Christian Reconstruction and Pete Hegseth’s Confirmation as Secretary of Defense

Herschel Smith · 26 Jan 2025 · 7 Comments

I had earlier point out that the progressives weren't giving up without a fight. Their hard-fought victory over the military establishment and the consequent loss of it, even if partial, cuts deeply. They have so weakened the edifice that it is crumbling. The department cannot meet recruitment goals, needs warfighters for the national defense and cannot find them, wastes increasingly precious dollars on failed programs, and celebrates transgenders and LGBTQ. This crumbling of the edifice meets…… [read more]

Where The Rubber Meets The Road

2 years, 6 months ago

As much as 40 percent of the energy produced by an internal combustion car engine is lost before the point of tire traction, i.e., where the rubber meets the road. It’s easy to start an organization that’s against something. Dozens of would-be good organizations have been created yet failed because they have no goal. Those called Christians, or conservatives, southerners, nationalists, and others with well-meaning intentions are against the things it’s proper to disdain. Still, with no goal, your organization either fails or becomes a small echo chamber idling on a worthy idea, but no torque gets applied to the pavement of accomplishment.

The firearms rights organizations fail for this very reason. Also, Prolife Inc. is not a movement nor pro-life, merely anti-abortion; there’s a difference. The fact that these organizations are professional money-making machines is secondary; what are their stated end goals, and how do they plan to get us there? You should determine these things before giving money. Failing to do so is a mistake we’ve all made. Wayne has those nice suits, though, doesn’t he? Defending freedom by drawing a new line in the sand over and over again is not a plan. If you want to pay somebody to organize folks of like mind, don’t call it anything other than what it is; a club.

The Left, however, is for something. They will kill you all; that is their goal, clear and straightforward. To rule the world is the call; you’re in the way. They are of their father the devil, mocking God’s plan.

Christ gave the mission to – as nearly as possible, until His return – eliminate unrighteousness by the Spirit of God, converting lost sinners to Him. His goal is to rule the world in His righteousness. The Churches have been coopted and hijacked (that’s another post); they too are lost in a sea of goalless money collecting, failing to teach and prepare you for the commission of Christ. That’s why most Christians can’t see the New Order as an affront to God but instead are told it’s all part of God’s plan. But God’s plan is the reign of Christ!

We’re not against groups of fellows in Christ (Proverbs 27:17, Ecclesiastes 4:12), but the purpose must be to do the will of the Father, for what is a disciple but a doer of the word (James 1:22). Organization is essential, but faith in Christ to execute His mission is much more so.

Switching gears: the wrath of God abides on all who hold the truth in unrighteousness (Romans 1:18); the lost are condemned already (John 3:18). They can no more make a just society than any other ungodly man. When fighting them on their terms, you won’t win; you cannot beat them by their rules. Evil does not cast out evil (Matthew 12:26), but if Christ cast out devils by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God is come unto you (Matthew 12:28).

Nor can the church fight the Left by any means other than that as specified in God’s revealed law, the Holy Bible. Creating your own project, outside the will of God, will not effectively save our civilization; the Father Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds. He gave us the assignment.

God has provided clear instructions on how this conquest is accomplished (Matthew 28:18-20, Acts 1:8), which is the converted of God sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 15:3-4) unto salvation with the lost, then teaching the converted to obey all that Christ commands. And He left us a goal, put down all ungodly authority (1 Corinthians 15:25), and He gave two sources of power: The Holy Spirit (John 15:25) and the Word of God (Romans 10:17, Hebrews 4:12). And He gave you, as meager as it is, instruction in how to be a man that serves Christ, leads his family, Church, and the body of Christ to serve the Lord God to this end: take and hold ground for our King; Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the LORD of hosts.

You could mock God and attempt to create an organization that mimics His structure or purpose, or you could do what God said. He is the ultimate source of power and the only tangible way to bring about a righteous and just nation that abides in His Law-word.

