Christian Reconstruction and Pete Hegseth’s Confirmation as Secretary of Defense

Herschel Smith · 26 Jan 2025 · 7 Comments

I had earlier point out that the progressives weren't giving up without a fight. Their hard-fought victory over the military establishment and the consequent loss of it, even if partial, cuts deeply. They have so weakened the edifice that it is crumbling. The department cannot meet recruitment goals, needs warfighters for the national defense and cannot find them, wastes increasingly precious dollars on failed programs, and celebrates transgenders and LGBTQ. This crumbling of the edifice meets…… [read more]

Accuracy Is All About Testing And Practice

BY Herschel Smith
2 years, 5 months ago

Our friend Andy at Practical Accuracy has given us an awesome video on the use of 55 gr. bullets in a 7:1 twist barrel.

A Shotgun Makes A Great Home Defense Weapon

BY Herschel Smith
2 years, 5 months ago

Maybe the best, virtually without fear of overpenetration and harm to people in other homes.

A 17-year-old shot and killed two armed intruders during an attempted home invasion, according to the Harris County Sheriff’s Office.

Deputies were called to the 16000 block of First St., for a shooting in progress.

According to officials, three armed men wearing a mask attempted to force their way into a home. The home was occupied by a woman, 12-year-old boy, and two 17-year-old males. Deputies say a 17-year-old got a shotgun and fired several times, striking two of the suspects. Both suspects were pronounced dead at the scene. The third suspect fled …

Wait a minute!  You mean he was a 17 year old, not a paying graduate of tacti-school training with tacti-cool instructor former JSOC-operator/Ranger/SEAL/SWAT-cop ‘Tacti-dude’?

A shotgun seems like a fine weapon for a multi-man home invasion to me.

Cops Casually Walk Into Unarmed Man’s Home, Wake Him Up, Execute Him

2 years, 5 months ago

Video at The Free Thought Project:

Columbus, OH — Last week, TFTP reported on disturbing body camera footage out of Columbus, Ohio, released as part of a push for transparency in the city. The footage showed police enter the apartment of 20-year-old Donovan Lewis who was undressed, in bed, and was attempting to raise his hands when he received a fatal, taxpayer-funded 9mm round to the chest.

The video went underreported in the media for several days and now, new video has been released showing the complete and callous disregard for life by officer Ricky Anderson as he casually executed Lewis in his own bed.

Despite the warrant for his arrest, Lewis was innocent until proven guilty. Unfortunately, he was denied that right.

For some reason, Columbus police thought it was a good idea to serve an arrest warrant at 2:30 a.m. at Lewis’ apartment. Footage shows multiple officers outside Lewis’ door knocking for several minutes before one of the man’s roommates opens the door. Moments later, officers would open the door to Lewis’ bedroom and execute him.


“Put your hands behind your back, now!” an officer screams at the dying man.

Lewis, unable to comply as he bleeds out in his bed, is then told to “stop resisting,” as his executioners force his body into handcuffs.

Nobody will be held to account.

Joe Biden appointed a Satanist to the White House.

2 years, 5 months ago

At Valiant News

Demetre Daskalakis, the man tapped by Joe Biden to serve as the administration’s new “White House National Monkeypox Response Deputy Coordinator,” is accused of being a satanist after photos of the official’s “pentagram” tattoos and Church of Satan-themed outfits surfaced online.

Photos reveal Daskalakis has Pentagram tattoos and frequently wears pentagram-themed clothing items. He also sported the tattoos while professionally representing the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

We won’t show the pictures here. Go look if you like. He’s a disgusting sodomite devil worshiper. Keep in mind that wicked seducers at the highest levels of government are the effect of God’s judgment, not a sign of it. They are part and parcel of the current judicial determination upon America. Christians in the West will be sorry for refusing to turn from their sin and serve God according to His word. To them, the judgment appears to be something of a spectator sport, but they’ll learn the hard way. God’s people are those who are supposed to turn from their wicked ways. “Look at the sinner sinning.” they say. Go look in the mirror!

