Christian Reconstruction and Pete Hegseth’s Confirmation as Secretary of Defense

Herschel Smith · 26 Jan 2025 · 7 Comments

I had earlier point out that the progressives weren't giving up without a fight. Their hard-fought victory over the military establishment and the consequent loss of it, even if partial, cuts deeply. They have so weakened the edifice that it is crumbling. The department cannot meet recruitment goals, needs warfighters for the national defense and cannot find them, wastes increasingly precious dollars on failed programs, and celebrates transgenders and LGBTQ. This crumbling of the edifice meets…… [read more]

Seven Coyotes At A Time

BY Herschel Smith
2 years, 5 months ago


Police in a Massachusetts town said a dog had to euthanized after seven coyotes attacked it, just hours before a man was also attacked and bitten while walking his dogs.

Massachusetts is home to the Eastern Coyote, a medium-sized predator and opportunistic feeder, according to MassWildlife.

Reportedly, officials estimate there are around 11,500 coyotes in the state, as per 2021.

Cohasset, a town in Massachusetts, saw two different attacks in just one day on August 27, police told local media in a release. In just a few hours, two dogs were attacked outside a home by a group of seven coyotes while a man was also bitten during an attack on his two dogs.

In the first attack, police said the dogs were off leash when approached and attacked by the group of coyotes. The owner described it as “coordinated” when speaking to WCVB.

“It was almost a coordinated effort. It was absolutely incredible,” Jeff Pratt said. “Three came out one way, four came around the back way and attacked the second dog. I had seven coyotes in my driveway.”

Dog Bella sadly did not survive the attack as she was later euthanized due to the extensive injuries she suffered. Fellow pup Sadie was also left with serious injuries.

You better get yourself a gun and carry it boy.

Oh yea.  This is Massachusetts.  Never mind.  Talk to your “leaders” about the local cops who exist to “protect and serve.”  I guess they did that when they put your dog down.

Climate change overwhelming California power grid

2 years, 5 months ago


The article at the Hill is here. Ed Driscoll at Instapundit has this to say:

Nope, not even close.

A record heat wave is pushing California’s electric grid up against the point of failure this week, with officials pointing to climate change for putting continued stress on the system.

The California grid is only overworked because leftist politicians have been pushing toward energy policies that make zero sense for decades.

  • Shut down nuclear plants? Check.
  • Push solar and wind infrastructure that can’t sustain diddly squat in order to appear hip and cool? Check.
  • Disincentivize the repair of aging power lines that tends to fail or spark and cause hundreds of wildfires by pushing companies to invest in green energy instead of maintaining current infrastructure? Check.

The California energy problem is man-made. It has nothing to do with climate change.

But it does have much to do with “California’s Potemkin Environmentalism:” No State Imports More Electricity Than California.

Even during the Schwarzenegger era, Max Schultz of City Journal,who coined the above phrase, noted that California’s “celebrated green economy produces pollution elsewhere, ongoing power shortages, and business-crippling costs.” And California’s man-made energy woes have only gotten worse since.

All famines are man-made! That article at the Hill is flat out communist green revolution propaganda. I, for one, don’t find it particularly funny. Real lives will be lost due to these mass murdering evil antichrist communists.

Putin’s Christian Vision

2 years, 5 months ago

This has been my point for years. America is antichrist, and communists are taking over for the very reason cited in the article about Russia. It’s what happened in Russia which led to the Bolshevik Communist Revolution. I know next to nothing about Eastern Orthodoxy; we’re not endorsing it. We’re merely pointing out what should be evident to anyone truly converted to Christ: the rejection of His Law-word means judgment.

The key message of these philosophers is of Russia’s messianic role in world history and of its need to preserve itself through Orthodoxy and restoration of its historic borders.

Studying the causes of Russia’s 20th century tragedy, Ilyin wrote [at the time]:

The Russian revolution is a reflection of the religious crisis we are living through now, an attempt to establish an anti-Christian public and state system thought up by Friedrich Nietzsche and economically and politically realized by Karl Marx. This anti-Christian virus was exported to Russia from the West…..

