twice what the 5.56X45 does (103 grains, 105 grains, 108 grains) with the velocity of the 5.56X45, and a long bullet that has the ballistic design for effectiveness at 1000 yards. You do all of that with only 1 – 2 pounds more recoil.

Leave it to the DoD to make stupid decisions and waste money.

Firearms,Guns Tags:

Defending The NRA?

BY Herschel Smith
2 years, 8 months ago

Harold Hutchison at Ammoland.

There are times when Second Amendment supporters rip the National Rifle Association over the Gun Control Act of 1968 or the 1993 Brady Act. Let’s be blunt; the bulk of the provisions in those laws probably should be repealed – or greatly modified – to properly reflect the Second Amendment.

But in 1968 and 1993, Second Amendment supporters were in a bad position. Second Amendment supporters faced a dire situation in 1968. There had been the high-profile assassinations of Robert F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr. earlier in the year. President Lyndon Baines Johnson was pushing for licensing and registration.

As noted earlier, that was the “second problem” Nelson “Pete” Shields outlined in a 1976 interview. Once they have the guns registered and gun owners licensed, gun owners are in a dire situation. Look at England, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada if you don’t believe me. As such, the NRA back then made probably the best choice they could – limit the damage and prevent licensing and registration from happening.

The same situation was in place with the Brady Act in 1993. The real threat was a permanent waiting period. NICS has a lot of problems, and the NSSF has outlined the fixes that are a bare minimum, and Second Amendment supporters should work to make that happen. In an ideal world, there would be no NICS, but we’re not in an ideal world, and post-Uvalde/Buffalo, the conditions are decidedly less than ideal.

[ … ]

In the wake of Uvalde, there will likely be a push for “red flag” laws. In this case, with the heightened emotions, Second Amendment supporters should keep the long-term threats in mind …

Second Amendment supporters will need to work hard to defeat anti-Second Amendment extremists at the federal, state, and local levels via the ballot box, but part of that hard work will be effective damage control after events like Uvalde.

The presupposition behind this badly framed and entirely mistaken argument is that if we don’t compromise some, the collectivists will do worse to us.

But that presupposition is falsifiable.  The collectivists have already said what they want to do, and it is reflected in the wish list proposed by the House, i.e., a renewed AWB, magazine capacity limits, red flag laws, universal background checks, registration of all firearms by serial number, and on and on the list goes.

If they currently had that much power they would have already pushed through their agenda.  There is nothing to be gained from any sort of compromise.  As far as the voters go, you cannot convince a collectivist to vote for liberty by compromising.  It runs fundamentally against their nature.

His defense of the NRA is silly.  One commenter posts this in response.

But just so that you don’t miss it, make sure to read Harold’s piece.  He appears to be actually defending or speaking out in favor of red flag laws.

Cultural Mandate & The Great Commission

2 years, 8 months ago

Read parts One and Two.

Dominion is established at creation, re-settled post-flood , but recreated in Christ. It’s an interesting and worthwhile short study of the mandate for dominion from the start brought forward by the Great Commission given to us today. The cultural mandate is derived from God’s given dominion. This is why the left can’t stand Christ. They’re accepting, for now, your little private church and prayers, but that’s not the deputation the Almighty has given. We are to preach the Gospel to every creature, teaching all the world upon conversion to obey Christ. This the left, inside and outside of their New Religion, cannot have.

Thus, man has both a basic constitutional urge to dominion as a result of his being created in God’s image and a fundamental responsibility to do so as a result of his being commanded in the Creation Mandate. Man’s distinctive task in God’s world in accordance with God’s plan is to develop culture. Culture may be defined as the sum deposit of the normative labors of man in the aggregate over time. Adam was to “cultivate” the world (Gen. 1:26-28), beginning in Eden (Gen. 2:15).


