Today in History: Christians Save Western Civilization From Islam
The Source includes quotes from observers during the era.
Precisely one hundred years after the death of Islam’s prophet Muhammad in 632 — a century which had seen the conquest of thousands of square miles of formerly Christian lands, including Syria, Egypt, North Africa, and Spain — the scimitar of Islam found itself in the heart of Europe, facing that continent’s chief military power, the Franks.
The Muslim hordes, which reportedly numbered 80,000 men, had ravaged most of southwestern France, slaughtering and enslaving countless victims. On Oct. 10, somewhere between Poitiers and Tours, they met and clashed with 30,000 Frankish infantrymen under the leadership of Charles Martel. An anonymous medieval Arab chronicler describes the battle as follows:
Entirely consisting of wild headlong charges, the Muslim attack proved ineffective, for “the men of the north stood as motionless as a wall, they were like a belt of ice frozen together, and not to be dissolved, as they slew the Arab with the sword. The Austrasians [eastern Franks], vast of limb, and iron of hand, hewed on bravely in the thick of the fight,” writes one chronicler. The Franks refused to break ranks and allow successive horsemen to gallop through the gaps, which Arab cavalry tactics relied on. Instead, they tightened their ranks and, “drawn up in a band around their chief [Charles], the people of the Austrasians carried all before them. Their tireless hands drove their swords down to the breasts [of the foe].”
The aftermath “was, as all cavalry battles, a gory mess, strewn with thousands of wounded or dying horses, abandoned plunder, and dead and wounded Arabs. Few of the wounded were taken prisoner — given their previous record of murder and pillage.” The oldest sources give astronomical numbers of slain Muslims, with only a small fraction of slain Franks. Whatever the true numbers, significantly fewer numbers of Franks than Muslims fell in that battle. Even Arab chronicles refer to the engagement as the “Pavement of Martyrs,” suggesting that the earth was littered with Muslim corpses.
On October 12, 2022 at 9:43 pm, Bradley A Graham said:
Deus le Volt…..
On October 13, 2022 at 10:37 am, Don't mind me said:
“Sword and scimitar” by R. Ibrahim is an excellent chronology of the fight. Islam truly is evil.
On October 13, 2022 at 2:50 pm, Georgiaboy61 said:
An interesting historical footnote to the history of Nazi Germany and of Adolf Hitler is that the future absolute ruler (fuhrer) of the German national socialist state, comes to light in his magnum opus “Mein Kampf” (“My Struggle”) written while Hitler was imprisoned at Landsberg Prison in the 1920s.
In the book, Hitler decries Christianity as weak and corrupt, while opining that he wished the Moors – the Muslims – had won Tours in 732 and not the armies of Charles “The Hammer of the Franks” Martel, since Islam was the “proper faith” of a conqueror and a warlike people.
And during the war, Hitler and the Nazi Party acted in a manner consistent with those statements. The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Hajj al-Amin al-Husseini, on the run from the British after his role in the abortive 1941 Arab revolt/uprising in Iraq, first sought refugee in fascist Italy, but then migrated northward to Germany where he spent the remainder of the war as an honored guest of the Nazi Party.
Once in Berlin, Husseini was provided with a chauffeured automobile, a lavish home in the suburbs of Berlin complete with a small staff, and a financial stipend from the regime. In return, the mufti broadcast a radio program aimed at influencing opinion in the Arab world away from the Allies and towards the Axis powers.
Husseini took part in the Wannsee Conference held on January 20, 1942, during which the outlines of the “Final Solution” were agreed upon by senior German leadership. Indeed, Husseini impressed the members of the Nazi hierarchy – such as Heinrich Himmler – with the virulence of his anti-Semitism and hatred of all things Jewish. As the war went on and the death camps began to function, al-Husseini soon became somewhat notorious for his frequent checks on their progress and his exhortations to work faster.
The mufti is today also famous for setting up the Waffen-SS 13th Mountain “Handscar” Division, composed of Bosnian and other Muslim recruiters, a unit which went on over the course of the war to commit numerous atrocities in the Balkans. They wore blood-red fezes with the “death’s head” symbol on them, as their head-dress, when not in the field.
Husseini, who should have been tried at Nuremberg, escaped the hangman’s noose to die of old age in the 1970s. His son-in-law was a member of the “Black September” terrorist organization which massacred Israeli athletes at the 1972 Munich Olympic Games.
Bringing the story full-circle, “Mein Kampf” today remains a best-seller in the Islamic world, translated into Arabic, Farsi, and other languages.
On October 13, 2022 at 4:21 pm, PGF said:
@GB61, good points.
Here’s the quote of Hitler from the article:
Had Charles Martel not been victorious at Poitiers — already, you see, the world had fallen into the hands of the Jews, so gutless a thing was Christianity! — then we should in all probability have been converted to Mohammedanism, that cult which glorifies heroism and which opens the seventh Heaven to the bold warrior alone. Then the Germanic races would have conquered the world. Christianity alone prevented them from doing so.
We could write pages explaining it’s utter ignorance. I decided against even mentioning it. But I suspect it’s a propagandistic statement aimed at influencing “friends.” Although allowing conversation perhaps, the idea that islam would then permit a pure Germanic race to function in autonomy is profoundly ignorant. And astronomically ignorant is the idea that Hitler could then wipe out an entire muslim world leaving only pure Germans. He couldn’t even hold half of Europe.
The seventh heaven statement sounds like something from the devil’s Koran.
Islams biggest selling point is that it’s not Christianity, but a new dispensation of “god” to his people. I’ve been told that repeatedly by muz. Hitler, obviously not converted to Christ, must have heard the same drivel and was parroting it.
Rage filled mass murderers go to the special seventh heaven? Sure, pal. Whatever helps you sleep at night.
On October 13, 2022 at 10:27 pm, Georgiaboy61 said:
It is no secret as to why Hitler was attracted to Islam, for as a creed it would have “legitimized” under the color of religious belief, virtually everything he sought to do.