Christian Reconstruction and Pete Hegseth’s Confirmation as Secretary of Defense

Herschel Smith · 26 Jan 2025 · 7 Comments

I had earlier point out that the progressives weren't giving up without a fight. Their hard-fought victory over the military establishment and the consequent loss of it, even if partial, cuts deeply. They have so weakened the edifice that it is crumbling. The department cannot meet recruitment goals, needs warfighters for the national defense and cannot find them, wastes increasingly precious dollars on failed programs, and celebrates transgenders and LGBTQ. This crumbling of the edifice meets…… [read more]

Rifleman Training and Competition

2 years, 3 months ago

There’s a Tactical Sniper challenge article at Ammoland. It looks particularly demanding. But before we get to that, it got us thinking, where to begin? Well, that place is Project Appleseed.

Traditional 25m Appleseed Rifle Marksmanship Event

Our events are typically two-day programs that teach the rifle marksmanship skills that were once commonly practiced in America. Our Instructors put in nearly 200 hours of training so they can teach the skills that will one day allow a Rifleman to be accurate out to 500 yards. This distance is known as the traditional “Rifleman’s Quarter Mile” and has been part of America’s marksmanship repertoire since our country’s earliest days.

During breaks, we’ll tell you the true story of the earliest days of our nation, including the detailed events of April 19, 1775. You may be surprised by what you hear.

Whether you’ve never fired a rifle before or you’re already a competitive shooter, no one who comes to a Project Appleseed event ever leaves the same. The new skills, history, and friendships are inspiring and life-changing.

Rimfire Known-Distance

A RKD (Rimfire Known Distance) is just like a Centerfire Known Distance. Except you’re using a 22LR. Most of the RKDs are done at a 100 yard range. The stages are at 25, 50, 75, and 100 yards. Just how much drop will a bullet have at 100 yards if it’s zeroed for 25? And how much will the wind affect a 22LR at 100 yards? So all the principals involved in a 400 yard KD apply here. And it’s just plain fun and a bit of a challenge.

They also have pistol clinics, handgun caliber rifle training, and women-only classes. Sadly, they don’t like AR pistols even though more than one million are in the hands of responsible men and women.

Women’s only classes can be critical self-defense training for ladies. Women have security and self-defense needs that men can’t understand. Project Appleseed isn’t the only one offering courses just for women. There are women-only basic handling and shooting to intermediate self-defense handgun courses in your area.


For many women, a rifle range is an unfamiliar and potentially intimidating territory, which is why we created Ladyseeds. A Ladyseed is an Appleseed designed specifically for women. It offers the opportunity for women to shoot, share and get to know each other in a comfortable learning environment. Of course, the women who attend a Ladyseed event will learn much more than how to fire a rifle, they’ll also learn American heritage and how women actively aided in the fight for America’s freedom. When you attend a Ladyseed, it’s our hope that you’ll leave with new friends, a renewed sense of country, and an enhanced sense of civic responsibility.

Known-Distance Appleseeds

A Known Distance class is a fun and challenging centerfire-only rifle class. During this intermediate-level class, students focus on the skills required effectively make hits on target out to 400 yards and beyond. Topics covered include the Three Challenges of a Rifleman: Target Detection, Range Estimation, Making the Shot (trajectory, battlesight Zero, and environmental factors.) Students will also learn how get the most of out their own sight systems (MOA or mils) and much more.

Prerequisite: Students must have attended at least one 25m Project Appleseed clinic, as the fundamentals such as position, NPOA, and firing the shot are not detailed at a KD event. Some locales may require a student to have earned a Rifleman patch. Check the information page for that class for details.

Photo: Project Appleseed


Next, according to Pew Pew Tactical, these are the 11 best tactical carbine courses, beginner to advanced.

Let’s be real; it doesn’t do you much good to buy an AR-15 or other rifle if you have zero idea of how to use it.

You know who you are!

If you’re going to possess a weapon, you have to know how to use it in a realistic scenario! And with gun sales soaring last year and an influx of new gun owners into the community, gun classes and in-person training opportunities have exploded. Finding good instructors or gun schools can feel a bit intimidating, though. With a lot of options on the table, it can be tough to narrow it down.

But luckily, you have us here at Pew Pew Tactical to help in your search! We’ve gathered together a list of the 11 best tactical carbine courses across the U.S. at various skill levels.

