Christian Reconstruction and Pete Hegseth’s Confirmation as Secretary of Defense

Herschel Smith · 26 Jan 2025 · 7 Comments

I had earlier point out that the progressives weren't giving up without a fight. Their hard-fought victory over the military establishment and the consequent loss of it, even if partial, cuts deeply. They have so weakened the edifice that it is crumbling. The department cannot meet recruitment goals, needs warfighters for the national defense and cannot find them, wastes increasingly precious dollars on failed programs, and celebrates transgenders and LGBTQ. This crumbling of the edifice meets…… [read more]

Requirements Of Serial Numbers On Guns Violates The Second Amendment

BY Herschel Smith
2 years, 5 months ago

Reason.  But of course it does.  The notion that the founders, free men, would have begged the government for permits, licensed their firearms, or scratched numbers on the pristine work done by the gunsmiths of the age so the government could track them, would have made them vomit.  They went to war over things like that.

Point, Counter Point

2 years, 5 months ago

America: “We can no longer afford to feed our children peanut butter sammiches!”

White House:

President Biden’s National Security Strategy outlines how the United States will advance our vital interests and pursue a free, open, prosperous, and secure world. We will leverage all elements of our national power to outcompete our strategic competitors; tackle shared challenges; and shape the rules of the road.

The Strategy is rooted in our national interests: to protect the security of the American people, to expand economic opportunity, and to realize and defend the democratic values at the heart of the American way of life.


In the early years of this decisive decade, the terms of geopolitical competition will be set while the window of opportunity to deal with shared challenges will narrow. We cannot compete successfully to shape the international order unless we have an affirmative plan to tackle shared challenges, and we cannot do that unless we recognize how heightened competition affects cooperation and act accordingly.

The most pressing strategic challenge we face as we pursue a free, open, prosperous, and secure world are from powers that layer authoritarian governance with a revisionist foreign policy.

While this competition is underway, people all over the world are struggling to cope with the effects of shared challenges that cross borders—whether it is climate change, food insecurity, communicable diseases, or inflation. These shared challenges are not marginal issues that are secondary to geopolitics. They are at the very core of national and international security and must be treated as such.

  • We are building the strongest and broadest coalition of nations to enhance our collective capacity to solve these challenges and deliver for the American people and those around the world.
  • To preserve and increase international cooperation in an age of competition, we will pursue a dual-track approach. On one track, we will work with any country, including our competitors, willing to constructively address shared challenges within the rules-based international order and while working to strengthen international institutions. On the other track, we will deepen cooperation with democracies at the core of our coalition, creating a latticework of strong, resilient, and mutually reinforcing relationships that prove democracies can deliver for their people and the world.

It’s not necessary to actually read this circular word salad; we’re simply posting the rest to make a point.

The Biden-Harris Administration has broken down the dividing line between domestic and foreign policy because our strength at home and abroad are inextricably linked. The challenges of our age, from strategic competition to climate change, require us to make investments that sharpen our competitive edge and bolster our resilience.

  • Our democracy is at the core of who we are and is a continuous work in progress. Our system of government enshrines the rule of law and strives to protect the equality and dignity of all individuals. As we strive to live up to our ideals, to reckon with and remedy our shortcomings, we will inspire others around the world to do the same.

  • We are complementing the innovative power of the private sector with a modern industrial strategy that makes strategic public investments in our workforce, strategic sectors, and supply chains, especially in critical and emerging technologies.

  • A powerful U.S. military helps advance and safeguard vital U.S. national interests by backstopping diplomacy, confronting aggression, deterring conflict, projecting strength, and protecting the American people and their economic interests. We are modernizing our military, pursuing advanced technologies, and investing in our defense workforce to best position America to defend our homeland, our allies, partners, and interests overseas, and our values across the globe.

The United States will continue to lead with strength and purpose, leveraging our national advantages and the power of our alliances and partnerships. We have a tradition of transforming both domestic and foreign challenges into opportunities to spur reform and rejuvenation at home. The idea that we should compete with major autocratic powers to shape the international order enjoys broad support that is bipartisan at home and deepening abroad.

  • Our alliances and partnerships around the world are our most important strategic asset that we will deepen and modernize for the benefit of our national security.
  • We place a premium on growing the connective tissue on technology, trade and security between our democratic allies and partners in the Indo-Pacific and Europe because we recognize that they are mutually reinforcing and the fates of the two regions are intertwined.
  • We are charting new economic arrangements to deepen economic engagements with our partners and shaping the rules of the road to level the playing field and enable American workers and businesses—and those of partners and allies around the world—to thrive.
  • As we deepen our partnerships around the world, we will look for more democracy, not less, to shape the future. We recognize that while autocracy is at its core brittle, democracy’s inherent capacity to transparently course-correct enables resilience and progress.

