The 1911 doesn’t suck – It continues to evolve into the future!
BY Herschel Smith
Well of course it doesn’t suck. Whoever said it did? That person is an idiot. Avoid people like that.
Listen, you can like and shoot whatever you want to. The 1911 is the best shooting and most ergonomic handgun on the planet, bar none. There are legitimate reasons to choose something else, e.g., magazine capacity. But there are other options, namely, a double stack 9mm 1911 design.
And yes, Tim is right. There are 1911 designs now with optics cuts on the slides. You can get what you want with a 1911, you just have to pay the money. But remember, you get what you pay for.
And for the record, I don’t consider a commander size 1911 any heavier than any other carry gun, but it’s a lot narrower and easier to carry – for me.
You don’t have to spend 3K – 4K on a Wilson Combat pistol. You can spend much less and get a Dan Wesson (CZ currently owns Dan Wesson, and CZ is making fine products).
On September 7, 2022 at 8:15 am, Bradley A Graham said:
How fortuitous. I just adopted a SA 1911 LOADED for just under $800 last week.
Happy is a understatement.
On September 7, 2022 at 12:07 pm, Latigo Morgan said:
Nothing wrong with a 1911. The old rattletrap ones we had in the Army functioned perfectly. I carried a full-sized Springfield Loaded model from 2000 to 2011, then a family member gave me an XD45, which I carried for more capacity up until last year when I adopted a CZ75 P01 because of advances in 9mm bullet efficiency finally convinced me I could be confident using it for self defense.
I do love the CZ, and it shoots great and is fun to shoot; the XD felt like the tool it was intended to be; but the 1911 has a soul and makes me smile inside every time I pull the trigger.
On September 9, 2022 at 4:37 pm, =TW= said:
I’m completely satisfied with the 1911 in .45 ACP. I prefer single stack frames- double stack grip width I find uncomfortable.
But recently introduced (smaller) 1911s designed around the 9mm cartridge offer promising alternatives.
Perhaps adapting the grip frame to accommodate a thinner, staggered magazine like Mossberg’s MC2C would work well in this platform.