Mountain Lion kills Chihuahua on leash in Hollywood Hills
Caught on video, the cat was “known to authorities” and even has a tracking collar.
Wildlife experts have confirmed that LA’s most well-known mountain lion, P-22, was the big cat that attacked and killed a dog on a leash near the Hollywood Reservoir earlier this month.
A Chihuahua named Piper was killed in the attack, but the family’s other dog survived.
They were able to make that determination using P-22’s GPS tracking collar and other information.
The National Park Service, which tracks and studies mountain lions in the region, said attacks on leashed pets are rare. The service is not aware of any other such attacks in the Los Angeles area and has only seen studies that have documented two other such incidents, one in Colorado and one elsewhere in Southern California.
They also generally do not attack humans and the service noted the person walking the dog was not harmed.
P-22 typically hunts prey animals such as deer and coyotes and recently killed a large buck in Griffith Park, officials say.
“In terms of this incident, there is no evidence that preying on pets is related to an increased chance of an attack on a person, either in mountain lions, or in other urban carnivores such as coyotes,” according to a post from the service’s Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area. “Mountain lion attacks on humans are exceedingly rare, although they do occur.”
P-22 lives in Griffith Park and is estimated to be 12 years old. He is known as the most famous cat tracked in the Los Angeles area, making appearances in backyards and neighborhoods around Griffith Park and the Hollywood Hills.
It’ll start killing people soon.
On November 24, 2022 at 10:20 pm, Dan said:
Once a lion starts taking dogs right off the leash they’ve lost all fear of people.
It’s only a matter of time till it attacks a person. Needs to be taken out RFN.
On November 24, 2022 at 10:26 pm, Stealth Spaniel said:
The Wildlife experts are morons. I grew up in Los Angeles; went to the zoo, rode horses in the park, took walks around the resevoir. NEVER was I in fear of mountain lions! This ridiculous, insane, and incestuous behavior that believing all animals are Disney characters is getting pets and people killed. Just like the “wildfires” never existed before the ’80’s. The Green/Hippie/Woke idiots will be the death of everyone. Any animal (lion or wolf) that attacks a dog on a leash, obviously walking with a human, it is brave enough to kill a human.
On November 25, 2022 at 4:55 pm, Georgiaboy61 said:
Good comments above, but let me add something: A mountain lion is usually reclusive and stays away from areas populated by humans as a manner of routine. That means high up in the mountains, or in other out of the way places. They rarely come down to suburban or urban areas unless something is wrong, such as famine or drought conditions in their usual habitat. Or, an aging, injured or ill mountain lion is unable to catch its normal prey or eat its normal diet for some reason.
It cannot be discounted that the animal has rabies, either, even though it showed no such diagnostic signs, i.e., foaming at the mouth, erratic movements, etc. – associated with that illness.
Dan is absolutely correct in his assessment: “Once a lion starts taking dogs right off the leash they’ve lost all fear of people.” That lion needs to be dealt with pronto, before someone is killed or horribly mauled.