If Thine Eye Be Single
BY PGF2 years, 1 month ago
“22 The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light. 23 But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!” – Matthew 6:22-23
Keeping one’s gaze steadily on one fixed object it becomes easier to maintain balance. The eye is the light of the body; if you have a single purpose, and that purpose is good in the sight of God, your whole being will be full of light. There’s something to be said for having one purpose. The goal we focus on is what we become, or what we persevere to attain is what gets done.
People who are very focused on a goal don’t play defense, and they don’t get involved in whack-a-mole. Some spend all day going from one thing to another, only to accomplish very little. Multitasking is overrated.
But these verses really aren’t about self-help; they are about righteousness and evil: your eye narrowly set toward holy God that you may be light and love for those around you. Or, sadly, choosing the evil, seeking to serve the masters of this world, even yourself.
If your light is darkness, it’s no light at all. People whose light is out, devoid of the love of God, attract all manner of evil men. The darkness of the soul gathers with other darkness; no good will ever attain from a congregation of the wicked.
The ability to discern both good and evil, the spirit of truth or the lies that permeate everything, comes from reading the Holy Bible. (Hebrews 5:14). Holy God sets the standard of right and wrong. Men who don’t read the Bible live in half darkness, relying upon only the conscience to guide them. All men are sinners; the conscience is faulty, so corrupt that you’ll even end up lying to yourself, making excuses for right and wrong.
Your country is being destroyed; the foundational standard that God has set in His word is ignored and removed. The light of God is being extinguished in civil society. And it’s no accident; the rulers of darkness hate God and the Bible; seeking to justify their evil deeds, they hate the truth of right and wrong.
God is the Light of the world; His word is the foundation of truth for the knowledge of sin and righteousness. Fill your eye with the light of God, separate yourself from the evil, and seek the good. A man controls only one thing; his own choices. Everybody wants to point out the sins of others, but reviving your nation starts with your own heart first.
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