Our Short Attention Span About Gun Violence
Via The Gun Feed: antichrist, anti-science, Psychology Today calls for media and “scientific community” whoring for gun control.
The science is abundantly clear: More guns do not stopĀ crime. Guns kill more children each year than auto accidents. More children die by gunfire in a year than on-duty police officers and active military members. Guns are a public health crisis, just like COVID, and in this, we are failing our children over and over again.
The article says guns kill people. Seriously? What about the mental state of the people who take up weapons against the unarmed, especially when the prey are children and women?
Advocating for gun control is the position of the hopelessly ignorant, which must mean that Psychology has no answer as to the causation of the mental or emotional condition of those who commit such wicked and sinful acts. That rag is worse than useless. Psychology isn’t even science.
As TCJ has pointed out at length, claiming inanimate objects cause human behavior is belief in voodoo.
On July 6, 2022 at 8:11 pm, Bill Buppert said:
Men as a mental disorder. You’re welcome.
The witch doctors at the APA: