Christian Reconstruction and Pete Hegseth’s Confirmation as Secretary of Defense

Herschel Smith · 26 Jan 2025 · 7 Comments

I had earlier point out that the progressives weren't giving up without a fight. Their hard-fought victory over the military establishment and the consequent loss of it, even if partial, cuts deeply. They have so weakened the edifice that it is crumbling. The department cannot meet recruitment goals, needs warfighters for the national defense and cannot find them, wastes increasingly precious dollars on failed programs, and celebrates transgenders and LGBTQ. This crumbling of the edifice meets…… [read more]

Steve McQueen

2 years, 3 months ago

“In hope of eternal life, which God, that cannot lie, promised before the world began”


It’s up to you:

Idiots And Feral Chickens Rule Hawaii

BY Herschel Smith
2 years, 3 months ago

In my one and only visit to Hawaii (to Maui), I quickly got accustomed to feral chickens running around everywhere.  Story has it from everyone there that chickens were brought to the Islands and hurricanes blew fences down and released them to the wild, and ever since then they have run around the Island untamed, uncaged and uncontrolled.  They seem to take some sort of pleasure in knowing that they had chickens running loose.  I took less pleasure when the Roosters crowed in the morning if I wanted to sleep.  But the Roosters crow all the time, even at night.  It’s a non-stop thing there.

The problem has gotten worse.

In Hawaii, feral chickens are choosing to leave the country life and make their home in the densely populated areas of Honolulu.

The state notoriously has an ongoing problem with feral chickens, largely blamed on hurricanes setting them loose, tourists feeding them and even on cock fighting operations. The growing populations are a known nuisance in the suburbs and rural areas of the different Hawaiian Islands, but now the wild fowl are infiltrating the concrete jungles of Honolulu in greater numbers.

“Chickens are wandering around like they own the place,” Karin Lynn, a Honolulu resident, told Civil Beat. “They just don’t belong in an urban environment. It seems to be there’s no control over it and it’s getting worse. … It’s a feral menace.”

Aside from roosters crowing in the hours before dawn, the feral chickens damage crops, spread weeds, threaten native plants and are a road hazard.

Honolulu residents, who have gotten tired of the nightly noise pollution, are taking matters into their own hands, literally. This summer, neighbors spontaneously joined other neighbors, whom they didn’t know before, on missions to hunt and catch the roosters that were keeping them all up at night.

“They are pretty fast and fly up on the power lines or on someone’s roof, where you can’t reach them,” Tim Streitz, a Honolulu resident in the McCully-Moiliili neighborhood, told Civil Beat. “It was pretty difficult.”

The informal posse caught “at least five” and released them elsewhere on the island, but residents want more help from the government.

The city has tried to capture the birds in high-problem areas, but capturing them, as the residents experienced, is not as easy as it seems. In May, it was revealed that the city spent $7,000 over two months to catch just 67 chickens, equal to $104 per bird.

“We can’t do much to address all the feral chickens but the city is doing its best,” Honolulu City Council member Calvin Say told Civil Beat.

Streitz thinks people should be allowed to shoot them with pellet guns. Currently, the Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources instructs to capture the bird and then euthanize it. Killing the chickens, however, sparks another controversy.

The latest Hawaii bill to manage feral chicken numbers by using a contraceptive bird feed, Senate Bill 2195, failed to pass this session, so it appears the city’s residents will have to contend with more sleepless nights.

This is hilarious and I couldn’t be happier for the state of Hawaii.  No one deserves it more.

Note the comedic failures here.  They caught the chickens, and then released them elsewhere, doing nothing whatsoever to address the problem.

In fact, they are told not to by the state.  Apparently, the state wants to capture them, and then presumably send them to Veterinarians to be euthanized.  I also presume that the state would agree to pay for the Vet services every time a new chicken came into the clinic.

So far they are spending $100 per bird.  Perhaps if they increase this amount to several hundred million dollars they might have a bit of success.  Also, perhaps they could prepare a chicken sanctuary for the captures birds rather than eat them.  They could pick one of the Islands and devote it entirely to chickens.  Yea, that would do the job.  If they could catch them all.  Then they could erect a statue to the chicken god at the entrance to the island sanctuary.  Entrance would require falling down and worshipping the chicken god and all of his ancestors.

We can’t have men running around with shotguns to handle the problem.  If any killing is to be done, I assume it will be a massively expensive operation performed by SWAT snipers, all hidden away so that people don’t see the bloodshed.

Hilarious.  And ridiculous.

I guess it wouldn’t be a good idea to invite Hawaiians on hunting trips then?


ATF And Sheriff’s Department Rob FFL?

BY Herschel Smith
2 years, 3 months ago

I sort of naturally assume that when local law enforcement confiscates firearms, even if nothing illegal has occurred, the firearms will either never be returned, or if they are, will be rusted, and that most of the time at least some of the firearms end up as gifts to extended family members.  This is the whole point of civil asset forfeiture, it’s just that when the ATF or local LEOs confiscate firearms it might be on a smaller scale.  Idiot Jeff Sessions approved of and defended civil asset forfeiture, as you will recall.  Trump left him in office for nearly two years before appointing Barr, the defender of Lon Horiuchi.

And if that’s true of local law enforcement, it’s true in the superlative of the ATF.  If they take possession of firearms, you should expect never to see them again, even if you’ve done nothing wrong.

And yet, God declared theft to be a sin, and hasn’t changed His mind.

Civil Suit Against Acquitted Kyle Rittenhouse

2 years, 3 months ago

Kyle Rittenhouse


You would be wrong if you figured Kyle Rittenhouse’s legal battle ended when a court acquitted him of murder and other charges for justifiably shooting 3 men in self defense. This is yet another example of why, if possible, avoiding conflict is always the wisest action.


The Civil Suit Against Rittenhouse—

The father of an adult who attacked Rittenhouse with a skateboard wants money. No doubt he grieves for his son. Any decent father would. But the arguments in this civil suit against Rittenhouse are nonsensical and proven false in the criminal trial.

The Deceased Attacker is actually a Hero

For example, in the suit, the father claims his son was a “hero” and was trying to disarm Rittenhouse. The claim in the criminal trial was that somehow the 3 men were ‘good samaritans’ who thought Rittenhouse was an active shooter, and they needed to stop him. A claim that prosecutors couldn’t substantiate with evidence, witness statements or ‘victim’ testimony. The complaint filed by the man’s father reads:

After Anthony was shot, Gage Grosskreutz approached Defendant Rittenhouse with his hands up, pleading with him to stop his shooting rampage. Without provocation or any legal justification, Defendant Rittenhouse shot at Grosskreutz from point-blank range, hitting him in the arm. Thankfully, Grosskreutz survived.

Yeah, this description of events is complete fantasy when compared to all the evidence presented at trial.

Rittenhouse is an alt-right Nazi

The complaint also attempts to use the same failed approach prosecutors used in the criminal trial—frame Rittenhouse as a racist. The ‘you’re a racist’ argument works on social media. But the same question that the prosecutors couldn’t provide an answer to in the criminal trial lingers. If Rittenhouse is so blinded by racial hatred, why did he only shoot people of his same race? The answer is clear, because he only shot people who he reasonably believed were going to cause him death or serious bodily harm, period.

The court rules and procedures for civil suits are much more lenient. There was supposed to be a law against double indemnity, but that was in a bygone era in a free country that no longer exists.

CCW Liability Insurance Carriers Compared

Insurance is primarily a wealth preservation tool. Insurance, in all cases, is a minor cost to cover what would be a major cost if an infrequent, yet very expensive, particular event were to happen. If you have something to lose, the cost of insurance may be a wise choice. This applies to all types of insurance. CCW insurance is no different.

The Energy Future Belongs to Nuclear

2 years, 3 months ago


It remains the only proven technology capable of serving the energy needs of de-carbonized modern society.


The energy demands of an industrialized society require an abundant source of uninterrupted power. However, the “green power” (primarily wind and solar) intended to replace fossil fuels is, by its nature, intermittent and subject to fluctuations in the weather. While that limitation could be eased somewhat with the augmentation of back-up batteries, the land-consumption requirements for a wholesale shift to renewables would be prohibitive.

The author is making the classic Conservative mistake. He’s assuming the Left, and particularly the Global Oligarchs, desire you to have a prosperous and growing future instead of wanting ninety percent of the population dead. His base assumption is wrong. The information in the article is interesting, but the left doesn’t want to debate the facts of what a healthy modern country needs for its energy purposes. The projections of Conservatives will get themselves killed.

Unlike fossil-fuel energy and nuclear power, the energy from solar and wind is widely dispersed, requiring large tracts of land to “collect and harness” it for power generation. Fossil fuels can produce 500 to 10,000 watts per square meter and nuclear can produce 500 to 1,000 watts per square meter. Solar power, on the other hand, can only produce five to 20 watts per square meter. Wind can produce just one or two.

The current installed power from all energy sources in the US is 1.2 terawatts (one million megawatts). Converting all that energy to wind and solar (assuming an average land use requirement of 10 watts per square meter), would require a tract of land larger than the size of Texas and California combined, making the comprehensive transition to green infeasible. So, if fossil fuels are removed from the commercial power mix, then nuclear is the only viable source of power available to meet the energy needs of an industrialized nation.

“Green energy” is often described as “clean energy” because it comes from natural sources (wind, sun, and water) that produce no environmental pollutants or greenhouse gases. But that is only true if analysis of the process is limited to green energy production—that is, the actual conversion of wind, solar, and hydro energy into electricity.

However, when the total life cycle of mining, manufacturing, production, and disposal is considered, green energy is revealed to be anything but “clean.” As an AP investigation recently revealed:

The birds no longer sing, and the herbs no longer grow. The fish no longer swim in rivers that have turned a murky brown … cows are sometimes found dead. … Water is no longer drinkable, and endangered species such as tigers, pangolins and red pandas have fled the area.

That’s not a description of the Flint River region in Michigan, the Fukushima environs in Japan, the Love Canal community in upstate New York, nor of the dystopian wasteland in an apocalyptic novel. It’s the condition of northern Myanmar on China’s south-west border—the result of the unrestrained mining of rare earth minerals. These materials are essential to the manufacture of green energy products like electric vehicles and wind turbines.

Years of unregulated mining have turned whole regions in Myanmar and other parts of the undeveloped world into “sacrifice zones”—areas where the health and welfare of local residents are sacrificed for the “greater good,” which, in this instance, is global de-carbonization. As the push for green energy continues, the demand for these minerals will keep pace, along with environmental hazards not limited to mining.

Irrespective of the energy source, the machinery (e.g., batteries, wind turbines, solar panels, dams) needed to convert it into useable power are manufactured from materials that must be not only mined, but also processed and ultimately disposed of. According to a 2020 paper produced by the Manhattan Institute, “compared with hydrocarbons, green machines entail, on average, a 10-fold increase in the quantities of materials extracted and processed to produce the same amount of energy.” For example:

A single electric car battery weighing 1,000 pounds requires extracting and processing some 500,000 pounds of materials. Averaged over a battery’s life, each mile of driving an electric car ‘consumes’ five pounds of earth. Using an internal combustion engine consumes about 0.2 pounds of liquids per mile.

Eventually, all that material becomes waste requiring disposal:

By 2050, with current plans, the quantity of worn-out solar panels—much of it nonrecyclable—will constitute double the tonnage of all today’s global plastic waste, along with over 3 million tons per year of unrecyclable plastics from worn-out wind turbine blades. By 2030, more than 10 million tons per year of batteries will become garbage.

Of course, a 10-fold increase in green energy materials will require a commensurate increase in the fossil fuels (primarily, diesel) needed for their extraction, processing, and disposal by excavators, trucks, and other heavy equipment. In other words, green energy is anything but “carbon-neutral.”

He goes on to discuss how China owns the global rare earth minerals market. As long as 20 years ago, folks were alarmed at the investments China was making in Australia, Africa, and South and Central America. Those investments are paying off monetarily and strategically for China. America hasn’t invested in minerals and mineral rights in decades, and now we’re dependent on foreign powers for just about everything from raw materials to production and especially manufacturing. We’ll lose the R&D edge shortly.

Scoped Lever Action Rifles

BY Herschel Smith
2 years, 4 months ago

Why is this in dispute?  There is nothing sacrilegious at all to me about putting a scope on a lever action rifle.  I’m in favor of whatever makes it easier for me to hit my intended target.

But I will remark that the prices of scopes seems to be going up, up, up, up and up.

This is a SFP fixed-parallax scope, albeit a good sized objective lens for letting light in, that’s going for $600.

You Need One Rifle

BY Herschel Smith
2 years, 4 months ago

This video is apparently a well-watched video.  I don’t usually like to embed video that I don’t really think is worth the viewing time it will take to go through it all, and I especially don’t like stream of consciousness presentations that could be done more efficiently, any more than I like watching other men scratch their beards.

However, I wanted to ask these questions of readers.  What adult needs to be told that manufacturers are out to sell things and take your money?  What adult needs to be told that there is a difference between what you want and what you need?

Exclude the category of collectors, which as far as I’m concerned, is a legitimate category and limited only by the size of your bank account.  And also exclude investors – guns can be a legitimate investment as well.

If a man can only afford a single rifle, or in other words, he must make the decision to eat or buy another rifle, what mature adult is going to go hungry or let his family go hungry so he can buy another rifle because some video tells him to?

He does make some interesting points about the monetary transaction necessary to get your product “reviewed” or get it good press.  I had always assumed that.  And the great majority of the time for me, I do an awful lot of research before I buy any product, be in rifle or refrigerator.  But I’m just not that impressionable from videos and popular reviewers telling me anything at all.

Whether rifles, refrigerators or truck tires, I do my research and I buy what I want if I have the financial resources to do so.  If I don’t, I settle for second best.

This is how most mature men do things.  And I don’t have thermal scopes, ballistic helmets, NODs or night vision.

Handgun Drills, Part Three

2 years, 4 months ago

“The Box Drill”

OffGridNews gives us three drills. The second one, Off the X, seems the most practical. The other two are at the link.

Defensive Handgun Drills (#2): Off The X

The X is where the fight starts. Remember: You do not get to pick when the fight starts or ends; the bad guy does. So when he starts that fight, move. Change it up and make him think, and most importantly, get out of his sights. Sometimes you can’t move backward, so you need to move in a variety of directions, which could be to get away or get to cover.

This one is often difficult to practice live, but the main point isn’t to score shots with this drill. Dry works for 99 percent of the drill. That 1 percent of marksmanship practice can be achieved elsewhere.

The shooter starts with a weapon concealed and holstered. RSO or signal goes off and drill begins. Shooter moves dynamically to the left, right, backward or even forward. Forward movement is not to move toward the bad guy, but only to cover. Moving in a diagonal pattern is often the best method; you can get away and move out of the line of sight for the bad guy.

The point of this drill is to draw, get your gun on target, and move hard and fast out of the line of sight of the target. You can change this drill in multiple ways. Add obstacles and cover. Have someone place cover randomly without your prior knowledge and have your back turned to the engagement area. Again, 99 percent of this drill can be effectively learned without the use of live ammo. If ammo is used, be safe.

[This seems like a drill for an instance where you are both not the target, and not sure of the cause of gunfire in your proximity: draw and take cover or concealment as best you can while looking to egress the area asap. Avoiding a gunfight is a win!]


And a bonus drill:

Single-hand Stackup, Steve Tarani

At 10 yards, set up a steel “A-box” plate or a paper target with a designated center mass, primary-strike zone.

Support-Hand Stackup Drill – Part One
Starting with your support hand only, begin with the pistol drawn to the low-ready position aimed in at the base of the target (where the target base contacts the ground), with a firm grip and finger outside the trigger guard.

On the buzzer or go signal, move the muzzle from the target base to the visual center of your intended target and fire one round when your sights are aligned.

Your timing (purpose of the drill) should be to break the shot at the exact same time your sights align with the visual center of the target. Include follow-through after the shot by recovering (reset visually and mechanically) to visual center again after recoil. Once you can do this successfully four times in a row without error, you are then ready for part two.

Support-Hand Stackup Drill – Part Two
The second part of the Support-Hand Stackup Drill is to deliver, rather than a single shot, four consecutive shots from the low-ready position. If you are using a timer to record your shot times, you’ll want to work toward reducing your split times (times between breaking each shot) to as low as your skill level will allow that day.

Strong-Hand Stackup Drill – Part One
Moving on to your strong hand, start with your pistol holstered and both hands below your gun belt. Facing the target at the 10-yard line, on the buzzer or go signal present the pistol from your holster, stabilize the muzzle as you aim in at the visual center of your intended target and fire one round.

Just like the first drill, your timing (purpose of the drill) should be to break the shot at the precise time your sights align with the visual center of the target and to then recover back to visual center again after recoil. Once you can do this successfully four times in a row without error, then you are ready for part two.

Strong-Hand Stackup Drill – Part Two
The second part of the Strong-Hand Stackup Drill is, like with the weak-hand drill, to deliver four consecutive shots after drawing from the holster. If you are using a timer, you’ll want to work toward reducing your split times to as low as your skill level will allow that day.

