PBS Warns Of Civil War Started By ‘Christian’ ‘White Men’

2 years, 3 months ago

Watch the video of the statements.

PBS took the democracy is in danger hysteria to new levels on Tuesday’s Amanpour and Company as Hari Sreenivasan interviewed Prof. Barbara F. Walter to inquire on just how close the United States is to another civil war. Walter, who wrote the book How Civil Wars Start, warned that all the pieces are in place for “Christian” “white men” to start one.

Sreenivasan began by accepting the premise that a civil war could break out and asked, “You have studied several types of societies who have been on the brink of, who’ve been in the middle of, a civil war, who’ve been after, who’ve survived after one. How is America on that timeline? How far along a timeline toward a civil war is the United States?”

Walter argued that the conditions are there in the U.S., “we know very clearly that the two big risk factors are whether a country has a weak and partial democracy, and whether in those countries its political parties had divided along racial, religious, and/or ethnic lines. So, it really didn’t take a lot to know those facts, and then look to see what was happening here in the United States.”

Of course, Walter overstates just how polarized those demographics are when it comes to our political parties and to the extend they are polarized, it is not exactly new, but conceding that would lead to a rather boring conclusion that would not lead to a PBS appearance.


We also know who tends to start civil wars. Most people think it’s going to be the poorest members of society, and they have the motive, they have the grievances, they have a reason to rebel, or they think it’s the most heavily discriminated or it’s the immigrants, all these groups who are, in some ways, downtrodden ted. But, again, they don’t start civil wars. The groups that tend to start civil wars, especially ethnically-based civil wars, are the groups that had once been dominant and are in decline.

Again, Walter tried to force this onto present-day America, “So, they used to dominate politically, economically, and oftentimes, socially and they’re losing that position oftentimes because demographics are changing… These were studies that were done on over 200 different civil wars that we’ve seen around the world. And if you apply that to the United States, you also see similarities.”

Elaborating, Walter further claimed:

The — we’ve seen a significant rise in violent extremism since 2008. Some of its been on the left, but the vast majority of it has been on the far-right. And it’s been perpetrated almost exclusively by white men. And again, if you look at the history of the United States, the group that had been dominant since the very inception of our country were white men. They also tended to be Christian, and they are losing that position. It’s no longer guaranteed that you are going to get into the best schools, or get the best jobs, or have, you know, economic security your whole life.

America isn’t a Christian country any more, so what she said doesn’t make sense unless there’s a false flag coming to build the excuse to attack conservative whites. We’re guessing but let’s suppose four percent of those claiming to be Christian are actually converted, and the rest are just LARPing. That seems fair. Those 100 million LARPers are all pro-government slaves. You needn’t worry about them, they might be mostly registered Republicans, but they’re too ignorant to know that Republicans are just Democrats with nicer suits. And Christians, real Christians, are not called to take the kingdom of heaven by force of arms but by the Great Commission. This sounds like a setup.

Via WoG.


  1. On November 4, 2022 at 2:07 am, Georgiaboy61 said:

    Re: “America isn’t a Christian country any more, so what she said doesn’t make sense unless there’s a false flag coming to build the excuse to attack conservative whites.”

    There is a terrific book by Eric Hoffer, entitled “The True Believer: Thoughts on the Nature of Mass Movements,” published in 1951 in which the great political philosopher considers what makes mass movements tick. Although not an overly-long study, Hoffer packs a lot of penetrating analysis and insight in that slim volume.

    One of his most-memorable observations is as follows:

    “Hatred is the most accessible and comprehensive of all the unifying agents. Mass movements can rise and spread without belief in a god, but never without a belief in a devil.”

    If we accept Hoffer’s observation as accurate, and there is much evidence to suggest that we should in fact do so, what does it tell us about the modern political left in the United States today? That many of its members are communists, seems self-evident. What else?

    I’m now in my late middle-age or early old-age, having passed the sixty year mark not long ago. I’ve been around a while, and first voted more than forty years ago.

    Going back to the 1970s, and TV shows like “All in the Family,” it is now easy to see that attacks upon white Americans, especially white working-class Americans and working class men, began to ramp up around that time. Norman Lear’s award-winning TV show poked harmless fun at Archie Bunker, an everyman struggling with modern life and his liberal-left daughter and son-in-law.

    Bunker was made the butt of jokes, ridiculed in various ways, and otherwise served as the all-purpose whipping boy for the rest of the cast. And so, slowly at first, but picking up steam as the 1970s turned into the 1980s and 1990s, the Archie Bunkers of the world began to be seen as legitimate targets of opprobrium, ridicule and even hate.

