There Won’t Be Any Winners Because The Status Quo Is Corrupt Everywhere
BY PGF2 years, 6 months ago
Via WRSA, the author’s examples could have been detailed, but the broader point is well taken. Corruption destroys the nation in favor of self. And today, the country’s leaders mask this self-interest with communistic sloganeering and socialist programs. The green energy boondoggles of the Obama administration and those that continue today are great examples. (Bold in the original)
Debating which nations will “win” as the global economy unravels is a popular but pointless parlor game. Since the status quo in every nation is deeply, profoundly, systemically corrupt, there won’t be any “winners,” there will only be losers.
Corruption becomes fatal when those in power are no longer able to distinguish the difference between self-interest and the national interest. Systemic corruption blurs the lines and persuades those in power that their self-enrichment and power grabs are serving the national interest.
The truth is their distorting the system to maximize their private gain cannot possibly serve the national interest or the common good. It’s one thing to reward a long-serving crony by appointing the pal to a cushy no-real-work-required position on a crony-filled board with little actual power. It’s another to distort the distribution of irreplaceable capital and resources to maximize the self-enrichment of the corrupt few as the expense of the many.
The handshake deal between trusted men never went out of style. You can’t fix them, only keep your own integrity and build trust relationships with those of like mind. The worse national policy gets, the more distant it and they become. Stay local; stick with those you know.
Since every major power is corrupt, they may have much in common. This is the risk I think, the New Order against the masses. Birds of a feather and all of that. Of course, man’s capacity to make war over petty things should never be ignored when assessing international and local concerns.
Your nation and your civilization are collapsing. That’s as plainly and simply as you can be told.
On July 28, 2022 at 5:11 am, Joe Blow said:
Whay concerns me the most is the reaction of the masses. I never believed the population was THAT stupid until I went through this KungFlu nonsense. Even today in July ’22 people are running around, in cars by themselves, wearing masks. When confronted, these people go explosive and will not debate facts and information, rather immediatelt resort to hysterics. What can you do with that? Nothing.
The abortion response is perfect, and also telling… people are out there violently.protesting in some cases. Abortion is not illegal now, it is merely left to states to decide for themselves. Residents of one state can legally drive to another if they can’t kill their baby in their home state. Yet these harpies shriek about body autonomy. You still have it, just have to work harder to end the pregnancy than you did to start it? How can you have a rational discussion with illogical people? You can’t, ergo its going to come to shewtin!
On July 29, 2022 at 1:08 am, Georgiaboy61 said:
@ Joe B.
Re: “Even today in July ’22 people are running around, in cars by themselves, wearing masks. When confronted, these people go explosive and will not debate facts and information, rather immediately resort to hysterics. What can you do with that?”
That’s not a bug, that’s a feature.
The new book “The Psychology of Totalitarianism” by Mattias Desmet, delves into this very subject in great detail. But in brief, over the decades since WWII, methods of psychological warfare, propaganda, and the manipulation of mass psychology have grown so potent that it is now possible to induce a sort of mass psychosis or hypnosis, as the author terms it.
Looking further back in time, the National Socialists (Nazis) were successful in creating this state-of-mind in the German people to such an extent that a nation heretofore one of the most-advanced and civilized in the world was plunged into a nightmare of totalitarian brutality – and dragged much of the rest of the world along with it. The Soviets and the communist Chinese were also remarkably” successful” (if that is in fact the word to use for such a horrific achievement) in cultivating this condition in their respective populations as well.
As a historian I have long been-curious how such formerly advanced nations as 20th century Germany, Japan and Russia could be so thoroughly taken over by fanatical true believers. The SARS-Co19 event provided the answer: Once the powers-that-be can condition/brainwash a critical mass of people into being “true believers” of their ideology, those individuals go to work on the remainder of people in society, the skeptics and fence-sitters and so forth. The state weaponizes them against would-be dissenters, or even those who simply wish to be left alone to lead a non-ideological life and existence.
What is necessary to break the spell? Something dramatic-enough and potent-enough to pierce the psychosis of mass formation. In the case of Nazi Germany, it took the total destruction of the German state and society and seeing the walls literally coming down around them as the Red Army destroyed Berlin, to break the spell and disrupt the mass formation.
Alas, I have not yet read Desmet’s book, but I have heard good things about it. More on that subject TBD…
On July 29, 2022 at 1:25 am, Georgiaboy61 said:
Re: “Yet these harpies shriek about body autonomy. You still have it, just have to work harder to end the pregnancy than you did to start it? How can you have a rational discussion with illogical people? You can’t, ergo its going to come to shewtin!”
Let’s all hope and pray it doesn’t come to that…but you are right that history doesn’t always paint a pretty picture when conditions arise of the kind that give rise to mass hysteria and fear.
People are governed most of the time by their higher order brain functions – yes, I know that is hard to believe in the case of some folks but please bear with me – which are located in the frontal cortices, for example, and other brain centers of higher cognition and function. The exception to that is when people are afraid, are frightened enough – they will lose the capacity of reason, judgment and moderation of behavior and thought which are typical of civilized human society most of the time.
Simply put, the lower order brain centers take over, the ones which are driven by more-primal behaviors, instincts and functions.
Therefore, someone seeking to control a society composed of perhaps millions of people needs to disrupt their normal mechanisms of emotional and mental equilibrium, get them outside of their comfort zone, get them frightened or upset about something – and then keep them that way.
At the same time the would-be dictator or controller is frightening the herd, he is also creating a refuge for them, namely belonging to his movement and ideology.
Often, would-be dictators engage in us-versus-them behavior, and even begin the sequence of steps leading to genocide, by blaming the ills of society upon a particular group of people, who are stigmatized and made into outcasts.
Whether the threats to the safety and well-being of the people are real, partially real or entirely fictitious, is besides the point, which is to create a sustained state of traumatizing fear in the population. That’s what they’re trying to do with mass formation and mass psychosis. Only then, can they use that society as a unified whole, and begin steering it in ways they desire.
The creation of a state of sustained fear and mass psychosis is part of the psychological warfare campaign the globalist oligarchs and billionaires are using to “soften up” the great masses of the people in order to make their program and agenda (the NWO, the Great Reset, Build Back Better, Climate Change, CBDC, etc.), it is hoped, more palatable to them when the time comes to put it into effect.
On July 29, 2022 at 8:08 am, Bill Buppert said:
Corruption is the natural lifeblood of all government, the West has simply institutionalized corruption in laws and regulations and calls it good.