Both single-hand stackup drills can be run from an open holster or from concealment [we recommend you practice the way you EDC.] and with or without a timer.

Remember, the objective of these nifty skill-builders is twofold: to develop your timing as to when the shot breaks and to reduce your split times.

[We did not mention the source because that organization supports gun control and always has, period! Practice this as a self-defense drill and not a skills test or IDPA course.]

PBS Warns Of Civil War Started By ‘Christian’ ‘White Men’

2 years, 4 months ago

Watch the video of the statements.

PBS took the democracy is in danger hysteria to new levels on Tuesday’s Amanpour and Company as Hari Sreenivasan interviewed Prof. Barbara F. Walter to inquire on just how close the United States is to another civil war. Walter, who wrote the book How Civil Wars Start, warned that all the pieces are in place for “Christian” “white men” to start one.

Sreenivasan began by accepting the premise that a civil war could break out and asked, “You have studied several types of societies who have been on the brink of, who’ve been in the middle of, a civil war, who’ve been after, who’ve survived after one. How is America on that timeline? How far along a timeline toward a civil war is the United States?”

Walter argued that the conditions are there in the U.S., “we know very clearly that the two big risk factors are whether a country has a weak and partial democracy, and whether in those countries its political parties had divided along racial, religious, and/or ethnic lines. So, it really didn’t take a lot to know those facts, and then look to see what was happening here in the United States.”

Of course, Walter overstates just how polarized those demographics are when it comes to our political parties and to the extend they are polarized, it is not exactly new, but conceding that would lead to a rather boring conclusion that would not lead to a PBS appearance.


We also know who tends to start civil wars. Most people think it’s going to be the poorest members of society, and they have the motive, they have the grievances, they have a reason to rebel, or they think it’s the most heavily discriminated or it’s the immigrants, all these groups who are, in some ways, downtrodden ted. But, again, they don’t start civil wars. The groups that tend to start civil wars, especially ethnically-based civil wars, are the groups that had once been dominant and are in decline.

Again, Walter tried to force this onto present-day America, “So, they used to dominate politically, economically, and oftentimes, socially and they’re losing that position oftentimes because demographics are changing… These were studies that were done on over 200 different civil wars that we’ve seen around the world. And if you apply that to the United States, you also see similarities.”

Elaborating, Walter further claimed:

The — we’ve seen a significant rise in violent extremism since 2008. Some of its been on the left, but the vast majority of it has been on the far-right. And it’s been perpetrated almost exclusively by white men. And again, if you look at the history of the United States, the group that had been dominant since the very inception of our country were white men. They also tended to be Christian, and they are losing that position. It’s no longer guaranteed that you are going to get into the best schools, or get the best jobs, or have, you know, economic security your whole life.

America isn’t a Christian country any more, so what she said doesn’t make sense unless there’s a false flag coming to build the excuse to attack conservative whites. We’re guessing but let’s suppose four percent of those claiming to be Christian are actually converted, and the rest are just LARPing. That seems fair. Those 100 million LARPers are all pro-government slaves. You needn’t worry about them, they might be mostly registered Republicans, but they’re too ignorant to know that Republicans are just Democrats with nicer suits. And Christians, real Christians, are not called to take the kingdom of heaven by force of arms but by the Great Commission. This sounds like a setup.

Via WoG.

Restitution is the Law of God

2 years, 4 months ago

You can categorize this post in the context that is perhaps in answer to Covid Amnesty, a Warning from the Wall, a note to future rebuilders of a just civilization, Christian Nationalism, or a message on the good news of the Gospel of salvation by Christ Jesus. The Law of God is far-ranging. None has kept the entire Law, other than Jesus, that is.

First, the good news.