    At first, such condemnation, bitterness and hatred was confined to the usual leftist ghettos… universities, colleges, and other places people of that persuasion hang out. But as the communists have taken one bastion of traditional America after another, they have become emboldened and have begun to show their true colors in public more often. This trend was given a boost when Obama was in office for eight years and now it is apparently on steroids with Biden. But I digress…

    The Democrats, who’d built their political machine and success from the 1930s forward in no small part upon the foundation of being the “friend of the working man,” now began to retool itself around a coalition of various identity and victim groups, i.e., women, racial and ethnic minorities, secularists, Muslims, etc.

    For a time, white women were needed to propel the movement forward, but as time has gone on, white females – in particular, traditional white women – are being frozen out as well, as the Democrat machine no longer needs them to the same extent as it had in the past.

    Whereas the Democrats claimed to be the party of the common person fifty or seventy-five years ago, today, the Democrats have shifted to the far-left and have adopted cultural Marxism to the fullest possible extent. Instead of standing up for the little guy, they’re the cause of the ruling class and protection of the status quo.

    For years, the leftist political machine could get out the vote by appealing to the electorate as opposing the “party of the rich,” which is what they term Republicans. In reality, the richest members of Congress in both houses are today more often than not, Democrats and dyed-in-the-wool leftists. The same goes for corporate boardrooms and non-profits, too. There is virtually no institution in American society that the left has not co-opted and taken over.
    Even the military, once a bastion of traditional Americanism and values, has now gone fully “woke,” a.k.a. cultural Marxist.

    Communism is inherently Godless and atheist, since under that ideological system, the state itself de facto assumes the place of a higher power at the center of the believer’s life. The Democrats in 2016, at their convention to nominate Hillary Rodham Clinton for the presidential ticket, much was made of the fact that no invocation of God was made. This was a deliberate choice, one which would have been unthinkable in 1980, if they’d wanted any support at the polls, anyway.

    The state and the party will not – cannot tolerate – other claims upon the loyalty of their members, which is why the old U.S.S.R. was Godless. Oh, Stalin opened up the Russian Orthodox Churches during the war, but that was only a propaganda measure to solidify public support for the war effort against fascism. Once the war was won, the churches were again shuttered and the priests thrown back into the gulags or told to go away.

    Remember when Obama called out traditional Americans during his first campaign, accusing people in little rural communities of holding onto their guns and Bibles to the exclusion of all else? That was the proverbial shot across the bow, as the saying goes. A communist leader identifying for all of the “true believers” who the enemies of the state and the party really are….

    Oh, and by the way, if Barack Hussein Obama was/is a Christian, then I’m Mother Teresa. He is a Sunni Muslim, and has been all along. He just disguised himself as a (fake) Christian in order to curry favor with voters. And we all know how the followers of the “religion of peace” feel about Christians, don’t we?

  2. On November 4, 2022 at 7:03 am, jrg said:

    I hear that a lot of those war-like Christians are about to unleash Hell on Earth, according to members of the Left. The same people who push that claim that Radicalized Muslims are not responsible for the mass migration of Middle Eastern population to Western countries. In fact, it is very non PC to even broach the subject – you rascist !!

    The only time I hear of Christians becoming agitated is when they are being attacked for their beliefs and are subjected to actions against themselves and their family. Christian families who have children in public school being taught very un Christian beliefs for examle. Attend a PTA meeting to bring a grievance and you are labelled a person of Bad Think.

  3. On November 4, 2022 at 3:21 pm, Latigo Morgan said:

    I believe it was their hero, Alinsky, who said to always accuse the other side of your own crimes. Or, maybe it was Trotsky. It was one of those commies, anyway. They follow that dictum religiously, too.

  4. On November 5, 2022 at 10:10 am, blake said:

    Our government, through BLMAntifa, tried to start a civil war in the runup to the 2020 elections. And now we’re supposed to believe white Christian males are the problem?

    By the way, I’m humbled at the thought of being a vilified Christian.

  5. On November 5, 2022 at 10:17 pm, luke2236 said:

    Ok, we all know that all the violence has been committed by the left. We all know that a certain (((group))) is paying for it and is agitating it to try and get us off our butts and start something. They REALLY dont want that, even tho they think they do, because once the White Christian male rises up in righteous anger, (((they))) nor their ‘pets’ are gonna like what happens…

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