Christian Reconstruction and Pete Hegseth’s Confirmation as Secretary of Defense

Herschel Smith · 26 Jan 2025 · 7 Comments

I had earlier point out that the progressives weren't giving up without a fight. Their hard-fought victory over the military establishment and the consequent loss of it, even if partial, cuts deeply. They have so weakened the edifice that it is crumbling. The department cannot meet recruitment goals, needs warfighters for the national defense and cannot find them, wastes increasingly precious dollars on failed programs, and celebrates transgenders and LGBTQ. This crumbling of the edifice meets…… [read more]


2 years, 5 months ago

























Heavy Recoil Red Dot Optic

BY Herschel Smith
2 years, 5 months ago


Crimson Trace has finally released the HRO or Heavy Recoil Optic that was announced during SHOT Show 2022. The HRO is intended to be used specifically on rifles chambered in bigger, heavier hitting cartridges like 308 Winchester, 300 Win Mag, 458 SOCOM, and the like. This makes the HRO specifically effective on what most people would typically call a “Hog Gun.”

Heavy Metal: The New Crimson Trace HRO - Heavy Recoil Optic

It has automatic shutoff and gets 50,000 hours of run time with a battery.

This isn’t an advertisement – I do not have one.  They haven’t sent me one to test, unfortunately.

But I find this interesting for bigger bore guns.  Perhaps some enterprising reader wants to run a red dot on top of a Henry .44 magnum or Marlin 45-70.

Firearms,Guns Tags:

If The ATF Shows Up On Your Doorstep

BY Herschel Smith
2 years, 5 months ago

Watch this video if needed.  BLUF: Don’t talk to the police.  That included federal police.

Crack the door open enough for them to hear you (don’t go outside, don’t invite them in).  Do not let your dogs out through the crack in the door – the ATF will shoot them dead.  They like to shoot dogs.  Say the following.  “Do you have a warrant to be on this property?”  If the answer is no, then say the following.  “Please remove yourselves from the property.  If you do not do so, I will call 911 and inform the local police that I have uninvited guests on my property and I need their assistance.”

The words uninvited guests is procedure-speak for the local police.  It means that there are trespassers, but at the moment they’re not threatening your safety and you prefer them to effect an arrest rather than use force to remove them yourself.  This is a way of informing the 911 operator that you’re not in a violent state of mind.  It de-escalates the situation with the local police before they ever show up.

Do not answer questions.  Do not engage in polite conversation.  Do not allow them to stay on your property or photograph or harass you.  Do not respond to their interrogatories.

This is all true if you did something wrong, or if you didn’t do anything wrong, or you didn’t do anything wrong and know it and intend to try to convince them of it — regardless of the specifics of the situation.

It’s not just me saying this.  Listen to lawyers say it to you yet again.

The whole affair might have been caused by moles within the gun community.  At least some people think so.

“These two scumbags are exactly the types that would happily and voluntarily turn over any customer information the ATF requested. Including exact payment method, descriptions of all transactions, shipping dates and personal information, etc. There’s no way in hell the ATF could have this information otherwise. These surprise visits to law-abiding citizens by ATF are a direct result of these inside snitches.”

Brace Yourself: Food Shortages Will Be a Reality in the West This Winter

2 years, 5 months ago

PJ Media:

Because most people don’t know a farmer personally anymore, everyone should realize that they don’t make piles of money producing our food. A good year can be followed by three bad ones, and 2022 has been a burden. Between record heat waves in the U.S. and abroad, droughts in the middle of the country, fertilizer shortages, and rising costs for just about every farm input, many American farms are on the brink. Everyone will feel the pinch in continued food price increases and shortages at the store.

As bad as the agricultural outlook is in America, it is far worse in Europe. The dedication to a green energy suicide pact on the continent is colliding with the news Russia will not ship any fossil fuels until the West lifts sanctions. The skyrocketing energy prices have farmers leaving crops in the fields to die.

In Norway, one farmer’s story is instructive. Vegetable farmer Per Odd Gjestvang is leaving his leeks in the field to die because the cost of harvesting and adequately storing them is too high:

Around 29 tonnes of leeks are lost. It has a gross value of around 700,000. “This is madness. This is food that should have been harvested and taken care of,” says Gjestvang.