Or you could idle and wait for the Left, under the prince and power of this world, to thoroughly destroy your civilization, killing millions, or perhaps billions. Then they’ll shrug their shoulders and claim that it wasn’t real socialism. It’s a lie of the devil that politics can save us; that’s why you’re fully immersed in it; you’ve been led astray by the forces of evil.

The mission of Christ is a fight for the soul of the nation and indeed the world, one individual convert at a time. It’s easy to be against something. It’s hard to positively proclaim to be for something and then execute that mission.

DeSantis Removal Of Soros-Backed Prosecutor In Florida

BY Herschel Smith
2 years, 6 months ago


On Thursday, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis announced he had suspended woke Soros-backed state attorney Andrew Warren after his declaration that he would refuse to enforce any Florida laws restricting abortion or transgender surgeries for minors.

“State Attorneys have a duty to prosecute crimes as defined in Florida law, not to pick and choose which laws to enforce based on his personal agenda,” DeSantis said. “It is my duty to hold Florida’s elected officials to the highest standards for the people of Florida. I have the utmost trust that Judge Susan Lopez will lead the office through this transition and faithfully uphold the rule of law.”

As awesome as it was to see DeSantis take such a stand for the rule of law, this story is even better than we thought. According to the executive order, DeSantis sent police to remove him.

As of the signing of this Executive Order, the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office, assisted by other law enforcement agencies as necessary, is requested to: (i) assist in the immediate transition of Andrew Warren from the Office of the State Attorney for the 13th Judicial Circuit of Florida, with access only to retrieve his personal belongings; and (ii) ensure that no files, papers, documents, notes, records, computers, or removable storage media are removed from the Office of the State Attorney for the 13th Judicial Circuit of Florida or any of his staff.

Awesome.  He didn’t engage in politics or speeches, he took action to remove the excrement.  This is even better than it appears on first glance.  From Ammoland, this guy was also rabidly anti-gun.

On Florida’s Stand Your Ground law: “As we said then, this law protects violent criminals & wastes resources by taking officers off the street and making us try cases twice – and has nothing to do with responsible gun ownership. And it’s slowed down the system, delaying justice for victims and their families.”

On Constitutional Carry: “Don’t let them fool you. This is ‘permitless carry’ – zero limits on who can carry concealed – and has nothing to do w/ the Constitution. This makes our neighborhoods less safe, and law enforcement doesn’t want it. You can’t claim to support cops while supporting this. No sane person thinks the 2nd Amendment protects owning a nuclear weapon, which means we recognize the Constitution clearly permits reasonable regulations on right to bear arms. The only issue is whether it’s reasonable to require permits to conceal – and it definitely is.”

On Modern Sporting Rifles: “Another mass shooting using a military-style assault rifle that has no place in our society. Another opportunity for us to do something. Another inevitable disappointment by our elected ‘leaders.’ And another difficult conversation with my children about their safety.”

On Florida’s preemption statute: “Who in Tallahassee is more hypocritical – extreme pro-lifers who oppose common sense gun laws that save lives, or so-called conservatives who profess local control but routinely bind cities & counties from solving local problems?”

So he’s gone now.  Good for DeSantis, a man of action.  Well, bye – you jerk.  Don’t come back.

The US is about to go full Louis XVI

2 years, 6 months ago

Via WRSA, Ukraine may be America’s Lious XVI moment. It’s cautionary to learn history, but governments never realize what they are doing. Maybe this one does and is satisfied with destroying us. The article is about the new swarm of IRS agents being hired. But, interesting and worth understanding is the parallel to France at the close of the US Revolution.

The cost/benefit just doesn’t compute. And that’s why healthy, prosperous nations don’t engage in such absurd activities. They don’t need to.

Taxes ultimately represent the government’s ‘slice’ of an economic pie. So when a country is prosperous and an economy is strong, the government’s slice continues to grow because the overall economic pie is constantly getting bigger.