Via WoG. A people don’t have devil worshipers in leadership and remain a free and prosperous people; that’s not how it works. You might suggest that this story is unrelated to gun rights, but what evil, by his agents, other than the devil, seeks to leave you defenseless against their aggression?

Commoditization of Labor

2 years, 5 months ago

Chart via Charles Hugh Smith.

Quiet quitting is giving up on your job and your company without actually resigning because it’s been made clear that it’s a hopeless endeavor to effect change that satisfies the human desire for the accomplishment which drives self-worth.

All job slots are being turned into a commodity. Fill a role, and follow the rules. Try to advance; no is the answer. Try a lateral move; no. Make a suggestion; follow the guidelines like a good monkey is all you get. Procedure-driven cost reduction has turned work into a nightmare for younger workers. A profit-driven race to the bottom doesn’t include learning, growing, or contributing. A worker is a unit of production cost in the global communist drive to equalization of all assets, of which an employee is merely an interchangeable byte. This communist equality in the workplace includes salaries, options, and ever-repressive systematized drudgery based on computational algorithms to maximize profit. The American job place is demeaning to the spirit which God has given men to conquer in dominion that which He has blessed them to take charge over. The divide is not generational; the businesses have changed to garbage in –  garbage out workaday soul-crushing slogs. Every employee is a mere cog in the global communist New Order. Creativity is frowned upon as cost competition with foreign sweatshops demands throwaway products, services, and people. Companies complain they can’t find workers, and customers complain that all the products, services, and people delivering them are ineffective or worse. The companies want them that way; they have no more small business competition nipping at their heels. Lobbyists have solved that pesky problem; what do global corporations care for the customer? And therefore, an employee is also a throwaway component. Every specialization is being absorbed into the global equality blob of gray meaninglessness. The worker never sees a customer’s smiling face at a wonderful product or service delivered; all they hear are complaints that they have no power to correct. Imagine spending half your day apologizing for C-suite masters you’ve never met because your work peer is somebody who doesn’t speak English working for a bowl of rice a day in some place you can’t pronounce or find on a map. And then, they tell you to train your foreign replacement, although they don’t say it that directly. The younger generation can’t express these things because they’ve been purposefully dumbed down. Oh well, give ’em the shot; the New Order doesn’t need them anyway.

Banks Will Begin Categorizing Gun Sales

BY Herschel Smith
2 years, 5 months ago


Payment processor Visa Inc. said Saturday that it plans to start separately categorizing sales at gun shops, a major win for gun control advocates who say it will help better track suspicious surges of gun sales that could be a prelude to a mass shooting.

But the decision by Visa, the world’s largest payment processor, will likely provoke the ire of gun rights advocates and gun lobbyists, who have argued that categorizing gun sales would unfairly flag an industry when most sales do not lead to mass shootings. It joins Mastercard and American Express, which also said they plan to move forward with categorizing gun shop sales.

Visa said it would adopt the International Organization for Standardization’s new merchant code for gun sales, which was announced on Friday. Until Friday, gun store sales were considered “general merchandise.”

“Following ISO’s decision to establish a new merchant category code, Visa will proceed with next steps, while ensuring we protect all legal commerce on the Visa network in accordance with our long-standing rules,” the payment processor said in a statement.

Visa’s adoption is significant as the largest payment network, and with Mastercard and AmeEx, will likely put pressure on the banks as the card issuers to adopt the standard as well. Visa acts as a middleman between merchants and banks, and it will be up to banks to decide whether they will allow sales at gun stores to happen on their issued cards.

Gun control advocates had gained significant wins on this front in recent weeks. New York City officials and pension funds had pressured the ISO and banks to adopt this code.

Visa was the holdout, and they buckled.

I see a lot of firearms purchases being made in cash in the future.

Glenn Reynolds at Instapundit remarks.

SOCIAL CREDIT SCORING COMES TO AMERICA: Visa, Mastercard, AmEx to start categorizing gun shop sales.

