Now Is The Time To Boot Failed GOP Leaders, Not Bicker About Trump Vs. DeSantis
BY PGF2 years, 2 months ago
That’s the headline that won’t be linked because, NO, now is the time to prepare.
Things you need:
Teach your family, on a regular schedule teaching true Christian morals and work ethic directly from the text of the Holy Bible
Permanent non-utility-controlled potable and bathing water source(s).
Sustainable multiple food sources – hunted/grown/husbandry/stored/wild gathered
Alternate food handling/prepping and cooking
Keeping your family warm
Understand your neighbor(s)hood in an outward concentric circle of increasing distance and not subject to geographic features or transportation routes
Parameter safety/security – training, tools, and animals
Fuel and alternate power source(s)
Unpowered/powered Handtools
Plans – options and backups and backups to the backups
Go/Stay decision matrix
Fishing/trapping/quiet hunting
Mobility plan
Comms plan
Hygiene/medicine items
Medical/dental knowledge and skill (Get your dental squared away this month before prices go higher, keep it up to date)
Printing hardcopy manuals and classical and other pertinent civilizational literature, fiction, and nonfiction
Barter and Goodwill items
Make you’re own lists, but more complete
Teach yourself a new related skill this winter; start today!
Further your practical application of homestead/pioneer/survival mastery.
And Etc
Do this now prior to further stressors being introduced
Like seeing one termite or the tip of an iceberg, this is only going to get worse, and neither will this get better.
If you’re still having problems understanding, here’s another clue to help you.
2030 is seven years away!
On November 17, 2022 at 5:22 am, Joe Blow said:
I really like the “learn a new skill this winter” idea. Thats a great ‘challenge’ to members of our community. What are you DOING, how are you HELPING your fellow bretheren? If you are taking a class, are you also teaching one? Why not?
On November 17, 2022 at 10:04 am, Don't mind me said:
Great advice!
Also, STOP paying attention to politics. Period. Voting is a waste of time, and if you didn’t grasp that two years ago you’re beyond help.
Politicians (of all parties) will continue to distract you with useless cornucopia while doing all they can to enrich themselves behind your back. Until we start using rope and lamp posts liberally, nothing will stop them from doing the same thing every day.
Focus on the above advice and your family.
On November 19, 2022 at 1:01 am, Dan said:
I’ts never a bad idea to boot bad leaders. Unfortunately with the way the electoral process now exists it won’t change a thing. Thanks to ‘mail in voting’ and ‘ballot harvesting’ the left can insure they win any electoral race they choose. And since they OWN outright every mechanism tasked with keeping the process honest they NEVER have to worry about going to jail for cheating whereas if the GOP tries to do what the left does they WILL go to jail.
TINVOWOOT. There will never be another honest election in America. Not as long as the current system is in place. And I can see no legal means to change the current system.