The article doesn’t state the criteria for choosing the rankings. There are three categories for the 11 courses, beginner, intermediate, and advanced. Further descriptions of each course are given on the Pew Pew page.

Every effort should be made to maximize the training given. Always check with the trainer about equipment requirements and other prerequisites. You don’t want to waste your money or fail to participate fully. Prices may have changed, and there are out-of-pocket costs, such as ammo. Look at the reviews online for helpful hints.

Most of these courses provide zero creature comforts; pushing your 21st-century comfy lifestyle out of the way for a few days is also an excellent benefit of these classes. You might find that shooting isn’t your problem; perhaps, you’re just too soft.

The beginner’s category is described thus:

These classes are best for newcomers – those who’ve just bought their carbine and aren’t sure how to use it defensively. Within these courses, you’ll learn the fundamentals as well as some battle tactics.

Number one in that category is:

1. Max Velocity Tactical HEAT 1 Combat Tactics Class ($850/4 days)

Deep in the hills of Romney, West Virginia lay Max Velocity Tactical, run by former British SAS soldier Max. Aside from authoring a number of excellent books, Max is also known for one of the best tactical training businesses out there.

4 days for under $1000 seems like a ridiculously good training opportunity especially given this trainer’s reputation.

The Intermediate category is described thus:

Let’s say you’ve nailed the fundamentals but now want to learn how to apply battlefield tactics to more “technical” situations.

Number one in that category is:

4. JWM Tactical Tactical Carbine Course ($550/6 hours)

A shorter course based in Texas, the JWM Tactical Carbine Course teaches techniques such as fighting in buildings, unconventional shooting positions, transitioning to sidearms, malfunction drills, and shooting from behind cover.

Note: JWM Tactical’s Carbine Fundamentals is a prerequisite for this course.

The Advanced category is described:

Let’s say that you want to delve into the deep stuff. Well, the following advanced options will find you facing off against opponents as you apply battlefield tactics and carbine skills to succeed in your mission. If you have a confident understanding of both, these are the classes for you.

The first one mentioned under advanced is:

9. Tactical Rifleman’s Advanced Combat Pistol/Carbine Course ($750/2 days)

Yet another Tactical Rifleman course that made our list. Let’s say that you already have a good baseline level of experience in using your rifle in a combat setting. Now you’re looking for advanced techniques on how to operate.

Bonus Material:

Notable is that Max Volicity’s HEAT Squad Tactics class, under advanced, seems like a great opportunity to set aside a few days each year for some fun with guns in the woods. Are we the baddies? Oh, most certainly, we are!

While the cost is $800 [ for Squad Tactics ], the opportunity exists to attend the course as an OPFOR agent and not pay tuition. So, you get the chance to train against a live force as you hone your skills for free. That’s a pretty cool possibility.


Photo: Ghost Firearms Training


And lastly, as promised, at AmmoLand, what appears to be a serious challenge. This is not training but competition.

To be accurate, there are NO off-seasons for Tactical Games, just missed sea-to-shining-sea opportunities if you are not on the ground running and gunning your way through stages somewhere. Tactical Games events provide year-round opportunities for athletes to compete – great for me because I had the opportunity to spectate at another yet altogether different competition recently, a Tactical Games Sniper Challenge.

The Sniper Challenge is a two-day competition comprised of individual and two-person shooting teams and consists of nine or more stages distributed throughout a continuous long-movement course. Each stage can easily cover several miles, depending on the venue. The first day of the Sniper Challenge consists of long foot movements, like operations. During stages, competitors stop and complete tasks, including target identification, and engage long-range targets under time constraints and/or physical duress.

The second day consists of multiple shooting stages requiring the completion of physical tasks and up-close to long-range target engagements clear out to 1,200 yards. Far enough and physically taxing enough to test a competitor’s stamina, strength, mental grit, and surgical accuracy.

There are more details at the Ammoland link. Tactical Games is not training, although they offer separate training opportunities. They have intermediate men’s and women’s circuits, 40-plus and 50-plus men’s trials, along with a team, mixed, and individual events. These matches are not for everybody.

Review Of The Beretta 694

BY Herschel Smith
2 years, 3 months ago

I would love to have this gun, but they’ve priced me out of the market at just over $4000.  I’d also like to have the predecessor to this one, the 686.