But nations in decline don’t see it this way. For them, the pie is shrinking. So they think the only way to increase their slice is to go after other people’s crumbs.

History shows this is absolutely the wrong move. Raising tax rates, inventing new taxes, and recruiting armies of tax collectors only makes the pie shrink even more.

Their efforts, instead, should be focused on making the pie bigger. But they don’t think that way.

Bear in mind this is all brought to you by the same people who are shoveling your tax dollars out the door to Ukraine $50 billion at a time. It’s very ‘Louis XVI’ of them.

All of these trends—the cannibalistic surge in tax authorities, the anti-productive regulations, the economic scarcity mentality—are all hallmarks of an empire in decline.

Second former Loveland officer gets jail time for arrest of older woman with dementia

2 years, 6 months ago

Via WoG “…roughing up mentally incapacitated old ladies…”

Another former Loveland police officer will spend time behind bars for her role in the violent arrest of a 73-year-old woman with dementia.

Daria Jalali was sentenced to 45 days in jail by a Larimer County judge on Friday after pleading guilty to failing to intervene in the use of excessive force in June. She will serve an additional three years of parole following her release. The sentencing is the latest development in the legal saga stemming from the 2020 arrest of Karen Garner, which was captured on body-worn camera and widely circulated online.

This is sickening. Never call the police; they have one tool, a hammer.

Sinister move by ATF should serve as warning

2 years, 6 months ago

Tom Knighton, at Bearing Arms, is a Statist shilling for the ATF:

Now, the law they’re citing does indeed require gun stores to report all denied NICS checks. This is one of those things that few people really have an issue with in the grand scheme of things. After all, a denied check is grounds to at least see if the individual in question is a criminal trying to commit an illegal act.

If it’s not, then hopefully whatever led to the denial can be fixed.

But as the letter notes, the ATF is demanding contact information for delayed NICS checks.

For the uninitiated, this may make perfect sense. After all, we don’t know if those delayed checks are criminals trying to buy guns or not.

The ATF shouldn’t exist at all, in any form, yet in this, we are supposed to put our hope? That’s laughable. I’m one of the “few” that has a huge problem with this! Hope in government is the very definition of the Idolatry of State worship.

From the article:



2 years, 6 months ago

A couple of months ago, we posted links to two resources containing information about the early writing date of Revelation. Here is another resource, this one taken from the text of Revelation 17.

Since there is a serious debate over the dating of Revelation, and since we are in one of the passages that offers us evidence for its date (Rev. 15–19), I thought I would introduce you to the debate.

Awareness of the debate is significant for a number of reasons. I believe that our recognition of the matter will help us understand an important issue. And that issues is: the writers of Scripture were real writers who wrote to real people in the real world. The Bible did not drop down from heaven as an other-worldly document. We must understand the historical significance of the books of Scripture so that we avoid mysticism and fanaticism. Christianity is an historical religion.

The linked article also elucidates other intriguing contents of this section of Scripture.

Note that God, by His angel, is telling us (Verse 7) the mystery of the woman, not hiding it, and of the beast and the horns.

“6 And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration. 7 And the angel said unto me, Wherefore didst thou marvel? I will tell thee the mystery of the woman, and of the beast that carrieth her, which hath the seven heads and ten horns. 8 The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is. 9 And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth. 10 And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space. 11 And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition. 12 And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast. 13 These have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast.” – Revelation 17:6-13

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The Sixth Commandment and Covid-19 Vaccines

2 years, 6 months ago

“Thou shalt not kill.”- Exodus 20:13

Adam Clarke (1762-1832):

God is the Fountain and Author of life—no creature can give life to another: an archangel cannot give life to an angel—an angel cannot give life to man—man cannot give life even to the meanest of the brute creation. As God alone gives life, so He alone has a right to take it away: and he who, without the authority of God, takes away life, is properly a murderer. This commandment, which is general, prohibits murder of every kind.