On the farm, the family grows around 3,000 tonnes of vegetables each growing season. The leeks had normally been taken to cold storage, so that they would be found in Norwegian vegetable counters this winter. But the calculation simply does not add up for the farmer.

With today’s electricity prices, Gjestvang does not see it as financially sound to spend money on storing the vegetables. In that case, it will be a purely loss-making project, he believes.

In the high season, Gjestvang uses around 80,000 kilowatt-hours a month for cooling. Previously, Gjestvang paid around [NOK] 24,000 for electricity per month. Now the price is almost 16 times as high.

The way the market is now, with a cautiously high electricity price of NOK five [the country’s base currency], it will be NOK 400,000. It is not possible to achieve, he says.

Communists love to destroy agriculture. Food as a weapon is one of their primary fronts of assault in their war against humanity. All famines are man-made.

A Personal Story Of Self Defense And Lives Saved From Firearms Use

BY Herschel Smith
2 years, 5 months ago

Full story is here.

This is yet another reason to have a gun close at hand, perhaps on your person, even at home.

What The Opposition Thinks About Guns

BY Herschel Smith
2 years, 5 months ago

Daily Kos.

The US army has adopted a new more modern and advanced assault rifle (I know gun nuts HATE that term!) to replace the half century old M 16 5.56mm design.

It fires a 6.8mm round csllef a.277 Fury designed to be much longer ranged, more powerful and capable of penetrating current issue standard military body armor at up to possibly 500 meters.

The new rifle itself is currently known as the XM5, soon be be shortened to M5, or “spear” and is designed to be extremely accurate at much longer ranges than any current assault rifle. With a good scope, say about 6-8x, it is purported to be able to hit a man sized target at 800, possibly 900, meters.

As with the M16 it replaces there will be a ‘civilian version’ of the M5 made available, along with its new ammo, tho at least the civilian version of the ammo will be a little weaker as the military version requires a special bi metal casing to withstand the pressures the new round requires to meet its military specs. The military round supposedly has a muzzle velocity of 3000 fps, the civilian version has a velocity of 2750 fps, about 11/12 the velocity of the military version.

Soon gunstores across america will be selling a military designed and styled assault weapon (Scream, gun nuts, scream!) that even as a civilian version will be more powerful than police and even national guard weapons, plus longer ranged and able to defeat police and national guard body armor at hundreds of meters range, and accurate enough to hit targets reliable at that range with the addition of an easily available scope the rifle has a mount to take.

While the AR 15, the civilian version of the M16, has reigned supreme as the weapon of choice for mass shooters for years, the new M5 civilian version is likely to give it some competition due to its greater power and lethality. Fewer people hit by one will survive, making it a preferred weapon for the mass shooter looking to set a record.

Of course it will be more expensive, at least at first, so the budget constrained mass murderer will still be stuck with the AR 15 as a preferred weapon. Then again at close range the AR15 will still be as effective as before.

The release of this new weapon could hardly come at a worse time as America faces a rising tide of aspiring fascists seeking to overthrow democracy and replace it with an cult of personality dictatorship. Making a weapon available to them that can be used effectively as both a close in assault weapon or an effective sniping weapon is all too likely to embolden budding “Earl Turners” into making attacks not just on crowds of people but LEOs as well. As a sniper weapon this would vastly outperform the 5.56mm rifle used by the beltway sniper in all respects.

I can only imagine the MAGA crowd saving up and drooling to get their hands on the civilian version of the M5 Spear and the 277 fury ammo.

What a silly and juvenile commentary.  It reads like a bad press release for the Sig rifle.  We’ve covered it before.

Meh.  Whatever.  Let it go through a half century of testing in deserts and jungles before I’ll comment on it.  Eugene Stoner rules.

Now.  As for the gun and what they think about it, the commentary reads like there was nothing available before this.  For instance, there was no such thing as a Savage AR-10 shooting 6.5 Creedmoor or a S&W AR-10 shooting .308.

The gun will have its drawbacks and downsides.  It’s a new high pressure cartridge design.  The higher pressures risk throat burnout and decrease in barrel life.  It’s heavier than the AR-15.  The shooter can carry less ammunition.  It’s bulkier.  No one will carry it into the woods or prairies to hunt with it in lieu of a bolt action rifle, especially when the better rifle manufacturers are looking for ways to cut weight such as carbon fiber barrels.  And finally, it won’t have the accuracy to hunt or do long range precision shooting.