The United States is a global power with global interests; we are stronger in each region because of our engagement in the others. We are pursuing an affirmative agenda to advance peace and security and to promote prosperity in every region.

  • As an Indo-Pacific power, the United States has a vital interest in realizing a region that is open, interconnected, prosperous, secure, and resilient. We are ambitious because we know that we and our allies and partners hold a common vision for the region’s future.
  • With a relationship rooted in shared democratic values, common interests, and historic ties, the transatlantic relationship is a vital platform on which many other elements of our foreign policy are built. To effectively pursue a common global agenda, we are broadening and deepening the transatlantic bond.
  • The Western Hemisphere directly impacts the United States more than any other region so we will continue to revive and deepen those partnerships to advance economic resilience, democratic stability, and citizen security.
  • A more integrated Middle East that empowers our allies and partners will advance regional peace and prosperity, while reducing the resource demands the region makes on the United States over the long term.
  • In Africa, the dynamism, innovation, and demographic growth of the region render it central to addressing complex global problems.


2 years, 5 months ago

“Some men’s sins are open beforehand, going before to judgment; and some men they follow after.” – 1 Timothy 5:24

Some live in sin openly without fear of God; all see their sin and know it as such. Yet more men hide their sin from others, even trying to deny it to themselves, looking for and desiring some escape that never comes. There is no flight; all evil is set before the holy hill, appearing as a dead stinking fish in a meadow, entirely out of place before the throne of God. There is God and your sin before Him. There is no escape, whether iniquity is hidden in this life to follow after in final judgment or exhibited now going before you for judicial review.

There are sinners of the baser sort, foul creatures without remorse, having no fear of God and never considering a coming day with God, and such were some of you.

But others suppose that living in open sin while pretending it’s not wrong will have no consequence. Everybody looks upon their sin as they gallantly expect some new level of social sophistication in maturity, proclaiming their adult and responsible choices; God is not impressed. Hiding your sin in plain sight for all to see while pretending it’s not wickedness isn’t maturity; it’s childishness. You can fool some and even yourself for a time, but God sees your sin; all things are established before Him.

None will get away with sinning. Whether hidden in fear or seen by all, grossly in ignorance or with malignant intent, none don’t sin. It’s hard to know which curse is worse, the exposed sport before men or the hidden self-deceived before God, for none can honestly hide from God, and all are brought to justice.

“And to you who are troubled rest with us, when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels” – 2 Thessalonians 1:7

The crack in the door to hell is creaking ever wider. You who are troubled with no refuge and nowhere to run, watching the world dissolve into fervor for wars with growing evil all around, seek rest with Jesus Christ. His vengeance against all the disobedient is coming; He will repay with tribulation. There is no other to whom you can hope for salvation than Christ.

“In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ: Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power” – 2 Thessalonians 1:8-9

Vengeance at the hand of the Lord our God shall fall upon all who know not the God of their creation. Having heard of Him, obeying not the truth of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, they attempt to hide from God; eternal death is soon their home. By the glory and the power of the Lord, you, who reject the Christ of God, shall be punished under the eternal destruction of damnation in hell; flaming fire awaits as you are slipping toward hades, being removed from the presence of the Lord. Face Him now before it’s ever too late, admitting your sin in repentance; renounce the hidden things of dishonesty, not walking in craftiness.

“Thou hidest thy face, they are troubled: thou takest away their breath, they die, and return to their dust.” – Psalm 104:29

Christians are commanded to have no communion with the unclean thing and to depart from evil. Even God Almighty hides His face from those that are troubled and beset by iniquity, for He will not look upon sin; holy is He. There is a price upon your head. In the last, their final breath is taken from them, but all does not go blank; the soul of the sinner dies eternally, in torment, his worm ever turning to escape the wrath of God at the hand of evil. Is this your final lot?

They pay a man to read a Bible and lie about the passing; they say the dead was a good man. He was kind and caring and giving perhaps, but none are good; all have come short of the glory of God. And as they place the carcass in a box returning it to the dust, all those looking on also lie to themselves and each other, nodding in agreement claiming he was a good man, a just man; perhaps now he’s with Lord in glory? Certainly not, for God is holy; no sin may defile Him, nor ever will; He won’t look upon the unforgiven.