Losing our bond with God and the Christian tradition, mankind has become morally blind and gripped by materialism, irrationalism and nihilism.

In Ilyin’s view, the way to overcome this global moral crisis is for people to return to “eternal moral values”, which he defined as “faith, love, freedom, conscience, family, motherland and nation” but above all “faith and love”.

Christians have nobody to blame but themselves for what’s happening to America. Communism is a bloodthirsty antichrist religion. They will kill us all if we let them.

Washington Is Running on Empty

2 years, 5 months ago

Empty Suites with resumes.

The Biden administration is a program of de-nationalization: an apparatus of political hygiene designed to cleanse American society.


Since white Americans have been the dominant racial group in the history of the United States, the removal or vandalization of historic monuments and markers that memorialize America’s history and ascent to greatness in the months before the 2020 presidential election was viewed by many on the so-called conservative right as a panacea for an aggrieved black minority’s anger. Others thought the determination to redefine America’s past was simply a temporary groundswell of Marxist-inspired, anti-Western, anti-white, and anti-Christian forces, old hatreds that sank deep roots in the Democratic Party of the 1960s.

These observers are wrong. The redefinition of U.S. national identity, culture, and history is national policy, not just the reaction of parts of the American electorate. In service to this policy, the Biden Administration holds unchallenged command of the Department of Justice, the U.S. Armed Forces, and the surveillance state, in combination with enormous support from the mainstream media, Hollywood, and funding from U.S. and foreign billionaire oligarchs facilitates the demonization of any person or organization that objects to this de-nationalization.

While the author claims “some observers are wrong,” he too is still living under the delusion that the military and police aren’t wholly captured corporate subsidiaries of the woke revolution. Many are still doing it, admitting, as the author does, that there is a surveillance state yet retaining a mental block as to who is running this surveillance state and enforcing it at the local level. They’re victims of their own propaganda. Insistence upon hanging onto the police as supposed allies will get millions of Americans killed. Police will tell you to get on the bus for your own safety, and you’ll believe it. The police can’t be funded, equipped, and trained by Washington while running a surveillance state and still be on your side. The author actually says we should advocate for Police. Please wake up!


Bear Defense With A Handgun

BY Herschel Smith
2 years, 6 months ago

I don’t know where this was.  I paused the video enough times to see that he was using a pistol.  I’m guessing that this was a sow with two cubs on the larger end of things and felt a bit threatened.

He did the right things as best as I can tell.

Animals Tags:

Gun Manufacturers Could Stop The Disarmers

BY Herschel Smith
2 years, 6 months ago

David Codrea.

Licht’s Ronnie Barrett reference, of course, recalls a 2002 letter the President of Barrett Firearms Manufacturing, sent to then-Chief William J. Bratton of the Los Angeles Police Department, about his company’s .50 caliber rifles:

“I will not sell, nor service, my rifles to those seeking to infringe upon the Constitution and the crystal clear rights it affords individuals to own firearms.”

Barrett again sent similar letters, one to the State of California in 2005, the Honolulu Police Department in 2008, and the State of New York in 2013.

I recounted these and more in my 2018 AmmoLand article, “More in the Firearms Industry Should Follow Hornady’s New York Example,” documenting President Steve Hornady’s announcement saying in part:

“Hornady will not knowingly allow our ammunition to be sold to the State of NY or any NY agencies. Their actions are a blatant and disgusting abuse of office and we won’t be associated with a government that acts like that. They should be ashamed.”

Yes they could stop the disarmers, and yes they should be ashamed.  But they’re not – they are only interested in the revenue.  I’ve pointed out that Cloud Defensive has taken such a stand, and it cost them money to do it.

But here’s the question.  We can point to Barrett, Cloud Defensive, Hornady, and a few others, perhaps, but what pistols and rifles do the disarmers shoot?

