The FBI Should Be Defunded And Dismantled
BY Herschel Smith
In one fell swoop, the FBI should be no more. They should all be sent packing to find real jobs. Friend of TCJ Stephen Stamboulieh posts this Twitter leak.
— Stephen (@Stambo2A) August 2, 2022
On August 2, 2022 at 9:45 pm, Fred said:
How much of this stuff did the sodomite pervert uvalde shooter have or do? None, he was a leftist as have been all the terrorists since, well, Dorner. And might I remind you, Dorner had no lawful recourse.
Ooh, is Dorner a bad word?
Ruby Ridge – oogah boogah – check under the bed for a bad guy. Pfft.
On August 3, 2022 at 7:09 am, June J said:
Defund and dismantle? All of Democrats and probably most of Republicans in DC agree with the FBI.
On August 3, 2022 at 7:25 am, Latigo Morgan said:
“The FBI couldn’t find a bad guy in Central Booking.” – Retired NYPD friend
“A secret police agency is repugnant to Liberty.” – Me
On August 3, 2022 at 8:23 am, Joe Blow said:
The criminals will not police themselves. This document proves beyond a doubt we are their declared enemy. It is literally a declaration that we are their enemy.
Prepare to defend yourselves gentlemen.
On August 3, 2022 at 2:11 pm, scott s. said:
FBI supposedly was created to bring scientific methods to policing, but I guess the string of bank robberies was used as justification to make a federal police force. Though the science of things like polygraph and fingerprint is more related to witchcraft and sorcery. Even the “gold standard” dna test is shaky. Of course you create a federal police force then you need to create a title 18 to give them something to do. But then mixing in “counter-espionage/national security” with police functions after WWII — that’s recipe for disaster.
On August 3, 2022 at 2:12 pm, Georgiaboy61 said:
@ June J.
Re: “Defund and dismantle? All of Democrats and probably most of Republicans in DC agree with the FBI.”
The proof of that particular pudding is that the House and Senate have done nothing to admonish or reprimand, let alone actually punish – any of the top leadership of the SES (senior executive service) at the Bureau, since abuses of this kind have come to light. If anyone significant has been fired or criminally-charged, it is news to me.
There are two or three plausible reasons for this inaction: First, Congress agrees with what the F.B.I. is doing, and is sitting on its hands for that reason. Second, the members are afraid to cross the agency and by implication, the deep-state, and remain inactive on that account.
Third, the GOP lacks the votes to do anything. That’s probably the first excuse the Republicans will offer for their inaction, but that doesn’t really hold water since they did nothing even back when they had the votes. So that brings us back to the first two reasons….
On August 3, 2022 at 3:04 pm, Paul B said:
Where can I sign the petition to close the FBI.
Bunch of over paid crooks.
On August 4, 2022 at 9:54 am, nomen nescio said:
Should be. Won’t. They’re the regime’s enforcers. Why would the regime not want to have enforcers?
If the idea that perhaps we should get rid of the FBI and start over ever gains traction, beware of politicians who promise this, then show us plans to deliver an all-new federal police agency that will be staffed by the same sullen Affirmative Action hires and pink-haired SJWs that write up documents like this one–a reorganization and renaming without real change.
Wake me up when all current and former FBI personnel going back to 1993 are fired, stripped of their pensions, and banned from ever having public sector employment again. And their spouses. And their siblings. And their children. Anything short of that is pissing in the wind. Rip it all out, root and branch, or don’t bother.
You can even continue to have an agency called the “FBI” if you want, with the same organization and equipment, so long as you get rid of the people who are causing the problem, and you’re going to have to fire all of them, down to the last file clerk and janitor. Civilization needs defenders. Prior to J. Edgar Hoover’s death the FBI was usually–not always, but usually–on the right side, against the Communists and the Mafia, and did some very useful work in counterintelligence against foreign spies, though they didn’t arrest nearly enough of the Russian spies in the Manhattan Project. J. Edgar Hoover has been dead for a very long time.
On August 5, 2022 at 10:04 am, JB said:
Just like an old termite infested building with crumbling foundations cannot be rebuilt into a strong and safe structure, neither can the FBI and all other agencies within the Federal Government. Its going to take complete rebuilding from the foundation up with all new materials and people to save our Republic. Its that bad, and no amount of bug spray and fresh paint can fix the infestation that has taken over the US Government. But I dont see such a rebuilding of government possible by changing politicians and agency heads. Its going to take far more.