“Riches profit not in the day of wrath: but righteousness delivereth from death.” – Proverbs 11:4

His money didn’t protect him, nor did all the preparations for the end prevail, for God owns everything: every penny in the purse, every tool in the shed, and beans in the cupboard. Only the righteousness of Christ can deliver your soul from death. No deeds well done or riches stored up will profit. Hidden in the womb, you arrived naked, scared, and alone: and in dying, though you may try to hide, the transgressor returns naked and fearful before a holy God, alone without defense.

But there was One, sinless yet crucified, tortured to death, beaten and bloodied, with beard ripped from His face, who took His own cross and dragged up a hill, laying down upon it He stretched His arms wide in love and was nailed with spikes of iron. Then the cross was stood while all mocked and jeered; He was spat upon and ridiculed, dying there for you. He died for the sinner.

Dead in your trespasses against the Almighty and headed to wrath; Christ died there on that cross to save you from your sin and certain death. Holy Father God has turned His face and hidden it from you, ashamed of your folly, but this Jesus came to get you and rescue you from the certain eternal damnation of God’s judgment that you deserve. Jesus paid your debt in death and commended His own spirit to the Father.

As we today anticipate His return and the final judgment, some sadly doubt. Even two thousand years ago, they paused three days for the promise; some waivered then, but they waited.

“And to wait for his Son from heaven, whom he raised from the dead, even Jesus, which delivered us from the wrath to come.” – 1 Thessalonians 1:10

And three days later, the Son of God was risen up from the dead, this Jesus of Nazareth who draws all the world to the curious affair of the crucifixion and His resurrection from the dead. He rose again from the dead that He might deliver us, deliver you, from the wrath to come. This is how you can know that Christ Jesus has the power of life. Death could not hold Him, the tomb and hell could not keep Him; this authority He had of Father God, to raise Himself again. Having risen again indeed, this power He has of Himself – to raise you to life eternal, presenting you blameless in the heavenly places with God Almighty.

“For as the heaven is high above the earth, so great is his mercy toward them that fear him.” – Psalm 103:11

The fear of God is a mighty thing. This knowing, deep in your conscience, that indeed there is a God, and although you know Him not, and you’re not perfect by any stretch, you dare not to offend overtly putting yourself at ought with your Creator. This is a fear of the Lord yet without faith. For it is your decision, many are called, but few are chosen.

Knowing the fear of the Lord, do you determine to believe by faith that He is also the God that can save you by His power? The idea in your gut is one thing; choosing Christ, making Jesus your Saviour and holy Father God your one and only God, is what awaits. Do it this day if ye will hear his call, harden not your heart.

“As far as the east is from the west, so far hath he removed our transgressions from us.” – Psalm 103:12

And we testify that the love of God is sweet beyond measure; your sins can be hidden from His face and from the wrath to come. People may look upon your outward parts, and you seem the same. They may remember what you once did and were, but Holy God declares of all who trust in His Son; their sins and iniquities will I remember no more. And not only so, but your transgressions can be removed, gone, as though they never existed. You will change, released from chains of fear and regret. This is the forgiveness of Christ, who loves you and, in mercy, expended His life for you.

The human conscience is an alarm to return to God. Whether you’ve ever known God or not, all must return to Him for judgment. The conscience gives you an inkling to be prepared for that day, and it’s not wrong, for God has made us thus, that we might seek Him.

The only saving trial is forgiveness from sin and salvation from hell in the person of Jesus Christ. Return to God in contrite spirit. In Christ Jesus, those who understand they are dead already find forgiveness and life everlasting.

“For ye are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God.” – Colossians 3:3

Though you hid your sins from men and tried to conceal them from the Almighty, God will hide them as far as the east is from the west, seeing them no more. In Christ is a home unending, free with God. Call upon His holy name. Nothing can separate us from the Love of God. No man can pluck you out of Christ’s hand. No more fear in your conscience nor price upon your head; hallelujah, commending your spirit to the Father, your eternal soul can now be hid with Christ in God.

Beretta 92X Performance Review

BY Herschel Smith
2 years, 5 months ago

From  Here is the video.

That gun sure is jumping around in her hands.  I’d like to understand the differences between this model and what Langdon Tactical does with the Model 92 low mount red dot optic cut slide.

Expensive Gun Failure

BY Herschel Smith
2 years, 5 months ago

Watch until the end where you learn the reason for this failure.  It’s quite common, actually, because of the similarity of ammunition case.

Check your ammunition.  Load it by hand, and watch while you do.