Model 686 is no longer in production so it’s becoming increasingly difficult to find them for sale (although some are still out there).  They don’t a bit of upgrading and added $2000 to the price for the 694, making it less appealing that owning a model 686.

The comments in the video seem to prefer the 694 over the Browning.

Semi-Auto Shotgun Ascendancy

BY Herschel Smith
2 years, 3 months ago

Shooting Illustrated.

Yup. No matter how good the shooter is with a pump. Many big 3-gun matches also have a side match for shotguns. There is usually a low target count, so nobody has to reload. The buzzer goes off and you shoot the targets. No reloading, running, jumping or standing on one leg, and no tricky targets. Just stand there and shoot the shotgun. Pump guns never win. No matter what the guy at the gun shop says, semi-autos are simply faster.

Semi-autos will not shoot all ammo.
That was an issue with that bird gun I mentioned and a few others, but not with most guns today. Today’s best semi-automatic shotguns can digest a wide range of ammo from low-recoil to full-power without a problem. Shotguns with the inertia system pioneered by Benelli, or the multi-port gas systems like Remington used in its guns, will handle all ammo. Most of the newer gas guns will likewise eat any ammo they are fed.

Semi-autos jam.
They pretty much don’t anymore. At least, no more than other firearms. Pumps do, though. I shoot a pump shotgun a lot. (I never said I don’t like them.) When it counts, I will now and then inadvertently short stroke and jam it up.

It’s not just me. I have seen even the very best pump-shotgun shooters in the world short stroke their guns when trying to go fast. The simple fact is that operating a pump shotgun is a human function. When subjected to stress, humans do not beat well-designed machines, because machines are not subject to emotional stress.

I agree with all of these remarks.  I think that a commitment to pump action shotguns over semi-auto shotguns because you believe that semi-auto shotguns are less reliable is based on a false paradigm that may have been correct 50 years ago, but certainly isn’t now.

Specifically, he’s reviewing the latest Savage tactical shotgun, the Renegauge Security.  It appears to want to compete with the Beretta 1301.  I doubt that it can come up to the level of the 1301, but since Savage didn’t send me one to review, I have no way of knowing with certainty.

It’s a nice looking gun, and maybe I’ll get a chance to shoot one some day.

7 Tips for Trigger Press Mastery

2 years, 3 months ago

Handgun Basics:

Having good trigger discipline and mastering your trigger press are essential aspects of being a responsible gun owner. Time and time again, the news keeps breaking stories about individuals shooting other individuals—and sometimes themselves—by accident. Such unfortunate events are often linked to poor trigger discipline.

On that account, this post will shed light on some of the best trigger press mastery tips that you can work on today in order to improve your trigger control and overall trigger discipline.

Let’s jump right into it!

There was a lot of work put into this article. Read it at the link.

No Ammo, No Primers, No Problem!

2 years, 3 months ago

Part 1 and Part 2 and Part 3. Apparently, there are more parts coming but we got tired of waiting for one-page installments, what’s linked is what’s published so far.

Excerpt from part 1:

This article is intended for people who—like me—are “hedging their bets” when it comes to firearms. I have stocked up on a few good firearms, along with magazines, ammunition, and reloading components, but I know I can’t have considered every possible future event…

I began looking at making ammunition as a backup plan and soon found that every component needed for loading a muzzleloading rifle, pistol or shotgun (powder, bullets, caps, lubricant etc.) could be made at home with little trouble, without much in the way of “exotic” ingredients. Further, many cartridges can similarly be “fed” almost indefinitely with black powder, recharged primers, home-cast bullets, homemade lubricant, and other, fairly simple components.

This article may also benefit someone with limited resources, or who is faced with increasing laws and regulations which make it more difficult—and more expensive—to stock up on ammunition. I’m not suggesting homemade ammo for self-defense or for other times when lives are on the line. Rather, it can be used for practice, for plinking, for hunting, and for pest elimination, or as a backup plan for darker times, when shelves are empty again and no resupply is in sight.

This article will cover current sources for reloading components, as well as my experiments recharging fired primers and converting a modern shotgun to use primers and homemade muzzleloading cartridges, as a way of getting started in black powder inexpensively. We’ll look at the (low-cost) tools needed and the process and show how you can—for very little money—add a skill to your “toolbox,” just in case you cannot obtain new primers, powder, or ammo.