The ultimate authority of the Triune God specifically undergirds both the Creation and the New Creation Mandates. The Creation Mandate was given directly from the mouth of God, who had just created all reality by means of His spoken word (Gen. 1:26-31). This was the very God who said, “Let Us make man in Our image” (Gen. 1:26), thus indicating His Trinitarian being.

The activity of the later New Creation Mandate is to be performed “in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,” the Triune God (Matt. 28:19). It also was uttered by the very mouth of God: God the Son, who holds “all authority in heaven and earth” (Matt. 28:18) and by whom the universe was created.

A little off-topic, but this is why I worship on Sunday. We don’t worship in the old creation covenant but in the new.

Both Adam and Christ are federal heads, Adam of sin and death (Romans 5:12), Christ to redemption. You have the one, Adam, but you can be recreated and restored through redemption in Christ Jesus.


2 years, 8 months ago






Humor Tags:

Florida permitless carry bill coming next legislative session, top Republican says

BY Herschel Smith
2 years, 8 months ago


TALLAHASSEE — Incoming Florida House Speaker Paul Renner told a supporter his chamber would move a “constitutional carry” policy for gun owners in Florida in the next legislative session, according to a video surreptitiously recorded at a fundraising event last month and posted online.

In the video, which was filmed at a House GOP fundraising event in Ocala on May 17, a man pulls Renner aside and asks if expanding the right for Floridians to carry guns without permits would be a legislative priority.

“I can tell you, we’ll do it in the House,” Renner tells the man. “We need to work on the Senate a little bit.”

In an interview Wednesday, Renner said he didn’t know he was being recorded or who he was speaking with at the Ocala event, but confirmed the video’s authenticity. The Palm Coast Republican reaffirmed his support for “constitutional carry” legislation but said he didn’t call it a priority.

“The issue on constitutional carry is whether government should be playing a role in saying whether you can or can’t carry outside the home when you meet the basic requirements of being able to pass a background check,” he said.

In April, Gov. Ron DeSantis promised to deliver a bill allowing permitless carry before his time as governor was through. The support of Renner, who leads one of Florida’s two legislative bodies, would mean the policy would have significant momentum in the next legislative session.

Current Florida law requires handgun owners to obtain a license to carry their weapons in most public places. Open carry of weapons is mostly prohibited: Florida’s licenses only allow gun owners to carry guns concealed on their person. In order to get a concealed carry permit, a handgun owner has to take a training class that includes instruction involving the live firing of a loaded gun.

In other states, “constitutional carry” has allowed gun owners to carry their weapon without a permit — and thus without going through that training. Supporters call the policy “constitutional carry” because they argue the Second Amendment’s guarantee of the right to bear arms means Americans should be able to carry without the regulatory burden of obtaining a permit.

[ … ]

Passidomo on Wednesday pointed to Florida’s red flag law as a good balance between Second Amendment rights and protecting communities and schools. That law allows law enforcement to petition for a risk protection order if they believe someone is a danger to themselves or others. If a judge approves the order, firearms are removed from a person’s home. The process allows the person given the order to oppose it in court.

Luis Valdes, Florida state director for Gun Owners of America, who posted the clip of Renner to YouTube, said he planned to push for a permitless carry policy this legislative session. Valdes believes Passidomo will come around eventually.

“She is right now kind of being a little bit squishy on the issue, but I think with a little bit of political education, she would push the bill,” Valdes said in an interview Thursday.

For fighting the good fight in Florida for open carry, I recommend The Armed Fisherman.

And while some may disagree, I think this is the wrong order.  Florida police are far too arrogant and need their comeuppance.  We need to see people openly carrying in Florida.

When people get accustomed to seeing men carry weapons, and seeing that the sky doesn’t fall, then proceed to constitutional carry next.

I would be most dissatisfied with constitutional carry passed without open carry.

Where are the strong men in Florida?  Why is there no push to see this happen?  Florida apparently wants to be like Hawaii, New York, New Jersey, Illinois and Massachusetts.

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