Mountain lion seen in Madison County in Iowa

2 years, 5 months ago

Here Kitty Kitty:

Oct. 11 (UPI) — Multiple witnesses have reported mountain lion sightings in Madison County, Iowa according to local police.

The Madison County Sheriff’s office posted video of a mountain lion roaming through the woods outside of St. Charles along with a photo taken from a trail cam near New Virginia in Warren County. It’s not known if the images show the same animal.

The video evidence comes after multiple eyewitnesses reported seeing mountain lions in the area. The sheriff’s office doesn’t think the mountain lions are a threat to the public because the sightings have been away from populated areas.

Mountain lions do not have any wildlife protections in Iowa, but the Department of Natural Resources does not encourage people to kill the animals. Instead citizens are encouraged to report sightings to the Department and to frighten the animals away by making loud noises, throwing objects, and slowly backing off.

I can assure you that cats are not frightened by people slowly backing off. It’s like a comedy sketch that goes on too long:

If attacked citizens are encouraged to use sharp objects to attack the mountain lion’s eyes, though the Department of Natural Resources emphasizes that attacks on humans are very rare.

Bullets, those are sharp!

Via Instapundit

The revenge of the material economy

2 years, 5 months ago

Don’t confuse “material economy” with the Materials Sector of the market.


America’s narrow escape last week from a major rail-worker strike brought home an important truth: people who make and ship real things – let’s call them material workers – now hold the whip hand over our supposedly ‘post-industrial’ economy. Firms trading non-tangibles – currency, bits and bots – may still hoard the most cash. But when it comes to eating, staying warm and, for many, making a living, the material economy is what matters most.

Necessities always lag in the boom times as people consider that hard years may never come again, but when things get tight, suddenly everybody wants to eat and stay warm in the winter. FYI, that rail strike may not be totally averted yet. The workers are a brotherhood; if one company strikes, they all likely will.

Yet the material economy has been hugely constrained in recent years – and deliberately so. This has become all too apparent since the war in Ukraine. Back in the pandemic era, thanks to the recurring lockdowns, the biggest winners were the tech giants and their supporters in Wall Street. Now Silicon Valley, suffering from the worst IPO market in 20 years, resembles something akin to a psychiatric ward, while Goldman Sachs is contemplating mass layoffs. Today, many green-energy projects and ESG funds (that is, funds rated as environmentally sustainable) are languishing, despite benefitting from massive government subsidies and relentless public-relations campaigns in recent years. Meanwhile, oil companies, once demonised by climate-obsessed politicians and activists, are now enjoying bumper profits, as are some commodity firms.

Massive subsidies and relentless propaganda don’t change physics or any reality.

The conflict between the material economy and the economy based in ephemera – such as the creative industries, tech and financial services – is likely to define the coming political conflicts both within countries and between them.

Economic wars can be devastating. Outside of the OPEC embargoes of the 1970s, America has only faced internal economic conflict allowed or initiated by its own government. There may be other instances; let us know. We’re not sure how the author is using the term conflicts. Also, consider ‘politics by other means’ in the same vein.

All wars have an economic component at least, and most, at their root, are a struggle for resources. Note carefully how the term “limited resources” was purposefully omitted from that statement. The US has no lack of resources and needs nothing from Ukraine or Eastern Europe.

The US first offered allied status with Ukraine. Then Russia offered a better deal, but Ukraine told the world they would like to stay independent. Oops, global bankers don’t like that. So, the US facilitated a coup in ’14. That was the start of the current trouble. Readers here at TCJ probably have more details to fill in about that bit of history.

Some investors look for disconnects between the broader stock market and certain sectors that should be bucking the trend. Despite the growing war, wall street does not appear to be gobbling up defense stocks. The three main Defense ETFs shot up in July ’21 but have since languished, giving back all or nearly all of their gains. XAR, run by State Street, has more midcaps and smaller defense firms, making it more volatile (stock price rises and sells off faster) than the largest by total assets, ITA, which is run by Fink’s Blackrock. PPA is the second largest by assets and is managed by Invesco. Wall Street doesn’t think Ukraine will amount to much for US Defense stocks, apparently. That may be true, but we consider that the war will likely spread into a regional conflict or possibly a situation involving much of the northern hemisphere. This is not investment advice. Keep reading.