Imagine if they were doing this about abortion. Or if legislatures tried to make them do so.

A reader comments: “Have you seen this yet? It sure feels like there is a very coordinated effort throughout the woke financial sector to create ‘private’ gun control. I wonder if it is being driven by interaction with the ATF, etc like the censoring of private speech by coordination between government and social media. Also, wouldn’t this enable the card companies to create a gun registry? The credit card transactions include our names and what we bought and the card company knows our addresses, etc. Seems like another example of actual fascism where government coerces private companies to do their bidding.”

Based on experience, the likelihood that this is happening without government encouragement is very low.

Government => Social Media => Censorship of speech.

Government => Financial Corporations => Censorship of products.

Government = Corporations.

Benito Mussolini would be very proud of his legacy.

Is Pistol Brace Amnesty About to Become the Biggest Trap Ever Set?

BY Herschel Smith
2 years, 5 months ago

If it’s determined that your gun isn’t an SBR, at least they have all of the information on it, including information on you.

If it’s determined that you are in possession of an SBR illegally, then what happens?  Do ATF agents come to your door, shoot your dogs and arrest you?  Or do they simply register your firearm, now putting that gun on a list of NFA items that cannot cross state lines without their approval?

You see, heads they win, tails you lose.

This is a gigantic buffalo jump, folks.

The Hope of Righteousness

2 years, 5 months ago

“For we through the Spirit wait for the hope of righteousness by faith.” – Galatians 5:5

In the day this verse was written, they having the Spirit of God, did wait for the hope of Christ. Christ fulfilled the Law and Prophets, utterly ending the Old Covenant forevermore. As the Lord spoke through Jeremiah: “But if they will not obey, I will utterly pluck up and destroy that nation, saith the LORD.” – Jeremiah 12:17.

When the keepers of the oracles of the Old Covenant failed to swear by His name even above all their bail worship (Jeremiah 12:16), He brought in a New Testament by the blood of His own Son. No lineage or heritage matters anymore; we’re all one in Christ Jesus. God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself (2 Corinthians 5:19), yet they would not. But to those few who were faithful to take the charge of the New Covenant proclaiming the Gospel to the uttermost part of the earth, we owe a debt of gratitude. Where are His faithful today?

For two thousand years, we born of the Spirit have waited for the day of righteousness. Western Civilization has had its highs and lows since the days Christ walked the earth, and the Gospel went west (Acts 16:6-9). No serious-minded soul today considers our civilization anywhere but on the downstroke, sin abounding unto destruction at the removal of blessings, under the hand of the Almighty.

Despite the problems we have suffered in the West, we ought always to be thankful to the Lord our God that the Holy Spirit sent the Gospel into Europe. Through this same Spirit, we are commanded never to lose the hope of righteousness we have in Jesus Christ, for it is not our own. All our righteousnesses are as filthy rags, but God, by the infinite blessings of His mercies upon us, has clothed us, bathed us, and dyed us through and through with the righteous blood of Jesus Christ unto eternal salvation.

The Law of God couldn’t save those two thousand years ago, and no law today will save you from sin nor rescue you from the wrath to come. The laws of men have been turned upside down, perverting evil for good and proclaiming sin as progress. Sin is regressive, the illusion of a worthy shortcut, but it always ends in folly. For the sinner has said in his heart, where is God, who is God, He cannot see me. Only Jesus Christ can save; He is the way to the Father.

Yet this salvation of the saints is just a shadow of the coming of full righteousness in Christ at His appearing. We must keep the faith of God that though the righteous may suffer for His name’s sake, the day is coming when all will be set in order. In that day, evil will no longer be called good; and good, those faithful to the end in Christ, will no longer be called the vile and outcast.

Though the centuries seem long to us, God has promised to make a short work upon the earth (Romans 9:28). Except Holy God keep a seed of the righteous, we will turn wholly as Sodom and Gomorrah (Isaiah 1:9, Romans 9:29). This isn’t the first time that the devils of hell have unleashed such poverty of spirit upon a land. Know that Father God, by Jesus Christ, will have a people always, and in all times and circumstances; for He desires a people to be His faithful, by the Spirit given to us in abundance, that we might glorify His holy name.

