7 Tips for Trigger Press Mastery
Having good trigger discipline and mastering your trigger press are essential aspects of being a responsible gun owner. Time and time again, the news keeps breaking stories about individuals shooting other individuals—and sometimes themselves—by accident. Such unfortunate events are often linked to poor trigger discipline.
On that account, this post will shed light on some of the best trigger press mastery tips that you can work on today in order to improve your trigger control and overall trigger discipline.
Let’s jump right into it!
There was a lot of work put into this article. Read it at the link.
On November 25, 2022 at 7:37 pm, George said:
Many exemplary firearms instructors preach: ” don’t move the gun when you pull the trigger!” i.e. Mike Seeklander, Rob Vadasz, Ken Hackathorn, etc.
On November 26, 2022 at 12:01 am, StillSworn said:
Suggest: https://saveourguns.com/Ar_Marks_Un_Pistol_Train_Guide.pdf