Well, Remington
BY Herschel Smith
I’m not trying to be a gun snob, but one thing the Italians know how to do is make shotguns. Beretta for gas operated guns, Benelli for inertial shotguns. Additionally, anyone who claims that pump action is the only reliable action in a shotgun has never shot a Beretta A400 or 1301. I’ve shot both, and I’ll say the same thing about semiautomatic shotguns to the malcontents that I say about ARs and 1911s. I’ve never had a single FTF or FTE, or a malfunction of any kind. And I run them hard.
You get what you pay for with any product, and guns are no different. This think looks cheap. You couldn’t give it to me.
On November 1, 2022 at 8:33 am, William Sullivan said:
I hope somebody can send this video to Remington/Ruger. I recently bought an 870 with an 18 1/2″ barrel for a camp gun, in bear country. Cheap plastic stock, but I figured for wet weather and rough handling it should work fine. I had been looking for a Mossberg 500, as I have extra barrels of various types. Non available in my area when I was shopping.
On November 2, 2022 at 7:03 am, Rocketguy said:
I recently sat with a buddy and compared a recent mfg 870 to a fairly early Wingmaster he inherited. They’re only vaguely similar. Rich bluing, beautiful wood, slick action, lots of steel vs….the opposite of all those things.
On November 2, 2022 at 7:34 am, PGF said:
Hey, there’s no call for insulting the Crosman pump master 760 by comparing a Remington to it.