Washington Is Running on Empty
Empty Suites with resumes.
The Biden administration is a program of de-nationalization: an apparatus of political hygiene designed to cleanse American society.
Since white Americans have been the dominant racial group in the history of the United States, the removal or vandalization of historic monuments and markers that memorialize America’s history and ascent to greatness in the months before the 2020 presidential election was viewed by many on the so-called conservative right as a panacea for an aggrieved black minority’s anger. Others thought the determination to redefine America’s past was simply a temporary groundswell of Marxist-inspired, anti-Western, anti-white, and anti-Christian forces, old hatreds that sank deep roots in the Democratic Party of the 1960s.
These observers are wrong. The redefinition of U.S. national identity, culture, and history is national policy, not just the reaction of parts of the American electorate. In service to this policy, the Biden Administration holds unchallenged command of the Department of Justice, the U.S. Armed Forces, and the surveillance state, in combination with enormous support from the mainstream media, Hollywood, and funding from U.S. and foreign billionaire oligarchs facilitates the demonization of any person or organization that objects to this de-nationalization.
While the author claims “some observers are wrong,” he too is still living under the delusion that the military and police aren’t wholly captured corporate subsidiaries of the woke revolution. Many are still doing it, admitting, as the author does, that there is a surveillance state yet retaining a mental block as to who is running this surveillance state and enforcing it at the local level. They’re victims of their own propaganda. Insistence upon hanging onto the police as supposed allies will get millions of Americans killed. Police will tell you to get on the bus for your own safety, and you’ll believe it. The police can’t be funded, equipped, and trained by Washington while running a surveillance state and still be on your side. The author actually says we should advocate for Police. Please wake up!
On September 6, 2022 at 9:31 pm, George 1 said:
I speak to many people who seem to be quite aware that we have arrived at the point that the government is against them and is actively taking steps that will harm them. The disconnect for many is the police apparatus. Many still believe that the police are good people and we should support them.
The argument that I find that works best is this: I tell them that it does not matter how good they think police officers are. The salient question is, when the worst persecution comes, will the police obey orders? In every communist takeover that you can point to the answer was yes, with very few exceptions. With the covid lockdowns and election engineering the past couple of years the undeniable evidence is that the police will follow orders, no matter how immoral or unconstitutional.
As to the military it is much worse. The majority of the military is now woke. Most of the patriots have been driven out. Remember the vast majority of the military today are also stupid enough to have taken the VAX. Many soldiers are foreign born. They will murder U.S. Citizens without a second thought if told to.