“18 If a man have a stubborn and rebellious son, which will not obey the voice of his father, or the voice of his mother, and that, when they have chastened him, will not hearken unto them: 19 Then shall his father and his mother lay hold on him, and bring him out unto the elders of his city, and unto the gate of his place; 20 And they shall say unto the elders of his city, This our son is stubborn and rebellious, he will not obey our voice; he is a glutton, and a drunkard. 21 And all the men of his city shall stone him with stones, that he die: so shalt thou put evil away from among you; and all Israel shall hear, and fear. 22 And if a man have committed a sin worthy of death, and he be to be put to death, and thou hang him on a tree: 23 His body shall not remain all night upon the tree, but thou shalt in any wise bury him that day; (for he that is hanged is accursed of God;) that thy land be not defiled, which the LORD thy God giveth thee for an inheritance.” – Deuteronomy 21:18-23

You are the stubborn son! You have rebelled against the Father, your creator, and cannot be redeemed in the Law from sinning against Him. You couldn’t stop sinning against God if you wanted to; there’s no escape but the full restitution in the Law, which is death under the penalty of the code for your rebellion; you are a sinner. In rebellion, openly at times and stubborn, yet unknowing at others, you should be hanged on a tree, accursed of God, that all may see and know what becomes of a rebellious and stubborn son.

But God made a way impossible for you under your own strength: He gave His only begotten Son, a sinless perfect testament to God’s holy righteousness; He never broke the Law. Though He was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin, He fulfilled the law of restitution in perfect obedience to the Law. You owe Holy Father God but could never repay, even with your life, but Christ gave Himself that you might go free.

Jesus was taken outside the city as an unclean thing, treated as the lowest of sinners, and hanged like the accursed upon a tree, yet was He holy and perfect. Jesus was hanged on that cross of wood you deserve; he died for you there and rose again the third day. The whole world is hearing of this; the Law is fulfilled, once for all; the curse of sin is lifted in Christ Jesus.

That is the fulfillment of the Law and Prophets. Though sacrifices by many millions were made over thousands of years to attempt a temporary stay of judgment, Jesus Christ closed all accounts with holy Father God for those that accept His gracious atoning gift of sacrifice for the forgiveness of sin and salvation from eternal hell by the wrath of God. The restitution you could never hope to escape was paid in full.

And next, the Law; the Ten Commandments are an outline or table of contents for the entire Law. The Law is not a list of proverbs.

The God of the Holy Bible is the God of restitution; He is the God of the Just Balance (Proverbs 16:11). God’s Law sets forth just compensation, up to or above 100 percent. In God’s economy, crime must never be allowed to pay; it must cost at least double what it destroys. If crime were allowed to pay, you’d be ruled by criminals extracting the nation’s wealth and leaving it all in shambles of inflationary ruin.

It can be noted that the time and work required to re-establish that which was lost to crime are also a cost that full restitution requires. We’ve often heard that somebody got abused by criminals and then abused again by the criminal justice system. It’s not supposed to be this way; the victim is not supposed to pay. Capital punishment is the ultimate just recourse.

“If a man shall steal an ox, or a sheep, and kill it, or sell it; he shall restore five oxen for an ox, and four sheep for a sheep.” – Exodus 22:1

The animals in the Law of God are both literal and examples. It was not the Law’s purpose to provide for every circumstance then or now that requires understanding the value placed on the means by which a man makes a living and cares for his family. An ox was a big deal in the ancient agricultural economies. It plowed your field, threshed your wheat, ground your corn. A family of any size couldn’t grow and prosper without such a tool. Think of whatever you require most today to do your job in order to care for your family; that’s your ox. As many seek a simpler life abandoning the cities and suburbs, there isn’t a rural small farmer or property owner today that doesn’t depend upon his pickup truck or a tractor. Without these tools, all his livelihood is gone. According to the Law of God, you must pay fivefold if you separate a man from his ability to provide for his family. No, God is not a communist!

“2 If a thief be found breaking up, and be smitten that he die, there shall no blood be shed for him.” – Exodus 22:2

Note that the source of the so-called Castle Doctrine stems from this verse. Breaking and entering is grounds for lethal force without recourse against the property holder or a tenant. Property and your family have value to God. God is the God of private property; being secure in your persons and effects is a blessing by the Law of God.

Instead of causing a deep sleep or actual coma to come over the reader, we won’t exposit this entire section, but read the following verses with a mind toward allegorical examples of life today, crime, and just recompense.

