500 Bushwhacker
BY Herschel Smith
My experience with a .44 Magnum wheel gun is that shooting it is a bone rattling event, at least with a short barrel. I don’t think I ever want to shoot this thing.
I suspect that by characterizing this thing as controllable, there’s more than a little irony.
On October 31, 2022 at 11:04 pm, Dan said:
Some people aren’t bothered by recoil.
On November 1, 2022 at 3:15 am, Rick said:
I just do not understand when people say the .44 Mag kicks something fierce. I shoot this cartridge in my 1956 Super Blackhawk and the recoil is very manageable. In fact, it is notably less than what I had expected.
I am not large but do have big hands and popeye-esque forearms. Is that it?
On November 1, 2022 at 8:55 am, Herschel Smith said:
Note the compare and contrast. I said, “in a short barrel.” You said, “Super Blackhawk.”
Words are important.
On November 1, 2022 at 12:22 pm, Steady Steve said:
I don’t see the point of a short barreled revolver for .44 magnum. Lot of wasted velocity and extra recoil. That said, this handgun might be fun to shoot but useful only for hunting. Or greeting a group of hostile gentlemen stacked outside your front door.
On November 1, 2022 at 1:21 pm, MTHead said:
Well, I own both a Ruger Alaskan in 2.5″. And 7.5″ super Redhawk. Both in 44mag. I find recoil to be more pleasant 2.5″. Both with 300gr. hard cast over 20 grs. of H110.
And if I ever need to use it? I’ll wish I had bought it in 454 Casull!