Notes on the Destruction of Jerusalem Part Two
BY PGF2 years, 5 months ago
Several months ago, we posted a note about the destruction of Jerusalem. Below we find a well-researched and accessible snapshot of the temple system being replaced by Christ. Not only is Jesus the final sacrifice once for all, ending the necessity of the temple system, but the articles contend that Jesus was teaching and preparing His disciples for all aspects of the temple system to be completed in the person of Jesus Christ. That is something I had not considered.
AD 70 & THE TEMPLE’S FAILURE part 1 and part 2
AD 70 is an important date in redemptive-history. In that year the ancient temple of Israel was destroyed, never to be rebuilt.
In the Gospel record Jesus’ subtle conduct and overt teaching prepare us for the removal of the temple as both theologically unnecessary and as spiritually corrupt. John’s Gospel is especially interesting in this regard: In Jn 1:14 Christ appears as God’s true “tabernacle” (eskēnōsen en ēmin). [1] This theme of Jesus replacing the religious features of Israel recurs repeatedly in his ministry: In 1:51 he, rather than the temple or high priest, is the nexus between heaven and earth because…
These posts provide an excellent example of why the temple was to be destroyed; judgment loomed in the first century. There will be at least one more part of the series on the linked website.
On August 21, 2022 at 9:16 pm, George said:
He did say “that some here will not perish before this occurs”. (My paraphrasing.)
On August 21, 2022 at 9:33 pm, PGF said:
“Verily I say unto you, There be some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they see the Son of man coming in his kingdom.” – Matthew 16:28
This is one of the verses that lead postmillennialists to say, now is the millennial kingdom. The mellenial reign started in the first century.
On August 22, 2022 at 3:12 am, Old Bill in TN said:
Herschel, may I recommend “Days of Vengeance, an exposition of the book of Revelation” by David Chilton?
It was instrumental to forming my understanding of Christ’s replacement of the old sacrificial system, the destruction of the Temple i 70 A.D., and the book of Revelation itself. Chilton makes no claim as the last word on the subject, but is a great starting place for the studious Christian.
Regards, Bill
On August 22, 2022 at 11:03 am, Dov said:
Sometime do a word search on how many times the bible says we are the temple of the Holy Spirit. In fact, in Matthew 24: 1 Jesus walks into the temple (2411 in the Greek dictionary) but we are the temple (3485) of the Holy Spirit (1 For 6:19, 1 For. 3:16-17; and the man of lawlessness takes his seat in the temple (3485) of God (2 Thess 2:3-4). I wonder if the abomination of desecration that is spoken of is actually the desecration of our bodies, not a physical building in Jerusalem.
On August 22, 2022 at 12:07 pm, PGF said:
@Dov, I’ve had the same terrifying thought; that allowing the devil to stand in ones heart is an abomination of desecration. The idea came to mind being related to the same subject, the building of a third temple vs. we being the temple of the Holy Spirit.
It went like this; if there is a third temple built, it will be completely false, anti-Christ. But millions worldwide are even now clamoring for it, donating money, and praying for it. There are entire eschatology systems that depend upon it as a core component. Placing your heart in the past temple sacrifice system (or future animal sacrifice) in any way means, to those that would do this, Christ died for nothing, there is no final remission of sin, and they, in fact, never knew Christ as Saviour being deceived by the devil; that liar is their god ruling their conscience in matters of spiritual discernment.
Who and, especially when in history, does the man of sin exist is an eschatological sticking point. I’ve heard many unclear suppositions and claim no authoritative answer myself.
Just as a general warning to any who would read this, do NOT participate in a third temple in any way, shape, form, or fashion.
The matter is insidious. Those claiming that it needs to be built, so that the man of sin (or lawlessness, if they are indeed the same person) can stand it to fulfill history, may be themselves deeply deceived, simply desiring to see that day is worship the evil one and not of Christ. Doing so helps to usher in evil when the Christian mission is building the Kingdom of God in anticipation of His return. Remember that John repeatedly warns, in 1 john, that antiChrist is a spirit that works in the hearts.
Now, as a matter of personal application, not falling into idolatry of any kind, allowing sin to stand in the holy temple of our heart is easy enough to see as sin against God.
On August 22, 2022 at 12:31 pm, Bones said:
It is a general theological principle that the OT physical happenings have a NT spiritual counterpart. So it is that the OT temple has been replaced with the NT “temple built with living stones.” 1 Peter 2:5
This would set apart the idea that there is to be a new temple for worship in Jerusalem. The temple was destroyed because it was no longer necessary, as you say.
On August 22, 2022 at 12:37 pm, Herschel Smith said:
@Old Bill,
PGF wrote this piece, I didn’t.
But I’m familiar with Chilton’s work in this area.