The right of cops to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated
BY Herschel Smith
Watch this video until the last to understand what the fourth circuit thinks about the rights of the people. The judge is making up rights for cops out of whole cloth. There is no such thing in the constitution.
What an old fart. A school child is capable of more sound reasoning than he displayed.
And by the way, that cop showed too much familiarity with the person he stopped and not nearly enough respect for him as a free man. I don’t like his attitude or demeanor. The man’s name is not “Cuz.” He has a name, and you should call him that, along with “Sir.”
On December 5, 2022 at 6:09 am, Joe Blow said:
You are never in more danger than when the police are around. Grok that.
Never, ever talk to them. Do not help them, do not aid their investigation with anything. Calmly turn and walk away.
I used to marvel, wonder even, what the fudge is wrong with those feral animals in the city? Truly baffled me. Every damned time theres a shooting, YOU KNOW the whole street knows what happened, who did it, and why. Yet every single news report ends with police have no witnesses or leads. Then Aunt Jemima gets on camera wailing about how he was a good boy, and won’t someone do something to protect this neighborhood…
Stop me if you’ve heard this one before?
So I scratched my balls wondering why Aunt Jemima doesn’t just tell the cops whodunit, or call the anonymous tip line, or… and then I watch 10,000 videos just like this one, many worse, and now, I think just like those feral animals do. Fuck the police. They are worse than the criminals – at least you know up front they’re out to get you. Cops will pretend they’re your friend while trying to get you to incriminate yourself!
Watch the video: “that livestreaming, cuz?” “Cuz?!?!” We’re cousins now? Fuck you man, you just tried to snatch my phone out of my hand (ummm, thats illegal search and seizure Mr. Officer, sir?!) But you’ll call me “Cuz?” …. talk about bald faced lying – thats why nobody trusts any of you!!! Tactics you were probably coached to use – casual conversation to disarm and ease me, than you pounce?! And you can’t understand why people do not trust ANY of you and insist on recording every interaction? Don’t see the connection between your actions and their reaction? 1 + 1 = 2 dumbass. You’re clearly too stupid to be a cop.
Are there good ones? Prolly. But they are too worried about their pension to protect and serve their citizens, to rat out the bad cops, cuz blue sticks together… further entrenching the adversarial relationship. Thats why we are here.
This is spiraling out of control, and the pace is accelerating. People need to see this for the canary in the coal mine, that it is. As lockdowns return and more b.s. starts up again… if you’re a cop, quit now!!!! You think theres a target on your back now? Oh boy…
Let me try another avenue?
One side just escalated and started shooting power transformers because you won’t (serve and) protect the kids from degenerate tranny groomers. You think your job, shop, car, home is off limits? Be a shame if that new bass boat came up with a few holes in the hull. Maybe your horses get shot.
Do you really think its not going to go down that road? Like you’ll be off limits once you take that uniform off? You are not one of us anymore. You guys changed that, not us – go beat off in your shiny new SWAT gear. You can talk to me again when you carry a billy club, a radio, and .38. No citizen sees you as part of their group, and you know it, you can feel it every time you step out of that patrol car, can’t you? You have become everyones enemy by your actions, that we all see on video. You are not reviled for enforcing the law, its HOW you go about it.
Quit!!! Now!!! Get out!! Save yourself and your family! You _can_ find another job. This is all sliding down a slippery hill, various rates for various places, but it won’t ever climb back up, and it ends in violence and gunfire. Quit and get out while you have options
Your “brothers in blue” that get out ahead of you are taking all the good jobs, if you wait maybe you can drive a schoolbus. Pays nearly 100/day in some towns.
On December 5, 2022 at 10:00 am, Suburban Guy said:
This simply reinforces my decision to have a front and rear facing camera in suv, that can record live feed, and connect to cell phone hot spot and push vids out to secure cloud account.
In addition, i keep a body camera in suv, fully charged, visible if need be to let them know they are being recorded.
Also, i travel w a digital recorder for note taking and keep it velcroed to head liner, all i have to do is hit record button and it starts recording…
The piece de’resistance, is the windshiled mounted cell phone holder that also has covert audio and video recording built into it that can connect to cell hot spot and transmit data offsite…
LE is not here to protect and serve anyone but themselves and to take the Kings schilling and do its’ bidding…
They are so vastly outnumbered, and need to realize that shiny badges to not guarantee special rights.