Now is the time; today is the day of salvation by Jesus Christ, who died for your sins as full payment to Holy God. He suffered death for you but rose again the third day, proving that in Him is life and life eternal. Make today the day you decided to be counted among the righteous in Christ, belonging to Holy Father God now and into eternity.

It’s faith; this is the currency of those that belong to Christ Jesus. Hope in the knowledge that by our faith, God will see his righteous men and women victorious. Even if they try to kill us all, so be it. No Bolshevik prison camp will do. We would rather die righteous in Christ; “O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?” – 1 Corinthians 15:55

There is a seed; Christ does have a people covered, yea, dyed in His righteousness, and we will prevail. As darkness is descending upon the West, faith in the hope of the Almighty sustains us in these dispiriting hours; but nothing can separate us from the Spirit of God, which is the earnest of His promise. God loves His own. The Holy Scriptures and 2000 years of history exemplify that though evil abounds to elaborate and seemingly unprecedented levels today, there’s nothing new under the sun; God will not let us down.

Religion Tags:

NRA: “You’re Not Getting In The Way Of Our Stuff!”

BY Herschel Smith
2 years, 5 months ago

The Reload.

Another critic of National Rifle Association CEO Wayne LaPierre is being pushed out of the organization.

Judge Philip Journey, who has been at the center of several efforts to remove current NRA leadership, has not been renominated to appear on the ballot for next year’s board election. That makes his road back onto the board far more difficult.

“As an incumbent Director your name was submitted to the NRA Nominating Committee which met on August 27, 2022,” NRA Secretary John Frazer said in a letter to Journey on Monday. “I regret to inform you that you were not renominated.”

[ … ]

The NRA’s board members are picked by an election of the group’s voting members. Those generally include only lifetime members and those who’ve held a membership for five consecutive years. In the 2022 elections, that amounted to about half of the total membership. The NRA mails voting members ballots.

To appear on a ballot, anyone running for the board either has to get approval from the board’s nominating committee or gather enough signatures to get on by petition. The vast majority of the 76 board members make it on the ballot through the nominating committee. Only a handful of members at any given time make it on through the petition process.

Besides, as one of 76 members, how much can one man do?  How is Wayne doing these days?

filing in the New York lawsuit shows how it began in December 2013 and steadily grew more lucrative until the last document in April 2018. This is not just a retirement golden parachute, this is one trimmed with diamonds.

2013: $1 to $1.1 million per year for five years, upon retirement. Total of $5.4 million. Good for a part-time retirement job.

2018: $1.3 to $1.5 million for seven years, total of $10.3 million of members’ money, with note that “safe lodging” (his mansion?) and “secure transportation” ( the private leased jets) are extras.

It’s all so simple.  Wayne isn’t finished looting the NRA coffers yet, and the board members aren’t finished looting the NRA firearms museum yet.

There’s more to be stolen.  No change can happen until the looting is complete.  In the meantime, stay out of their way.

King Chuck III

2 years, 5 months ago

In his “Time has run out” speech, then Prince Charles laid out a roadmap to enslave all of humanity. To understand their desire to monetize “carbon,” you must realize that all life as we know it is so-called carbon-based, especially you. In calling for enterprises to have a system by which to value carbon, what they are doing is enslaving you to corporate masters. You have a monetary value placed upon your work for their common good.

We could easily argue that this is fascism but indeed, the powers that be are communistic. History books will one day reflect that a new brand of totalitarianism was created out of the climate cult in the 21st century.

If you don’t function to serve one of the major global companies to their desired benefit, you must be eliminated. No old people can be allowed, no rebels, no independents, and limited new births of only the mental and physical characteristics desired to fulfill the needs of the plantation owners. Some of these items are from the Nazi program of eugenics that the communists will weave into their global collective.

