Agenda 21
Source: @EmaRosa98
Agenda 21 is also called Agenda 2030 because 2030 is a target milestone year for having enabled all the infrastructure and other core components upon which the control regime will operate. 2030 is seven years away. The Great Reset initiated by Trump in the “Covid” shutdown was no coincidence.
Much of the work needed is in place, especially the laws that give the oppressors the color of authority to enact the regime here in the U.S. Also in place are almost all of the technology platforms that enable the tracking mechanisms. Whether TPTB in the U.S. will one day acknowledge in public that everything is being tracked is another question.
One significant milestone that’s still pending is tracking all human economic activity through digital currency, although credit cards are already being used this way to some extent. This will likely be done under the auspicious of “carbon footprint” monitoring. Show me a man’s checkbook stubs or credit card receipts, and I’ll show you how to control him.
Here’s the video referenced in, We Will Be Sacrificed for Global Standardization of Systems. Excerpt:
- Agenda 21 (Agenda for the 21st Century) is the inventory and control plan for all land, water, minerals, plants, animals, construction, means of production, food, energy, information, education and all human beings in the world
- This roadmap for global totalitarianism was agreed to by 179 nations, including the U.S., at the 1992 Sustainable Development conference in Brazil
- We’ve seen various facets of Agenda 21 being implemented throughout the last three years, under the cover of biosecurity and the global COVID-19 pandemic. The Green New Deal (Green Agenda), “Build Back Better,” the Fourth Industrial Revolution (the transhumanist movement) and The Great Reset all further and facilitate the implementation of Agenda 21
- Agenda 21 is based on the ideology of “communitarianism,” which argues that “an individual’s rights should be balanced against rights of the community.” Community, however, in the mind of the globalists, is made up of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), corporations and government, which are to dictate what happens around the world. The people are not really part of the equation
- “Sustainable development” is NOT about recycling or making sure there’s enough food and resources for everyone. It’s about moving populations from rural and suburban areas into concentrated city centers where they and their use of resources can be monitored and controlled
Agenda 21 Is Globalization on Steroids
Koire was adamant that Agenda 21 (aka Agenda for the 21st Century) was the most crucial topic of our time, as it is:
“The inventory and control plan for all land, water, minerals, plants, animals, construction, means of production, food, energy, information — and all human beings in the world.”
This roadmap for global control and domination — global totalitarianism — was agreed to by 179 nations at the 1992 Sustainable Development conference in Brazil. Were Koire alive today, at the end of 2022, there’s no doubt she would have warned us all that Agenda 21 was now in the final implementation stages.
We’ve seen various facets of Agenda 21 being implemented throughout the last three years, under the cover of biosecurity and the global COVID-19 pandemic. The Green New Deal (Green Agenda), “Build Back Better,” the Fourth Industrial Revolution7 (the transhumanist movement) and The Great Reset, officially introduced by World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab and then-Prince Charles in June 20208 — these all exist to further and facilitate the implementation of Agenda 21.
If you youngsters are wondering where the government claims the authority to treat Americans (Jan 6 and others) as terrorists, it’s called the Patriot Act, which was enacted after 9/11. It was modeled after the East German Stasi. One day soon, using too much carbon will be an act of terror.
Prior here at TCJ: Is This On Purpose?
And see: Netherlands to close up to 3,000 farms to comply with EU rules
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