We find this interesting in light of the Covid-19 pandemic, vaccine problems, and indications that the oligarchs plan to kill 90 percent of the population if they can. Medicine, as life-preserving, falls under this commandment according to The Institutes of Biblical Law By ROUSAS JOHN RUSHDOONY.

Fourth, since the protection and nurture of man’s life under God is the positive affirmation of the sixth commandment, it becomes apparent why, in biblical tradition, both in Israel and in Western civilization, medicine has been closely linked to religion. Tournier has stated that, “In the very essence of his vocation the doctor is the defender of the weak.”363 This is a strange and perverse interpretation, modern in its reading of the sick as the weak and in its orientation to the weak. The doctor is not concerned with the weak as against the strong and treats both as need or care requires it. The doctor’s function is to further healing and to protect and further man’s life under God. This conserving function has given medicine a conservative orientation, and one of the functions of socialized medicine has been the assault on medicine because of its conservative heritage, now rapidly being lost. The attempts at a mechanistic and materialistic medical approach function to sever the link between medicine and biblical faith. On the other hand, psychosomatic medicine, despite its many materialistic emphases, has worked to give room again for a return to a biblical emphasis, as has the renewed interest in the godly use of the soil and the proper growing of foods.

And the American Church shut down, quit, and went home without so much as a whimper. The Churches remain silent about “trust the science” or even encouraging folks to take the vaccine. But the day of resistance is coming and will be massive. Too bad the Church is weak, effeminate, and fake, too ineffective to lead the principled revolt necessary to save Western Civilization.

Christ’s church, the body of Christ, is supposed to be the beacon of hope, the light of moral law, holder and teacher of the Oracles of God, and, if properly run by men of God, should submit to no evil whatsoever.

Leaked ATF Resignation Letter Shows Agents’ Frustration Over Politicization

BY Herschel Smith
2 years, 6 months ago


“I don’t know what the mission really is anymore, but I don’t like it. For the past couple of years, I have found myself asking “why” a lot more often. As of late, the answer is typically because “they” said so. I still don’t know who “they” are. But I seem to disagree with whoever “they” are on pretty much everything,” Garcia wrote in his resignation letter.”

“The last time morale was this low with ATF was probably 2013-2016. Coincidentally, that was also the last time we had an administration openly criticize law enforcement,” Garcia wrote. “Both administrations preached diversity, or rather “celebrate” it, but then expect everyone to have the same liberal opinion.”

“Did our leaders forget that ATF agents are law enforcement? Most agents are pro-gun. All agents should be anti-criminal. We did not become ATF agents so we could collect data, ensure firearms are in compliance, seize trigger groups, argue about what a firearm is or is not, seize firearms for reasons other than prosecuting criminals, or spend countless hours inputting data to justify someone else’s existence in HQ. We became ATF agents so we could work the streets and smack evil in the mouth. We took this job because we are willing to risk it all and hope that we can make the streets just a little bit safer for the law abiding, upstanding citizens of the USA. At least that’s why I became an ATF agent,” Garcia wrote.

“We can probably agree that law abiding citizens do not commit gun crime. I think that we can probably also agree that the majority of gun owners tend to be more conservative than liberal. So essentially, gun control will only affect law abiding, conservative citizens. Therefore, the Government is only punishing the conservative population. Similarly, in the summer of 2020, rioters were allowed to burn cities, assault the police, and terrorize citizens with little to no consequence. However, the chaos associated with January 6 has resulted in hundreds and hundreds of prosecutions. The vast majority of the defendants have been convicted of simply being there. They didn’t even have pallets of bricks or frozen water bottles staged at the scene, let alone Molotov cocktails for them to throw at the police. Still, 18 months later, the left continues to be absolutely obsessed with it,” Garcia said.

So let me get this straight.  After Ruby Ridge, the Waco, Texas, ATF siege, and gun running in the fast and furious scandal, this agent is just now coming to the conclusion agents of the FedGov are doing things that are untoward?

