Economic “Collapse”
We told you here at TCJ 4 months ago that potential economic trouble was brewing, and confirmed a coming recession three months ago.
One day the US economy will collapse. When you print money to infinity, that’s precisely what happens. The predictions have been wrong so far, except for ’39. Of course, when your personal economy collapses, the rest doesn’t matter. Layoffs and firings during inflation are a feedback loop of economic trouble.
Three reads about the recession, maybe collapse.
Armstrong Economics is worth checking periodically when turmoil starts to appear. First, Argentina, which seemingly collapses twice a decade but, this is on the heels of the recent Sri Lanka collapse. One day, perhaps soon, this is our future.
Argentina’s economy has collapsed. Around 57% of adults in the nation are currently unemployed. The Socialist nation has programs in place to compensate, costing the country around $6 million daily. However, socialism no longer works when you run out of other people’s money. July’s inflation report showed an uptick over 60%.
Next 14 signs the US is about to crash.
It looks like we are going to get official confirmation that a recession has already begun when the GDP number for the second quarter comes out later this week. [Fox News has confirmed] But that isn’t what we should be focusing on. Yes, things weren’t great during the first half of 2022, but they are going to be significantly worse during the second half. Small businesses are starting to fail all over the country, a housing crash of potentially epic proportions has started, layoffs are on the rise from coast to coast and economic activity is really slowing down all around us. So if you think that things are bad now, just wait, because they will soon be a whole lot more painful.
In recent days we have gotten more new numbers which seem to confirm that a major economic slowdown is upon us. The following are 14 signs that the U.S. economy is poised to crash really hard during the second half of 2022…
And, The Federalist figures it’ll be worse than you think, which is funny because, although you can’t be entirely prepared for such a thing, anybody paying attention has been waiting for The Big Collapse for years, if not decades.
Some experts believe that recent interest rate hikes will translate into a modest decline in growth, but such claims lack evidential support.
Hold your loved ones close, spend time with them now, tell them you love them, and look heavenward to the author and finisher of our faith, Christ Jesus. God will get His glory.
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