“3 If the sun be risen upon him, there shall be blood shed for him; for he should make full restitution; if he have nothing, then he shall be sold for his theft. 4 If the theft be certainly found in his hand alive, whether it be ox, or ass, or sheep; he shall restore double. 5 If a man shall cause a field or vineyard to be eaten, and shall put in his beast, and shall feed in another man’s field; of the best of his own field, and of the best of his own vineyard, shall he make restitution. 6 If fire break out, and catch in thorns, so that the stacks of corn, or the standing corn, or the field, be consumed therewith; he that kindled the fire shall surely make restitution. 7 If a man shall deliver unto his neighbour money or stuff to keep, and it be stolen out of the man’s house; if the thief be found, let him pay double. 8 If the thief be not found, then the master of the house shall be brought unto the judges, to see whether he have put his hand unto his neighbour’s goods. 9 For all manner of trespass, whether it be for ox, for ass, for sheep, for raiment, or for any manner of lost thing, which another challengeth to be his, the cause of both parties shall come before the judges; and whom the judges shall condemn, he shall pay double unto his neighbour.” Exodus 22:3-9

The principle behind these laws is that obedience to God will bring you and your family a humble and quiet life. Want to be left alone? Build a civilization that thrives on the Law of God. There is no salvation from hell in the law.

As constricting as the Law-word of God can seem, to those redeemed by Christ, the word of God is liberty from further sin. Nothing is more freeing than salvation in Christ, to go and sin no more by keeping His commandments. If you know God’s word, you know where you stand with God at all times; this is freedom. Keep short accounts with God so that it may be well with you all your days.

The notion that what a man can imagine or exact upon the guilty would be even the spark of an ember of the wrath God has awaiting the sinner in hell is prideful and thorough foolishness. A man cannot begin to imagine the hell of hell, and all the fury he can dispense on earth is silliness compared to the vengeance of the Almighty. The Laws purpose is to set examples among men, not as final judgment. Dominion has limits; final authority is not ours.

Restitution is the principal payment for one man’s crime against another, providing excellent deterrence. The Law of restitution is the essence of justice and righteousness in God’s created order. That’s why whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap (Galatians 6:7), and those that sew the wind shall reap the whirlwind, strangers shall eat of his substance (Hosea 8:7).

Western civilization used to operate under restitution. The criminal is supposed to pay, not the taxpayers; the criminal is to yield in full and then deliver a number of times again, depending upon the type of crime. The habitual criminal is condemned to death (Deuteronomy 21:18).

“Biblical law has no prison system. A criminal was held in prison only pending a trial, and then either made restitution, or was a bondservant until he worked out his restitution, or was executed.” – Rev. R.J. Rushdoony

Restitution can be no more abolished than God can be eradicated. All things are brought before the throne of the Almighty; a just recompense is His very nature; holy and just is He. America and the west can try to wiggle out of the principles under which God has ordained His created order. In the mercy of His longsuffering, He may, with patience, take a season and leave us to our ways desiring all the while for us to come to our senses again, but if men do not implement justice, He will. It would go so much better if America had a true revival of heart toward the Holy One, and we set about to correct all things in accordance with His word. But short of that, He will set things straight, and when He’s left with little choice, red, black, and pale horses are usually involved.

Rushdoony again:

Without restitution, man’s idea of law loses its center and becomes erratic and unstable. Among the more common eccentricities of law have been emphases on class, caste, race, or status, whereby the law becomes an instrument for inequality. A related eccentricity is the emphasis on equality, so that law and justice are separate from justice as restitution and made the instruments of a drastic levelling of men, circumstances, and institutions. Eccentric law loses its orientation towards righteousness or justice and becomes governed by social standards, mores, and pressures. Law then becomes the product of pressure politics, not of a principle of justice.

Restitution makes the Law focus on the object of the offense, whether it needs to be restored two or four-fold, instead of focusing on the criminal. Today, by way of courtroom illusions, the criminal becomes the aggrieved party in need of restoration that God empowers no State to provide. Only the Church, through the Gospel, can restore a man. The law is the schoolmaster; Christ is the redeemer (Galatians 3:24-25).

And worse it gets, the victim receives no compensation which is due; the taxpayers, who are no party at all to the dispute, pay $60,000 a year to keep the criminal entertained, while the State pretends that it has power over the soul of the criminal to make him whole. This is not God’s ordained way of justice. Its trickery and sleight of hand played against the ignorant.

The cross, where this post started, requires us to see the urgent need for restitution. For it is God’s own way of Law; it’s why Christ had to die on that cross to save your soul; somebody worthy, by the Law of God Almighty, had to pay.

Civilization can only fail where there is no justice. And justice short of restitution is no justice at all. Somebody has to pay; by God’s divine hand, they always will, even if He has to destroy your civilization to get it through your head.

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