HB5855 Illinois Assault Weapons Ban is Coming
Excellent detail is provided in this post.
They’re Coming for Your AR’s and Standard Capacity Magazines
The Chicago Sun Times reported yesterday that the Democratic caucus of the Illinois General Assembly (ILGA) plans to bring forward an “assault weapons” ban during the lame duck session in January. The text of the proposed bill* was released later and it should horrify any gun owner. The bill is facially unconstitutional, and we are planning the court challenges. *focus on the strike-through and underlined text at that link, everything else is current law.
Major trouble areas of the bill:
- State-wide registry of all currently owned “Assault Weapons”
- Ban on sales of “Assault Weapons”
- Ban on sale and possession of all (long gun and hand gun) magazines holding more than 10 rounds
- Raise the age for FOID eligibility to 21
- Firearm Restraining Orders extend from the current 6 to 12 months
This bill has an immediate effective date, as soon as the Governor signs it.
H/T @BankerWeimar
Nearly every person in my concealed carry class cited Illinois’ newly passed law that effectively legalizes crime in 2023.
(18 people total and several had come from other areas because of how booked solid classes are ahead of the law’s implementation)
— Weimar Silver Baron (@BankerWeimar) December 3, 2022
On December 11, 2022 at 7:03 pm, X said:
Welcome to the party.
They did this in New York TEN YEARS ago. Nobody gave a shit. Then they did it in California… and Connecticut and Massachusetts and New Jersey, and now in Washington and Oregon and Illinois. Michigan is on the list, too.
Every blue state is going to do this. Gun owners have proven that they are fat, gray Fudds who have too much to lose. They have fat pensions and trucks and cars and if the government says they can’t have an AR for a range toy, they’ll go along with it.
Just like they did in Canada and Australia and Great Britain.
All the talk about Lexington and Concord and the Bill of Rights and the 2A is bullshit. Nobody is going to fight anybody. The cops aren’t even going to do door-to-door confiscations, they just make everything a felony and if you get caught incidentally they’ll make an example of you. You won’t be able to take your banned stuff to the range, it’ll be useless. Besides that, 98% of this stuff is enforced at the manufacturing and wholesale level. If they say it is illegal for a gun shop to sell 10+ round mags or ammunition or ARs or whatever, they won’t.
Time to start thinking outside the box. We’re losing… badly.
On December 11, 2022 at 11:26 pm, Georgiaboy61 said:
Vote with your feet and your dollars. It is the only language the political left and the Democrats understand. Will the last person out of Illinois please turn off the lights??
On December 12, 2022 at 12:34 pm, Steady Steve said:
So glad I left Illinois to pursue my current career. I made sure to sell most of my guns to friends and destroy the bill of sale as soon as I became a Florida resident. Illinois made you keep a record for 10 years. As this bill is not Constitutional, no one should comply. Just wait out the court case. You’re going to need those AR’s and standard capacity mags for when the Great Illinois Purge Law kicks in.
On December 26, 2022 at 4:59 pm, Nathan Huff said:
dont target the tools of criminals. criminals do not care about the laws and they can always find new tools. target the criminals. Identify gangs are terrorist organizations. the FBI defines terrorists as ” Domestic terrorism: Violent, criminal acts committed by individuals and/or groups to further ideological goals stemming from domestic influences, such as those of a political, religious, social, racial, or environmental nature. -FBI” street gangs fall under this definition. stop targeting our 2nd amendment right. as a veteran seeing this state do this I am greatly disappointed. when nationals of countries we defeated in war were allowed to own and carry assault weapons. yet we as American citizens must watch as politicians try to take this from us. it is sad and disappointing. all of you who have sponsored and co sponsored this bill should not be elected again. none of you deserve the pay check you are receiving.