The biggest threat to the material economy is likely to be the green agenda. Even before Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the global energy crisis, problems with often unreliable and expensive renewable energy were accelerating the deindustrialisation of the UK and much of the EU – including Germany, which had long been an industrial powerhouse. Energy rationing could be on the horizon in Europe this winter. Globally, energy-price inflation threatens to drive far more bankruptcies than the 2008 financial crisis. And food inflation, which in some countries has been driven by green agricultural policies, has led the percentage of people worldwide experiencing food insecurity to double since 2019.

Speaking of Clausewitz:

Clausewitz’s most famous saying about war, that it is the continuation of politics (policy) by other means.

Here is the passage in full:


We see, therefore, that War is not merely a political act, but also a real political instrument, a continuation of political commerce, a carrying out of the same by other means. All beyond this which is strictly peculiar to War relates merely to the peculiar nature of the means which it uses. That the tendencies and views of policy shall not be incompatible with these means, the Art of War in general and the Commander in each particular case may demand, and this claim is truly not a trifling one. But however powerfully this may react on political views in particular cases, still it must always be regarded as only a modification of them; for the political view is the object, War is the means, and the means must always include the object in our conception.

Today in History: Christians Save Western Civilization From Islam

2 years, 5 months ago

The Source includes quotes from observers during the era.

Precisely one hundred years after the death of Islam’s prophet Muhammad in 632 — a century which had seen the conquest of thousands of square miles of formerly Christian lands, including Syria, Egypt, North Africa, and Spain — the scimitar of Islam found itself in the heart of Europe, facing that continent’s chief military power, the Franks.

The Muslim hordes, which reportedly numbered 80,000 men, had ravaged most of southwestern France, slaughtering and enslaving countless victims. On Oct. 10, somewhere between Poitiers and Tours, they met and clashed with 30,000 Frankish infantrymen under the leadership of Charles Martel. An anonymous medieval Arab chronicler describes the battle as follows:


Entirely consisting of wild headlong charges, the Muslim attack proved ineffective, for “the men of the north stood as motionless as a wall, they were like a belt of ice frozen together, and not to be dissolved, as they slew the Arab with the sword. The Austrasians [eastern Franks], vast of limb, and iron of hand, hewed on bravely in the thick of the fight,” writes one chronicler. The Franks refused to break ranks and allow successive horsemen to gallop through the gaps, which Arab cavalry tactics relied on. Instead, they tightened their ranks and, “drawn up in a band around their chief [Charles], the people of the Austrasians carried all before them. Their tireless hands drove their swords down to the breasts [of the foe].”


The aftermath “was, as all cavalry battles, a gory mess, strewn with thousands of wounded or dying horses, abandoned plunder, and dead and wounded Arabs. Few of the wounded were taken prisoner — given their previous record of murder and pillage.” The oldest sources give astronomical numbers of slain Muslims, with only a small fraction of slain Franks. Whatever the true numbers, significantly fewer numbers of Franks than Muslims fell in that battle. Even Arab chronicles refer to the engagement as the “Pavement of Martyrs,” suggesting that the earth was littered with Muslim corpses.

Precision 45-70 project (custom loads 1170 yards)

BY Herschel Smith
2 years, 5 months ago

That’s a mighty long way to sling that large bullet, but it shows what time and ingenuity can do.

Boers, Beans, Bullets, and Bear Soup – Part 1 and 2

2 years, 5 months ago

At SurvivalBlog, this is an excellent two-part post. A very brief history of the Boer Wars is offered then it’s almost exclusively weapons, ammo, purposes in use, and personal firearms considerations. Great stuff, tons of data, with much to consider and debate.

Part One

Part Two

Excerpt from Part Two:

Around here, .30-06 is more common than .308 Win.  The second most popular in my neighborhood is 6.5 Creedmoor (6.5CM), then 6.5×55, and lastly a wildcat for the AR platform, the 6.5 Timberwolf. Ideally, we would be best off to standardized on .308 Winchester. Yet .30-06 is still king in these woods. It is time tested and found to be the best all around cartridge CONUS, good for mouse to moose, and the occasional Griz, because it can shoot the heaviest .308 caliber bullets with a 1:10 twist rate barrel.

The .30-06 can also punch out a flat shooting 175 grain bullet at 2,800fps with H4831sc, H4350 powder, or other similar powders. It is appreciable flatter shooting than .308 Winchester, and far flatter than .308 Winchester’s military version, 7.62×51 NATO.  Yet we do pay the price in terms of a punishing level of recoil. Therefore, my ideal long range rifle would be the 6.5×55 cartridge in a modern action capable of 60,000psi with 29 inch bull barrel attached, however that rifle is only a dream rifle.

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