I’m sorry, but I have no sympathy for him or his ilk.  A patriot would never have taken a job with the ATF to begin with.  There’s that thing about “shall not be infringed” and what the Westminster Confession of Faith says about lawful oaths and vows that would have troubled me.

Because It’s What SWAT Does

BY Herschel Smith
2 years, 6 months ago


According to the Limestone County Sheriff’s Office, its investigators and the U.S. Marshals working with them got a tip that Toney Brown was at his parents’ home and went to the residence to look for him. According to deputies, U.S. Marshals requested help from the Madison County SWAT Team and the Limestone County Special Response Team.

“Me and my husband both told them we will go in there with you and take you through it,” Brenda Brown said. “We didn’t care because he wasn’t here. If he had been here he would have turned himself in. He would have never wanted us to go through this.”

Still, Brenda Brown said the authorities on the scene deployed tear gas, broke windows and damaged her home.

Why not just surround the home to make sure he didn’t escape through a window, knock on the door, and walk through the home like civilized people?

Innovative Ways To Impact Firearms Owners: Go After The Ammo

BY Herschel Smith
2 years, 6 months ago

The controllers never sleep.

Sportsmen and women across the United States are facing yet another misguided threat from the government, and it’s one we’ve all seen before: a proposal to ban lead ammunition.

In early June, the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service announced its proposed 2022-2023 Hunt Fish Rule. The FWS’s annual rulemaking usually benefits hunters and anglers by opening new species, acres, and hours on National Wildlife Refuges. But this year’s proposal includes an entirely unwelcome aspect: the immediate restriction or phaseout of the use of lead ammunition on National Wildlife Refuges. The proposed rule comes amid a nationwide ammunition shortage and would have serious consequences on the ability to hunt on public lands, as well as the primary source of conservation funding in the U.S.

Anti-lead activists attempt to sell the narrative that alternatives to lead ammunition are “easily accessible to hunters” and “cheaper to buy.” This could not be further from the truth. In fact, manufacturing traditional lead-based ammunition has shown to be a much simpler process than using alternatives like copper and is far more cost-efficient.

In 2021, the Congressional Sportsmen Foundation conducted research into the price of lead ammunition versus nonlead ammunition in Maine amid a state legislature debate over a lead ammunition ban bill. The result, when sampling the ammunition calibers most popular among deer and bear hunters, was that “non-lead ammunition was, on average, 59% more expensive than lead options.” In addition, there are simply no viable nonlead alternatives for some calibers, most notably .22 ammunition used for hunting small game.

Traditional ammunition means that everyday hunters have one less major cost to worry about to enjoy the sport they love. Under the proposed rule, however, steep prices for nonlead forms of ammunition would be of concern and potentially a reason to stay home instead of going afield during the upcoming hunting seasons. The problem is even more acute during the current national ammunition shortage that is keeping many hunters from being able to buy even traditional ammunition.

[ … ]

Perhaps the greatest concern is the limited scientific support for this proposal. The USFWS cites no studies or data in the proposed rule, and even anti-lead activists can point to no studies that show the use of traditional ammunition causes population-level impacts on wildlife or the environment. There is simply no scientific support for an across-the-board ban on traditional ammunition — especially considering the consequences of shutting down hunter access to federal lands and forcing a significant decline in conservation funding.

There doesn’t have to be a scientific basis for the rule.  This is what controllers do.

They worship the creature (and creation) rather than the creator.  The next sacrifice to Baal is what they’re after, regardless of the basis.  Baal isn’t alive, so he didn’t tell them to do this.  But they may be listening to the voices in their head, or worse, agents of evil.

What did you expect from this administration.

I’m not sure how much hunting occurs on National Wildlife Refuges, or whether this includes National Forests, National Wilderness, or what.

This won’t stop manufacturers of lead ammunition, but look for some national law to eventually slime its way out from the halls of Congress.  This is just the first salvo.

They’ve always wanted the ammunition.  It’s easier than going after firearms.

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