Mountain Lion kills Chihuahua on leash in Hollywood Hills

2 years, 3 months ago

Caught on video, the cat was “known to authorities” and even has a tracking collar.

Wildlife experts have confirmed that LA’s most well-known mountain lion, P-22, was the big cat that attacked and killed a dog on a leash near the Hollywood Reservoir earlier this month.

A Chihuahua named Piper was killed in the attack, but the family’s other dog survived.

They were able to make that determination using P-22’s GPS tracking collar and other information.

The National Park Service, which tracks and studies mountain lions in the region, said attacks on leashed pets are rare. The service is not aware of any other such attacks in the Los Angeles area and has only seen studies that have documented two other such incidents, one in Colorado and one elsewhere in Southern California.

They also generally do not attack humans and the service noted the person walking the dog was not harmed.

P-22 typically hunts prey animals such as deer and coyotes and recently killed a large buck in Griffith Park, officials say.

“In terms of this incident, there is no evidence that preying on pets is related to an increased chance of an attack on a person, either in mountain lions, or in other urban carnivores such as coyotes,” according to a post from the service’s Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area. “Mountain lion attacks on humans are exceedingly rare, although they do occur.”

P-22 lives in Griffith Park and is estimated to be 12 years old. He is known as the most famous cat tracked in the Los Angeles area, making appearances in backyards and neighborhoods around Griffith Park and the Hollywood Hills.

It’ll start killing people soon.

Is This On Purpose?

2 years, 3 months ago

People are starting to learn that the Great Reset and Agenda 2030 under the New World Order are real, yet they still blame the “elected” puppets in Washington. Yes, they intend to starve you, freeze you, and reduce the world population by 90 percent. Believe that they mean what they say and prepare.

The New Order is not operating under the same basic well-intending heart toward improving the state of mankind that “normies” are. That premise is wrong because folks can’t see evil, won’t call sin what it is, sin, and refuse to recognize that genocide is what they intend. It’s the “normies” biggest blindspot, thinking that those in power actually care about your well-being the same way you care about others.

TPTB are not stupid; they’re evil. Or technically, they are evil and therefore appear to be stupid to the gullible, who scoff, denying that the devil is real. Evil is willful, ordered, cunning, and subtle and operates a global system with its own domain, the kingdom of death and hell (Revelation 6:8, 20:14).

People’s inability to “get it” will cause them to be continuously strung along, always looking for governmental policy decisions or a newly elected savior to rescue them and their families, never understanding that the US Government is an arm of the Global Order. Please accept this truth and prepare; globally, elections are being manipulated.

The US, for the first time, is importing more agricultural products than exporting. Here are just a few things to keep in mind. Note cascading effects:

Shortage of diesel fuel, thus high cost

Gas and diesel refinery capacity limitations

Refineries shutting down as upgrades and compliance are too costly due to regulation

Fuel shortages for large-scale farming operations

Antibiotics and other pharmaceuticals shortages, including Tamiflu / we wonder if there are agricultural animal antibiotic shortages as well?

Butter and milk shortages

Baby formula shortages are ongoing

Concrete and other building supplies

Coal plants are being shut down, and hydroelectric dams are being demolished.

Four dams near the California-Oregon border will be demolished. The hydroelectric dams blocked poor little fish from swimming to their ancestral homeland, er, homewaters. “Build Back Better” doesn’t include any actual building back.

The cost of running electricity to rural areas will begin to be unsustainable, driving people into urban centers where they can be controlled. The day is soon coming when raising a family outside the urban areas will be illegal. They won’t ban it outright, but without power, water, and sewer, child protective services and other armies of petty, well-paid do-gooders will force you to live as they prescribe. Moving everyone into controlled urban population zones is a stated goal.

The dams produce less than 2% of PacifiCorp’s power generation — enough to power about 70,000 homes — when they are running at full capacity, said Bob Gravely, spokesperson for the utility. But they often run at a far lower capacity because of low water in the river and other issues, and the agreement that paved the way for Thursday’s vote was ultimately a business decision, he said.

PacifiCorp would have had to invest hundreds of millions of dollars in fish ladders, fish screens and other conservation upgrades under environmental regulations that were not in place when the aging dams were first built. But with the deal approved Thursday, the utility’s cost is capped at $200 million, with another $250 million from a California voter-approved water bond.

