Moose Battle Ends In The Bed Of A Truck
BY Herschel Smith
From what I understand, Moose are at least as aggressive as bears and much less prone to flee the presence of humans. And they can stomp you to death. Those are huge animals.
From what I understand, Moose are at least as aggressive as bears and much less prone to flee the presence of humans. And they can stomp you to death. Those are huge animals.
On October 20, 2022 at 5:52 am, Joe Blow said:
LOL… ‘Splaine THAT claim to your insurance agent without the video evidence.
And yes, at 800-1200 lbs, as big as a large horse (think Clydesdale), you DO NOT want to get between 2 of them.
On October 20, 2022 at 7:30 am, PGF said:
Funny video. Those are impressive animals. I’ve only ever seen one. It would be unwise to tangle with them.
On October 20, 2022 at 4:12 pm, Paul B said:
I’ve seen plenty moose. They really liked pockets of water near the road I used to drive between a couple of resorts I worked in in the 70’s. You would see legs at extreme edges of lights. When a car hit them they took the legs out and the body would take the top off the car. They are like a cow on stilts.