The drive to zero-based wages is this: to pay you just enough to keep you from being free while ever tightening the physical and intellectual distance you are allowed to travel. In short, it’s a global, corporate-run slave plantation. Live in the pod, eat your bugs, and lights out at ten. Missing too much work or desiring a better life gets you fired; no job, no income, and no way to survive or move about. Social credit is simply a way to keep compliance by weeding out the uppity types like you.

Money is the reason King Chuck III and his pals need the corporations on board. The corporations control the money. Don’t be confused; they don’t own the global money supply and in no way run the banking cartel; quite the opposite is true. No, the large firms control how much money you get; they control you by the money, and the appetite of the globalists is to leverage all you do for their profit and your compliance.

This is what King Chuck is actually saying, between the lines, to his pals. And now you know. This is agenda 2030 or whatever they’re calling it today. It appears increasingly so that the Covid-19 hoax was a submission test. Either way, they have results that educate to that end. I’d say they know what they have, don’t have, and how they’ll proceed from here. But remember, we learned some things too, and in the US, at least, we still have one box left to stand upon.

It’s not wise to expect too much from the most prominent global businesses in the way of pushback. With the stroke of a pen, whole industries can be eliminated. Some on wall street, and probably the majority, don’t want what the globalists have planned. There is some resistance to ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance). The “sustainability and ethical impact” that establishments thought was good is not a money maker because it makes them less competitive. On top of these policies having no financial value, now Wall Street is realizing that most people don’t want corporate social agendas.

People want to belong to something bigger than themselves. This othering that’s been going on will lead to war. ESG is only othering by a fancy new title; it’s bullying.

The interest-free cash dump of money to Wall Street enticed them into ESG. Money was free, times were good, and buying back their own stock while pretending to make real profits was easy. That’s all ending. Now they see ESG as a liability. But they fell for Bankers at every turn since FDR. We hold little hope for actual “corporate excellence” to replace ESG. They shipped all the manufacturing overseas for “shareholder value.” What happened to American excellence and American value?

The mercantilist business class that are the nuts and bolts of Wall Street are good folks who support America First, and many of them have been raving against the Fed and easy money for years or decades. They’ve seen all this coming. Those guys and gals are not the communist chattering classes New York City is famous for. NYC has its balkanization problems and not just ethnicity.

If the globalists had cared about the environment, they would have left the West as the industrial base of the world and let the third world be. The government lied then and is lying now. CEOs and would-be moguls at the direction of global banking and self-proclaimed government elites wanted cheap labor while keeping prices flat, to maximize profits wrecking your children’s future.

People want good and interesting jobs with future prospects of clever inventions and better quality of life. Men have tasted the opportunity technology has afforded, especially the option of leisure time.

They need you to have taken to the good life so thoroughly that you refuse to leave leisure and quality of life, get hard, and fight back by forsaking all for future generations. Humans, and all life, take the path of least resistance. But that direct course for us leads to the allotted daily portion of bug meal protein while you’re stuffed into a pod, provided you’re still able to get up in the morning and work until you drop.

“He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed. Evil pursueth sinners: but to the righteous good shall be repayed.” – Proverbs 13:20-21

Your plan must include a spiritual aspect. You want wisdom, the proverb says; make the wise your friend. If you seek to have faith that we’ll win, take up with the faithful. If you want righteousness, turn unto God, for He is the only righteous and wise King.

Ninety percent of the people in the world will follow the power, and strength of character is what’s lacking most today. We must prove ourselves strong, determined to win, and steadfast in the knowledge that sinners will be overtaken by their evil; God repays the righteous with good. Every month eliminate one corrupt evil from your life; tv, toxic “friends,” pornography, cussing, lying, stealing, cheating, drug and alcohol abuse, wasting time, etc. (There are many ways we steal and cheat, and boy, is time wasting a problem these days.) This is just as important, as the Bible says, perhaps more important than physical training and preparation.

“And unto man he said, Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom; and to depart from evil is understanding.” – Job 28:28

The wicked are a dime a dozen; be someone worth knowing, worth fighting beside, worth following.

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