What’s Next For Marlin?
BY Herschel Smith
The best deer cartridge you never shot!
Sorry, I can’t embed the YouTube shorts, just link them.
One can only hope that 35 Remington is next in line for Marlin. Think 200 grains moving at around the same speed as the 30-30 160 grains, or in other words, 30-30 on steroids.
I like it.
But I do find it a bit off-putting that Marlin won’t formally announce their plans. We shouldn’t be left to the vicissitudes of the rumor mill.
On October 25, 2022 at 7:11 am, jrg said:
I almost purchased a .35 Remington many moon ago (mid 1980’s). Then instead decided to buy the larger .444 Marlin. Basically a .44 caliber 30-30 Winchester with more recoil. Nice gun those old original JM manufactured rifles, especially the older models. Ammo price on that .444 is in the stratosphere now.
I do hear and read a lot of good about the old .35. Especially in northern states with bear species to hunt. Maybe the larger bore gave the hunter more confidence tackling large furry animals with large teeth.
I do agree that firearm companies could be more pro-active in letting the public into their future wares.
On October 25, 2022 at 9:14 am, Latigo Morgan said:
I think it is strange that Ruger is putting out the models they are instead of the ones the people have been asking for the most.
Overwhelmingly, I’ve seen folks asking them to bring back the Model 39A, and the pistol caliber lever actions in .357 mag and .44 mag. Maybe they’re afraid they can’t compete with Henry and Rossi?
On October 25, 2022 at 9:37 am, PGF said:
I’ll simply say, that divulging your marketing plan always loses more potential customers than carefully planning a roll-out.
Ok, I’ll explain; if they tell you ahead of time and you don’t desire that product, than you will likely select another brand for that item(model firearm). This could cause a generational brand loyalty shift, even multi-generational.
Mum’s the word.
On October 25, 2022 at 12:10 pm, Steady Steve said:
The 45-70 was a good one to bring out first as it was fairly popular under the “old” Marlin. If quality proves out under Ruger, I’d like to see both the 30-30 and 35 Rem come out at the same time. I’d like one of each please.