I predict its market will be limited, but either way, if you wanted this sort of thing, you could have had it ever since Stoner designed his AR-10 before he ever designed the AR-15.

In a way it’s a good thing that collectivists are such awful gun writers.  They have no idea what they’re talking about, that that works to our advantage.

The 1911 Collector

BY Herschel Smith
2 years, 5 months ago

I wish I had his collection of 1911s.

Firearms,Guns Tags:

Bury Them In Lawsuits

BY Herschel Smith
2 years, 5 months ago

Seen at Instapundit.

NATIONAL FOUNDATION FOR GUN RIGHTS IS SUING: NFGR FILES FIVE NEW LAWSUITS NATIONWIDE TO END MAGAZINE AND “ASSAULT WEAPON” BANS. “On September 7, 2022, the National Foundation for Gun Rights filed five new lawsuits in four federal court circuits to eliminate unconstitutional magazine and gun bans everywhere! Combined with our lawsuits in Colorado these represent nearly half of the country. This nationwide legal blitz aims to take out every single ban on semi-automatic weapons and standard capacity magazines for good.”

Drown them in a legal morass.  Never let them rest.

The 1911 doesn’t suck – It continues to evolve into the future!

BY Herschel Smith
2 years, 5 months ago

Well of course it doesn’t suck.  Whoever said it did?  That person is an idiot.  Avoid people like that.

Listen, you can like and shoot whatever you want to.  The 1911 is the best shooting and most ergonomic handgun on the planet, bar none.  There are legitimate reasons to choose something else, e.g., magazine capacity.  But there are other options, namely, a double stack 9mm 1911 design.

And yes, Tim is right.  There are 1911 designs now with optics cuts on the slides.  You can get what you want with a 1911, you just have to pay the money.  But remember, you get what you pay for.

And for the record, I don’t consider a commander size 1911 any heavier than any other carry gun, but it’s a lot narrower and easier to carry – for me.

You don’t have to spend 3K – 4K on a Wilson Combat pistol. You can spend much less and get a Dan Wesson (CZ currently owns Dan Wesson, and CZ is making fine products).

Firearms,Guns Tags:

Do You Really Need to Break in a New Rifle Barrel?

BY Herschel Smith
2 years, 5 months ago

Outdoor Life.

You just bought a new rifle—or maybe had a new barrel installed on an old gun—and are about to head to the range. As much as you want to put a bunch of rounds through it, there’s a little voice in your ear urging caution: Be sure to break in the barrel first!

Chances are you’ve heard this warning from the guy behind the gun counter, or your buddy who’s a ballistic know-it-all, or perhaps from the maker of the barrel or rifle itself—they often include instructions on barrel break-in.

Yep.  I have.

When I was first introduced to the concept some decades ago, the explanation given to me was that the first shots through a barrel would smooth out imperfections in the bore left by the tooling that was used to cut the chamber and impart the rifling in the bore. But you also needed to clean the barrel frequently to begin with so that fouling wouldn’t accumulate too thickly on some of these bumps leading to worse problems down the line. If a smear of copper was allowed to form on one of these rough spots and grow, it would degrade accuracy and would be difficult to remove once it established itself—so the story goes.

I know that’s the alleged problem.  I don’t believe it.  Copper will only foul so far until it gets beaten down and worn off by bullets.  Besides, copper needs to fill in the microcracks and grain boundaries in the metal.  That’s why I’ve stopped cleaning bores with a wire brush and favor polymer brushes now.  I see no need for anything else.

I’ve had many conversations with barrel makers about the break-in procedures they publish and most of them have confessed that the only reason they have a break-in process is because their customers think they need one. Wade Hull at Shilen has come right out and said as much. The general shooter is convinced that a break-in procedure is needed, so the barrel makers have responded by creating them—even if they don’t believe they are necessary.

Third, I’ve tried all these techniques over the years, and I’d be lying if I told you I ever saw a measurable benefit.

Exactly.  As you can tell, I don’t believe in barrel break-in procedures.  I’ve done it before.  I don’t do it anymore and analogize these procedures to superstition.

If you disagree or you can point to actual data that proves otherwise, drop a note in the comments.

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