“We’re closing coal plants and building wind farms and it all just has to add up in the end. It’s not a one-to-one,” he said of the coming dam demolition. “You can make up that power by the way you operate the rest of your facilities or having energy efficiency savings so your customers are using less.”

Just use less, freezing and starving, or move to Portland or San Francisco, where everything will be fine?

Reading the article, we note how “aggrieved” parties are manipulated by the communist Democrats and Republicans to drive the agenda 2030 plan. Fish and rivers have more rights than you. The notion that the US government suddenly cares about some fish or the Indians it genocided is ludicrous, and everybody knows it.

Writers, serious men and women, have got to stop blaming these actions on Democrats and Biden. We have the very best minds and writers on our side, but frankly, when they blame a political party, they sound ill-informed at best or, worse, like government propagandists for the Republican arm of the Globalist-run communist regime. And stop using the wrong words. The TPTB are not stupid, crazy, or insane. The correct term is evil, and their actions are sin.

2030 is seven years away!

H/T Survival Blog and Instapundit

Judge blocks New York limits on carrying guns on private property

BY Herschel Smith
2 years, 3 months ago


A federal judge has blocked New York from restricting the carrying of guns on private property under a Democratic-backed law adopted following the U.S. Supreme Court’s June ruling that struck down the state’s strict gun permitting regime.

Tuesday’s ruling by U.S. District Judge John Sinatra in Buffalo struck down a provision in the law that made it a felony for a licensed gun owner to possess a firearm on any private property unless the property owner allowed it with a sign or by giving express consent.

From the decision.

Property owners indeed have the right to exclude.  But the state may not unilaterally exercise that that right …

We believe in property rights, even against the state.  That certainly includes property owners who do not wish for you to bear arms on their property.  But you see what NY did there, yes?  They exercised that right on behalf of property owners.  In other words, they didn’t respect the rights of property owners to make the decision on their own property.

What NY did runs exactly counter to the notion of property rights, and thus the judge reached the right decision.

They Fielded The Sig XM5 For All The Wrong Reasons

BY Herschel Smith
2 years, 3 months ago

It always happens.  When the small Green Beret team was ambushed in Niger, Maj. General Bob Scales escalated his whining about the M4, demanding that it be replaced with a piston AR (a point completely irrelevant to anything that happened in the engagement).  The engagement was poorly planned, ill-conceived, and undermanned.  There was no QRF anywhere near them, the team was too small, they had no light or medium MGs (and certainly no heavy MGs), and I could go on with the failures.

But it’s the gun.  It’s always the gun.  It’s never the stupid Colonels and Generals who plan the missions.  It’s always the gun.  True to form, the reason they fielded the Sig XM5 was to bring battlefield superiority against – wait for itthe PKM.  It’s never the planners who put FOBs in the valleys between mountains and waste time even doing that, allowing the enemy to mass forces and field fighters that outnumber our troops by ten to one.  It’s the gun.  It’s always the gun.

No battle rifle can compete with a crew-served, belt-fed medium MG.  There are always answers to medium MGs, such as: taking the high ground, overwatch, QRF, CAS, using our own medium and heavy MGs, and maybe re-introducing a role for the long-forgotten grenadier (the M203 is not a sufficient replacement for the M79 in terms of range).  These things mean rethinking doctrine, weapons systems, TTPs, and training.  But they don’t want to do that – it’s always the gun.

If you want somewhat increased penetration and distance with the AR platform, I’ve already told you what to do.  Switch uppers to the 6mm ARC.  It’s a simple change, and would be the cheapest and most effective remedy for what is currently really a very small problem.  And in-between remedy for this would be to return the 20″ barrel Eugene Stoner originally designed.

But for whatever reason I cannot fathom, the U.S. Army has some sort of sordid love affair with Sig.  And for whatever reason I cannot understand (unless someone has pictures on active generals in the DoD complex), they always need a new rifle.  So here it is, all 13 lb of it.

Autonomous Drone Battlefield Networked Lethal Vehicles

2 years, 3 months ago


Legion-X Drone Swarm For The Urban Battlefield


Autonomous Urban Quadcopter Brings ‘Search & Attack In One’


Manufacturers Webpage: Elbit Systems

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