Where The Rubber Meets The Road
As much as 40 percent of the energy produced by an internal combustion car engine is lost before the point of tire traction, i.e., where the rubber meets the road. It’s easy to start an organization that’s against something. Dozens of would-be good organizations have been created yet failed because they have no goal. Those called Christians, or conservatives, southerners, nationalists, and others with well-meaning intentions are against the things it’s proper to disdain. Still, with no goal, your organization either fails or becomes a small echo chamber idling on a worthy idea, but no torque gets applied to the pavement of accomplishment.
The firearms rights organizations fail for this very reason. Also, Prolife Inc. is not a movement nor pro-life, merely anti-abortion; there’s a difference. The fact that these organizations are professional money-making machines is secondary; what are their stated end goals, and how do they plan to get us there? You should determine these things before giving money. Failing to do so is a mistake we’ve all made. Wayne has those nice suits, though, doesn’t he? Defending freedom by drawing a new line in the sand over and over again is not a plan. If you want to pay somebody to organize folks of like mind, don’t call it anything other than what it is; a club.
The Left, however, is for something. They will kill you all; that is their goal, clear and straightforward. To rule the world is the call; you’re in the way. They are of their father the devil, mocking God’s plan.
Christ gave the mission to – as nearly as possible, until His return – eliminate unrighteousness by the Spirit of God, converting lost sinners to Him. His goal is to rule the world in His righteousness. The Churches have been coopted and hijacked (that’s another post); they too are lost in a sea of goalless money collecting, failing to teach and prepare you for the commission of Christ. That’s why most Christians can’t see the New Order as an affront to God but instead are told it’s all part of God’s plan. But God’s plan is the reign of Christ!
We’re not against groups of fellows in Christ (Proverbs 27:17, Ecclesiastes 4:12), but the purpose must be to do the will of the Father, for what is a disciple but a doer of the word (James 1:22). Organization is essential, but faith in Christ to execute His mission is much more so.
Switching gears: the wrath of God abides on all who hold the truth in unrighteousness (Romans 1:18); the lost are condemned already (John 3:18). They can no more make a just society than any other ungodly man. When fighting them on their terms, you won’t win; you cannot beat them by their rules. Evil does not cast out evil (Matthew 12:26), but if Christ cast out devils by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God is come unto you (Matthew 12:28).
Nor can the church fight the Left by any means other than that as specified in God’s revealed law, the Holy Bible. Creating your own project, outside the will of God, will not effectively save our civilization; the Father Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds. He gave us the assignment.
God has provided clear instructions on how this conquest is accomplished (Matthew 28:18-20, Acts 1:8), which is the converted of God sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 15:3-4) unto salvation with the lost, then teaching the converted to obey all that Christ commands. And He left us a goal, put down all ungodly authority (1 Corinthians 15:25), and He gave two sources of power: The Holy Spirit (John 15:25) and the Word of God (Romans 10:17, Hebrews 4:12). And He gave you, as meager as it is, instruction in how to be a man that serves Christ, leads his family, Church, and the body of Christ to serve the Lord God to this end: take and hold ground for our King; Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the LORD of hosts.
You could mock God and attempt to create an organization that mimics His structure or purpose, or you could do what God said. He is the ultimate source of power and the only tangible way to bring about a righteous and just nation that abides in His Law-word.
Or you could idle and wait for the Left, under the prince and power of this world, to thoroughly destroy your civilization, killing millions, or perhaps billions. Then they’ll shrug their shoulders and claim that it wasn’t real socialism. It’s a lie of the devil that politics can save us; that’s why you’re fully immersed in it; you’ve been led astray by the forces of evil.
The mission of Christ is a fight for the soul of the nation and indeed the world, one individual convert at a time. It’s easy to be against something. It’s hard to positively proclaim to be for something and then execute that mission.
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