Until Smith & Wesson, Glock, and a host of other large manufacturers can be persuaded to join the club of those who truly respect the 2A, this effort won’t go anywhere.  It will be symbolic, and not much else.

I think it would be a good thing to do if someone took it on to mail each and every CEO of the manufacturers, but this is too much time for me to spend.  If some enterprising reader wants to start a thread on this, I’ll find a way to host it.

Canada – Two suspects are at large after stabbing at least 25 people in 13 locations

2 years, 6 months ago

Ten killed in Canadian stabbing spree. Also here.

At least ten people have been killed and many others injured, after two assailants went on a stabbing spree in multiple locations in a rural area of Saskatchewan province, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police confirmed on Sunday. They warned that the suspects were still at large, and armed and dangerous.

“We have located 10 deceased individuals in 13 locations in the community of James Smith Cree Nation and Weldon, Saskatchewan,” RCMP Assistant Commissioner Rhonda Blackmore said at a press conference on Sunday afternoon.

The police official added that “several additional victims have been injured, 15 of which at this point have been transported to various hospitals,” noting that there “may be additional injured victims who transported themselves to hospital,” and urging them to come forward.

“We believe some of the victims have been targeted, while others have been attacked randomly,” Blackmore added.

Good thing nobody had a gun, or somebody could have been seriously hurt.

The Lion Of The Tribe Of Judah – Revelation 4 and 5

2 years, 6 months ago

Dr. Baldwin offers an exegesis of Revelation Chapters 4 and 5. It’s very good; watch the whole thing. We agree with much. His explanation of the seven Spirits of God is excellent.

We don’t entirely agree with the depiction of the four beasts as given by Dr. Baldwin (Revelation 4:6-9). He states they represent the Gospel. I’ll not argue against that, but we think the four beasts have a different representation.

He says the four beasts represent the Gospel, i.e., the four Gospels. He explains that Matthew depicts Christ as the Lion of Juda. Mark shows Jesus the servant, represented by the calf among the four beasts. Luke, the face of a man or Christ as the son of Man. And the Gospel of John, with an eagle representing Christ as the Son of God. That the four Gospels do indeed depict Jesus Christ, each one in that unique type and ministry of Christ, those three and a half years as described by Dr. Baldwin, we don’t argue against. We’re less sure that the four beasts align with or represent the specific Gospel accounts.

What we think of the four beasts is that they represent all creatures, the perfect creation, fully restored by the Gospel, which is the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. This would be the restoration to the pre-fall state in the Garden, where all things knew God and worshipped God because no sin existed; all was at peace. The conclusion to this part of the vision of John is Revelation 5:13-14, which shows every living thing (which the four beasts in chapter four represent before the throne) worshiping the glorified Christ. This is why we think the four beasts represent all creation, not the four Gospels.

It’s a minor point, and there may be something to both views. That Christ rules and reigns in heaven and earth, therefore each man must be prepared for His return is what truly matters. Jesus, by the Gospel, is restoring all things and bringing in a new heaven and new earth. The Kingdom of God now is only a type of the final domain to come when all sin shall be entirely eradicated.

Dr. Baldwin notes that the cherubim are the same as those that Ezekiel saw but does not mention the vision of Isaiah about these same living creatures in Isaiah 6:1-4.

Religion Tags:


2 years, 6 months ago





Seen in the wild this weekend:








Humor Tags:

Review Of The Rossi 454 Casull Lever Action Rifle

BY Herschel Smith
2 years, 6 months ago

This rifle is “unobtanium” except for used, and even then, simply not available.  The comments section features educated folks.  One commenter remarks that “I’ve been writing to Henry trying to get them to chamber one of their rifles in .454 Casull.”  So have it to no avail.

Another commenter questions “Did you get any blow back shooting the 454? When they first came out the only gun store here that had them. The counter man said every one they sold had to be sent back because of blow back from the action. And thats what made me get a 44mag instead back then.”

I don’t think Rossi makes this rifle anymore.

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