Christian Prepping
No, we’re not talking about prepping for Christians, whatever that is. Here’s the lead; you need to be able to have church away from prying eyes.
Assembling with other believers is commanded (Hebrews 10:25). If you have children, the man, as the head, should already be giving a family bible study, perhaps as often as every evening. Those husbands and wives with grown and gone children could still be doing this. There’s something quaint and very pleasing about that notion; a husband having a bible lesson, just him and his wife. What a wonderful way to honor the Lord. Where were we?
It would have been challenging to convince American Christians of the need for this preparedness just a few years ago. People would have thought it absurd that the government would shut down churches, especially a Republican president. Well, the government did, and your pantywaist Pastors complied.
That’s just a tiny foretaste of what’s coming for the Christians in America. Keeping in mind that most mainline churches would turn you over to the government if required, the first rule of underground church is – you don’t talk about underground church.
Many, tens of thousands, perhaps millions, never returned to those closed churches. That might be a good thing. Some of those certainly went to find a group of true believers who did not quit on God so readily. For those who never bothered going again, we also consider this a good thing; it’s unlikely they were converted if all it took was shutting the door to a building. Most are merely brainwashed slugs; they did as they were told, never concerned enough to voice an objection.
Our God is the God of redemption; read, Thanking God for Covid 19. Consider wisely your future with Christ, your leadership role now, and the needs of the believers counting upon you in a country rapidly growing antichrist. You are the very best Christian somebody knows. Get better; begin the work to build an antifragile church group.
Your group leader doesn’t have to be the same man who brings your bible lessons.
Many started groups of intrepid believers meeting away from corporate 501(c)(3) buildings in open defiance. Good for them. Their reward is rich in Heaven. And that’s what you must prepare to do. Meeting in open defiance is obviously the first choice. That’s the most significant and crucial qualifying statement we’ll make. You don’t have to put on a show or make a political statement; you do it with your heart toward Father God, prepared always to suffer for Christ’s name, who died for your eternal soul, not forsaking the assembling of yourselves together.
For followers of Christ, it shouldn’t be a stretch to consider what your family, group, church, or team needs. The object is to continue to gather along a continuum of possibilities from a home church to entirely underground, at least not in a mainline building, but in varying degrees of relative secrecy depending upon the circumstances.
What does it take for you to hold church? Well, those are the things you need. Christian men should already be providing a simple bible lesson for their families on a regular schedule, perhaps around a table. Extending this concept during government oppression or a cataclysmic event is easy. You need knowledge, materials, and to already be in practice.
We make sure to say here that a preacher of God’s word, a Pastor in the name of Christ, is a specific calling God places on the lives of a small percentage of men. We are in no way advising you, outside of God’s will, under your own power to start being a Pastor or a Preacher. Those are God-ordained and called men. There are circumstances in which one may be pressed into service. This is a serious thing. American churches are full of men and now women that claim ordination of God but are false. With a humble heart, admitting that you are not called to Pastoral headship, nonetheless, a group of believers being required to meet, a man of good repute must be prepared to lead. Nobody has authority outside God’s calling to assume Pastoral headship or the office of the Preacher. Still, you men should be able to bring a clear, encouraging bible lesson when the need arises. Being prepared is all the more critical because the potential for the absence of a Pastoral head under persecution is real. A good Pastor must be willing to lay down his life for the flock (John 10:11) in the name of Christ, for “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.” – 1 John 15:13. So should all true Christians.
Be prepared to step into the breach when needed. Make a list and get the materials; undoubtedly, this starts with the Holy Bible in sufficient quantity for everybody present or expected. Consider that depending on the situation, you may minister to neighbors or complete strangers. Hard times bring hard questions and people looking for answers. Every Christian must be ready to share the hope that is in you, the splendid joy, and blessed assurance of life everlasting that you have in Christ Jesus (1 Peter 3:15); we are all witnesses for Jesus Christ.
Most people have a strange view of the church, it’s a show put on by professionals, and sadly, in most churches, it is. America, and your team, don’t need more professionally trained carnival barkers spewing false Scriptural understanding to followers; obviously and, in many cases, willfully slothful ignoramuses that refuse to educate themselves in the word of God. All you need is two or three gathered together in the name of Christ, and there He is in the midst (Matthew 18:20). Nonetheless, some structure seems required; singing Psalms, the Lord’s supper, reading of Scripture, and a plain lesson from the text have been sufficient throughout Church history.
Encouraging and uplifting one another should be something you already do at church.
For most believers, you are a long way from where you can hold a simple church service type of bible lesson. Opening the Scriptures to fellow believers (or lost souls) is a weighty matter and should be treated with the humble reverence it deserves. First, you must be a practicing Christian, not practicing religiousness, but a doer of the word.
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