The Sixth Commandment and Covid-19 Vaccines
“Thou shalt not kill.”- Exodus 20:13
Adam Clarke (1762-1832):
God is the Fountain and Author of life—no creature can give life to another: an archangel cannot give life to an angel—an angel cannot give life to man—man cannot give life even to the meanest of the brute creation. As God alone gives life, so He alone has a right to take it away: and he who, without the authority of God, takes away life, is properly a murderer. This commandment, which is general, prohibits murder of every kind.
We find this interesting in light of the Covid-19 pandemic, vaccine problems, and indications that the oligarchs plan to kill 90 percent of the population if they can. Medicine, as life-preserving, falls under this commandment according to The Institutes of Biblical Law By ROUSAS JOHN RUSHDOONY.
Fourth, since the protection and nurture of man’s life under God is the positive affirmation of the sixth commandment, it becomes apparent why, in biblical tradition, both in Israel and in Western civilization, medicine has been closely linked to religion. Tournier has stated that, “In the very essence of his vocation the doctor is the defender of the weak.”363 This is a strange and perverse interpretation, modern in its reading of the sick as the weak and in its orientation to the weak. The doctor is not concerned with the weak as against the strong and treats both as need or care requires it. The doctor’s function is to further healing and to protect and further man’s life under God. This conserving function has given medicine a conservative orientation, and one of the functions of socialized medicine has been the assault on medicine because of its conservative heritage, now rapidly being lost. The attempts at a mechanistic and materialistic medical approach function to sever the link between medicine and biblical faith. On the other hand, psychosomatic medicine, despite its many materialistic emphases, has worked to give room again for a return to a biblical emphasis, as has the renewed interest in the godly use of the soil and the proper growing of foods.
And the American Church shut down, quit, and went home without so much as a whimper. The Churches remain silent about “trust the science” or even encouraging folks to take the vaccine. But the day of resistance is coming and will be massive. Too bad the Church is weak, effeminate, and fake, too ineffective to lead the principled revolt necessary to save Western Civilization.
Christ’s church, the body of Christ, is supposed to be the beacon of hope, the light of moral law, holder and teacher of the Oracles of God, and, if properly run by men of God, should submit to no evil whatsoever.
On August 10, 2022 at 8:34 am, Don't mind me said:
Thou shalt not “murder”.